Americans are not 56% white

This link does not say white Americans are 56% white. It says whites are 56% of America's population. Not that 100% of Americans are 56% white.

>and they say american education is bad

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Nigger Brits are behind this. Cheddar Man Jrs. running around being niggers.

I'll have you know I was called a mutt on an anonymous image board and I only cried for 20 minutes

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Race is a sociological construct.

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Know your enemy. I don’t even care for the 56% meme. I want the remaining whites of America to join with Europeans to make an alliance that will shock the entire world.

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I thought that was obvious and that the muttposting was just flagrant shitposting.

Attached: genome wide ancestry estimates and x chromosomes estimates african americans latinos european americ (496x786, 177K)

>It says whites are 56% of America's population. Not that 100% of Americans are 56% white.
Yeah, just like much of South America but that doesn't stop burgers from calling them hue monkeys etc.

actually more than 70% of Americans are white but we have to pump those numbers up

Attached: you-gotta-pump-those-numbers-up-those-are-rookie-numbers.jpg (635x435, 45K)

Americans are 56% white.

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>I want the remaining whites of America to join with Europeans to make an alliance that will shock the entire world.


Do you not even read Sup Forums?

Do you not even read comment sections across the internet?

You realise the mutt meme is just a meme, right?
The US is a mixed country but the individual races aren't very mixed in and of themselves, leading to the obscene amount of race tension that you have.

Reported to the queen, fucker.

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It literally does not mention the whiteness percentile you teenage fucktard

>it says America is 56%

No it doesn't, the actual count is 60%. Go fucking read the goddamn motherfucking American Community Survey you worthless mouthbreathing fucktard.

>define le 56 face as 100% white
>Hurr le 56 % are 100 % white
Literally Brazil tier whites

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Attached: angry mutt.png (686x720, 230K)

>Taking an Sup Forums meme meant to rile up gullible polacks seriously instead of having fun with it
You got played

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56% of Americans are White by American standards. By European standards the average White American is only 56% White making you a nation of mutts without a single truly White person.


The US census includes latinos in the white percentage.

Did you bother reading the post

>be amerishit
>call italians + irish + slavs not white online
>remove these people from the white percentage
>drops to 19%

Attached: 56face.png (241x263, 13K)

>shitskins get triggered and spend their entire day spamming muttmemes thread# 49823498203984
maximum cringe

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If northwest Europeans genuinely believe Meds, Slavs, and Irish aren't white, then yes, a majority of Americans aren't white.

>Not just laughing at the EL GOBLINO posts

Baka desu

Don't be fucking stupid. The mutt is a collective representation of the US population. Even the shitposters know there are full whites in the US, but it's irrelevant because we're still 44% non-white and growing.

Your bar is pretty low tho

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It was, Americans really are just a bunch of brainlets who need this stated for them anyway. I'm Japanese so I already knew that, and Northern Europeans likewise tend to have those high IQs.

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Fuck you you fuckin' beaner bitch, shut the fuck up faggot.

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Non-whites aren't Americans by the founding fathers' definition of "American" which is "free white persons of good character". (see: Naturalization Act of 1790.)

The US gov classifies latinos as white. Literally no white american thinks they are white.

True, but the actual number is probably much lower than 56%, pic related

Attached: dirtybeanerslistedaswhiteareskewingcrimestatistics.jpg (1574x3408, 2.11M)

I'm aware. Also by our Founder's wishes women shouldn't vote. They really knew best. I agree with you, but we've been cucked ever since the founders lost the reigns and Andrew Jackson was proven to be a fluke, not a new trend in American leadership.

> We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among MEN, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,


56% of americans are 100% white
44% are nonwhite or mutts


some of these aren't white
like Juan Carlos Marizcal

>falls for stupid meme troll
race mixing is a problem
OP eat shit you stupid fuck

I understand, you’ve said it many ways
I cant have pride in my people or my race
(((they))) said it directly to my face



Hi Newfag
The meme was a combination of 56% of America being white and Americans always LARPing on about being 1/32 German Btw.
>Lurk More

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No, but americans will be less than 56% white in years time.

Your demographics are like a smoothie, and the population are the ingredients.

Pic related is what the american will look like in maybe 70 years.

Attached: w2.png (500x398, 292K)

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among MEN, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Quote by Thomas Jefferson, a slave holder, who did not believe blacks were equal. This is taken out of context. Jefferson wasn't an egalitarianist. He was talking about Europeans.

Imagine having the social intelligence of a cockroach.

Those non-whites aren't Americans.

No. Nobody did. You're still trying to prove a fucking meme wrong.