Are Spanish people the best when it comes to making anime dubs...

Are Spanish people the best when it comes to making anime dubs? I met some some Mexican girls who have some really cute voices

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Same thing no?

Getting that brown fever lads

They had accents from Spain I think.

To be fair Spanish dubs from Spain are all trash. When it comes to spanish dubs, mexican ones are the most neutral in terms of accent and usually the most professional as well.

OP posted subs from Spain


Some Spanish dub from Spain are nice. Like Bobobo or Black Lagoon




Sometimes I wanna here another language other that Japanese

Then you should stop watching anime and fuck off to

Leave me alone!

I also want to hear Anime done in another language, not just crappy dubs. I think it's possible without being Sup Forums-ish.

These are clearly Spaniards.
As well as this one.


Still very nice!

I'll give you a 6/10.
You made me remember the YouTube comments section from the Simpsons dubs. That thing's a battlefield of mexicans vs spaniards over which dub is better.
Spoiler alert: mexican is shit, spanish is the best.


Paella dubs = Spain spanish
Taco dubs = Mexico spanish

Spaniard Bobobo is THE SMOOTHEST.

Whenever someone says that, I feel like asking them if american english and british english is the same for them too.

It's okay guys, DBS totally isn't ruining the board.

The thing is America is an exporter of media much more than an importer. Thus other countries have dubbing markets because they need to dub imported media from other countries. America doesn't have such a need, so American dubbing is of lower quality.

Spanish Bobobo was a work of art

I really liked Black Lagoon's dub too, I saw the japanese voices years later and I honestly felt like those were worse.

On the topic of OP, since Love Live Sunshine is licensed in Spain, I wonder what they're going to do with the voices. The company that owns the rights is... not very trusted, to say the least, and have also made contests to get fans to dub some of the characters in their animes, with the results that one might expect. In the english dub for Love Live they don't dub the songs, right?

They're not the best when it comes to making Abridged series, that is for sure.

Fucking christ it's like they're just reading some script.

The spain dub memes were true

>spaniard accent

Nothing gets my dick harder