If capitalism is the best system

if capitalism is the best system,

why is everyone so miserable?

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Because we have to deal with insufferable, shitty posts like this from little faggots like you.

What capitalism?

See what I did here guys? We're the commies now.

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>why is everyone so miserable?

Because they were taught to avoid work. It hardly matters what system you live under, the basics of life require that you extract resources from the ground in order to live.

I'm not miserable, but I'm not a poorfag.

As soon as men accept money as an equivalent for life, the sale of living activity becomes a condition for their physical and social survival. Life is exchanged for survival. Creation and production come to mean sold activity. A man's activity is "productive," useful to society, only when it is sold activity. And the man himself is a productive member of society only if the activities of his daily life are sold activities. As soon as people accept the terms of this exchange, daily activity takes the form of universal prostitution.

The sold creative power, or sold daily activity, takes the form of labor; labor is a historically specific form of human activity; labor is abstract activity which has only one property; it is marketable; it can be sold for a given quantity of money; labor is indifferent activity; indifferent to the particular task performed and indifferent to the particular subject to which the task is directed. Digging, printing and carving are different activities, but all three are labor in capitalist society; labor is simply "earning money." Living activity which takes the form of labor is a means to earn money. Life becomes a means of survival.


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Because life is usually pretty miserable. Capitalism gives us the free time to notice that. Also to be miserable, you must necessarily not be dead of starvation.

>why is everyone so miserable?
cause the system has a leg called leftism that indulges and consents people's mediocrity for the sake of weaponizable resentment

>free time
Yeah no
At the bottom of the totem pole, there is not much free time

>System designed for humans
>Humans still fuck it up
Gee, I wonder the problem could ultimately be.

It has less to do with Capitalism than the loss of religion, traditions, social cohesion, culture etc.

I'm not miserable. Early 20s, have a roof over my head and beer money.

You don't work for someone elses profit, you work for your own, that's why you get PAID and that's how it's different from slavery. You make a contract that you will do this and this for the amount of money that your work is worth. You can always create your own business and hire others. It's not owning slaves, it's helping others make a living, you fucking ass. Why would you want everything for free if everything needs human work to get done? If you want you can always go to a forest and make a house out of what you find and eat what you can find. It's your fucking choice but if you want to use a product of other people's work, you should give some of your own work.

>At the bottom of the totem pole, there is not much free time
Yeah, standing in the welfare line can eat up a whole afternoon.

Capitalism is an economic system.
People are miserable because they think an economic system can fill the gaping void in their life.
Join a traditional Christian church, and start living right.
Or, if you must be an Atheist, at least honor your ancestors and culture, that can get you ~80% of the way there.

real capitalism has never been tried before

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The chattel don't deserve happiness. One thing you have to accept is that most humans are braindead automatons.

When was life not a means of survival?
Actually it's thanks to capitalism that you have free time to post all this bullshit while in any other times you would be busy fighting for your life.

Hard to admit, but you are entirely correct.

*tips fedora*

there is a difference between life and survival.

The sale of living activity brings about another reversal. Through sale, the labor of an individual becomes the "property" of another, it is appropriated by another, it comes under the control of another. In other words, a person's activity becomes the activity of another, the activity of its owner; it becomes alien to the person who performs it. Thus one's life, the accomplishments of an individual in the world, the difference which his life makes in the life of humanity, are not only transformed into labor, a painful condition for survival; they are transformed into alien activity, activity performed by the buyer of that labor. In capitalist society, the architects, the engineers, the laborers, are not builders; the man who buys their labor is the builder; their projects, calculations and motions are alien to them; their living activity, their accomplishments, are his.

In exchange for his sold activity, the worker gets money, the conventionally accepted means of survival in capitalist society. With this money he can buy commodities, things, but he cannot buy back his activity. This reveals a peculiar "gap" in money as the "universal equivalent." A person can sell commodities for money, and he can buy the same commodities with money. He can sell his living activity for money, but he cannot buy his living activity for money.

The things the worker buys with his wages are first of all consumer goods which enable him to survive, to reproduce his labor-power so as to be able to continue selling it. And they are spectacles, objects for passive admiration. He consumes and admires the products of human activity passively. He does not exist in the world as an active agent who transforms it. But as a helpless impotent spectator he may call this state of powerless admiration "happiness," and since labor is painful, he may desire to be "happy," namely inactive, all his life (a condition similar to being born dead)

Amazing how you can put something totally moronic into beautiful and intelligently sounding words. Truly incredible indeed.

Being surrounded by diversity hires that make the entire system grind to a halt.

>why is everyone so miserable?
Boomers raised their children to prize leisure and hedonism over pride in one's work. Now, instead of idealizing industry and productivity (duties), today's youth idealizes parasitism and laziness (entitlements). They are miserable because they are in a miserable state of mind.

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Capitalist ideology allows people to blame social problems on those affected rather than seeing problems as something to be fixed.

Because socialists are actively sabotaging it.

read the whole thing or listen to it



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thinking about how driving an uber is great?

How moronic can you get?

Bc they are lazy and don't understand they get what they work for. Work harder faggot.

to the point of insurrection


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I'm not. They're just doing it wrong.

I hope you die of starvation

ill eat the rich

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You will be eaten by the niggers in any societal break down scenario


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because life is miserable no matter what economic system you have. we're mortal bags of rotting meat competing for limited resources on a rock in space. what do you expect?

Sure and when you run out of the rich to eat, what will you do?

words of truth

ill pray to a God called Capital and ask it to forgive my sins and he will, because he is al mighty, and then KFC chicken will rain

Pffft you'll eat hot lead wannabe pinko fagboi

I knew it. Marxism is a mental illness.