How much of a chance does Yuyushiki have for a second season?
How much of a chance does Yuyushiki have for a second season?
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About 60% but only after Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume gets one.
As big of a chance as Yui's big bubble butt
It's in production right now.
So 3x size of a normal season?
36 episodes of beantalk
The size of those hands is not healthy.
I want her to sit on my face
Somewhat likely, all of the other Kirara big leagues got a 2nd season already and yuyu merch sells well whenever is available and it has an ok doujin following. It potentially could sell better than the 1st season even, so if i had to guess a reason for not happening it would be the lack of interest by Kirara itself to push it or Kinema Citrus to make it.
One of the issues with season 2 was that Taneda Risa has been out of commission for some time due to health issues (something with her throat?) but she's very recently returned to voice acting. In terms of sales, the initial run was ok but not that outstanding. However, the OVA and box set for season 1 both sold very well. Anime sales are just a very small piece of the pie though. The only people who know for sure whether or not a season 2 is likely is the production committee, but with the major roadblock out of the way and fan interest seemingly still there, I would say it's fairly possible.
Taneda Risa (Yukari's VA) has been on medical hiatus since summer of 2016 and only returned a couple of months ago. She dropped out of all her ongoing roles so it was fairly serious. Considering the release timing of the OVA and the box set, it's reasonable to believe they were gauging interest at the time but weren't able to move forward because of losing Yukari's VA.
How much of a chance to I have at anal with Yui?
I wish i was hopeful as you.
Don't worry user, it is a certainty
Assuming the universe is infinite and unending
I want her to be forbidden to sit on anything but my face.
Who can say it is?
But Taneda is back, she was even in the OVA.
I love Yuyushiki so much and I would do anything for a second season. The threads are also starting to die after all these years.
>The threads are also starting to die after all these years.
I partially blame that on the duder deleting/moving a few of them in more recent times.
Now you know what it's like to like A-Channel in which a new OVA can muster maybe 5 or 6 posts.
That still gets OVAs? I enjoyed watching it, but I had no idea there was more content.
Yes, recently.
Her hiatus was announced 6 months before the OVA came out and was only announced to be ending this August. It was probably recorded before she left to get her throat treated
As much of a chance as this thread has of lasting till Friday.
Why are their eyes so tall
Fucking eyelet leave.
At least I'm not a widelet
damn thats a really nice ass, too bad about her face looking like a cars windshield
Take it back
Every time I see this image I think that her left leg is like a dog's.
I'm in the tree looking at them
Yuzuko caught me
I want to シネ!
How many times have you rewatched Yuyushiki?
What the heck would compel someone to draw this??
Well there are birds and there are bees. When they love each other very much, the bird gets stung by the bee and it's like "Aw yes baby, aw yes."
I want you to 死ね
probably 4
sometimes I just put on a random episode
godDAMN Humi with the cake
I wish I would
Deepest lore.
Yui flips my switch
I haven't forgotten Alice to Zorouku
Ohayou /yys/
Guddo mo-ningu!
0% chance because the government is keeping the joy of yuyu away from the people
Know Your Enemy
>the kind that you can just touch
Does that count as a switch?
OVA crossover when?
When those thighs get thicker.
Yukari's birthday was a few days ago
do americans really do this?
Yes. All Americans. At birth.
Always remember that Yuzuko was designed exclusively for bully.
more like they did this in the 90/2000's by just picking a word they liked.
that butt has to be at least 20cm tall, holy shit
Yuzu was designed exclusively for sex. And cuddles.
Sorry, I got a job ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's not okay.
well it's going to have to be ok...
I wasn't allowed to post for a while
You can't make it okay with violence.
Not violence, just equanimity
No, no user don't take your anger out on me, nooooo!!
Is it possible to overdose on Yuyus? I'm not sure watching this is safe.
Me too, but I still do my duty and post on my breaks.
Do my duty. Do my duty hard.
I just quit my job, I'll post double time for you responsible user.
High since the ova sold 9K for some reason.
I want all the yuyus to take turns sitting on my face, especially Yukari when she's wearing those tights
I want Yuzuko to die from being suffocated by my ass.
Thanks user, that means a lot
Thank fucking god, the threads were pure circlejerk.
You joke but I don't laugh because everyone and their mom seems to do this now.
>t. contrarian embittered about being in a minority
The retard proves to be secretly superior once again.
What happened to Yuyuesday? I never see it anymore.
Hah hah, n-not sure what you're talking about user
we can't use that word or the thread gets moved to /c/
daily reminder that yui is a psychologically tortured child, yuzuko and yukari are hallucinations that serve as her imaginary friends which she uses as a coping mechanism.
What? Why is that?
Mods get confused about what is and isn't a general
Do they at least have it on /c/?
No, the /c/itzens get angry and tell us that we don't belong.
The weekly yuyushiki threads will remain on Sup Forums, we just have to channel the spirit of the data-processing club.
What are they usually called?
tfw its past the date
The citizens of /c/ or the spirit of the data-processing club?