>Mordred survives this
Fate Shitpocrypha
>3rd rate Servant can't kill a 1st rate one
Gee, I don't know.
great music at this part
Fran was one of the better things about this shitheap
Mordred is the best.
power levels are fucking retarded no matter what series it is
>1st rate
pfffft..... HAHAHAHA
Bryn can beat Shitred
This made me really upset. The two best girls don't deserve to fight eachother.
That was the only important thing Mordred has done or will do all season
God fucking dammit.
>a 1st rate one
If she was so good then why didn't her father love her?
Father wanted a son, got a bitch instead.
Daddy won't love you if you don't have a dick.
her father likes someone else
Frankenstein rape scene was hard to watch. Best girl doesn't deserve that.
Apoc is shit. SHIT! Why is the the grail sending Jeanneshit after Amakusa when he hasn't done anything wrong? Why is Jeanne such a bitch to everyone but Sieg?
Post lewd mordred
My memory momentarily deceived me and I almost actually wondered whether I had totally forgotten about some sort of rape scene here.
Why didn't they give the glasses boy Siegfried and that fatso Frankenstein?
>using a magic-based suicide attack on a Servant with high Magic Resistance
And this year's Darwin Award goes to...
>magic-based suicide attack
Science isn't magic.
Command spells make you immune to noble phantasms, didn't you hear?
It seems that command spells can completely deny NP.
If Waver were not retarded and spent his command he could have easily won from Gilgamesh in Fate/Zero
Caulus and Siegfried together would instantly win over a lot of the retarded pairings from the very beginning.
>low tier NP
>low tier servant
>Saber Class has OP Magic Resistance
>was buffed by a Command Seal
It was all stated within that very episode, user. Come on. This isnt difficult.
Gordes got Sumanai's catalyst bartering with the Einzbern. Caules is also a shittier magus.
Plot armor
>B rank NP
>stitched together human remains vs knight of the round table
Go-Lion used a Command Spell to counter the other Command Spell by ordering her to survive.
In the LN, he used it to teleport Mordred away from the attack radius, but due to Caules command to defeat Mordred, the lightning traced Mordred either way at the cost of losing power. They point out had Go Lion not used a CS, Mordred could have died in the explosion
Gáe Bolg is also B
Fucking luck stat, I'll never forgiv Nasu for that shit.
What does luck have to do with this? It's an anime and visual novel, where does luck apply?
Knight of Rounds always job to B-Rank NP
user pls
a suicide bomb should at least bring her to the brink of death
because Blasted Tree is shit compared to Stella
Mordred had good endurance, good regeneration AND a good master.
Frankenstein on the other hand had a subpar master (bad masters give their servants status drops) and a low ranked mad enhancement (less power-up from the berserker class). She had a good supply of mana, but even so the attack was only good as that because Caules boosted it with a Command Spell.
The thing is, Mordred's master ALSO used a Command Spell to protect Mordred. It basically countered Caules Command Spell's boost in the anime, while in the LN, Kairi teleported Mordred away. Caules' order to kill Saber made the lightning track her down, but even so it lost power.
Basically, Frankenstein had no chance to kill Mordred to begin with due to having a subpar magus as a master. Both of them used their abilities well and Command Spells well, but Frankenstein couldn't kill her.
Command spell reinforcement plus Mordred's hax armor made by Morgan.
Why does the subpar master matter? Waver was (is) a pathetic magus and Iskandar still kicked ass.
Let's face it, Fran a shit.
Fran is like the worst berserker in fate and her Np is shit too. Which is weird since her myth should be one of most famous thanks to Universal
the anime wasn't very clear on this part but in the LN, Mordred is teleported away with a CS before Fran explodes.
>Iskandar still kicked ass
while I love broskandar his best achievement was killing Assassin in reality marble
He lost his chariot pretty easy against saber and did pretty much nothing else other that keeping notCthulu busy.
>Why does the subpar master matter?
Because it affects the servant. Saber Arturia as the servant of Kiritsugu had a drop in strength, but boost in agility, meanwhile when seh served Shirou nearly every parameter she had dropped. Rider serving Shinji had a drop in nearly every stat, yet a boost in luck.
The same applies to Kariya, but his Berserker Lancelot had a stronger Mad Enhancement to compensate for it and in addition to that Arondight boosted him further. If Kariya had better mana reserves, Saber Arturia would have been defeated for example.
Waver was a subpar magus and that was reflected on Iskandar. Using his noble fantasm twice cost nearly all his reserves and Waver couldn't replenish them. Iskandar could only launch the Reality Marble against Gilgamesh because he was boosted by THREE command spells.
Caules was a good master on the strategical aspect, but not a good from the magus aspect. Frankenstein's suicide killing Mordred is possible, but not when Mordred had a great master and Frankenstein had a bad one.
>all speculation
I trust my canon more than anything else.
We literally see her changed stats in FSN with Shirou and Rin
>I trust my canon more than anything else.
Shows you have negative knowledge of canon material.
Check Saber's stats under each master and see the difference for yourself then. Check Rider when she is serving Shinji and when she is serving her true master.
Read the Fate/Zero novel and the side materials too that information reagarding Kariya and Waver and their respective servants.
Read the Apocrypha novel supplementar material too and see for youself as well.
You are a goddamn idiot, you know?
>I trust my canon more than anything else.
If you had read the fucking canon you'd know it's true you filthy secondary
>being this autistic
Should've summoned Papa Moriarty.
Should have summoned better servants
I am still shocked that Apocrypha has even worse writing that UBW or Zero. Bravo Higashide.
The writing is already bad in the LN, but passable/fun. The anime for some goddamn reason cuts important stuff and makes it even worse.
Is this the most awkwardly painful and retarded romance in the history of Fate?
someone who has it post that pic
Rhino says hi
Did I stutter, m'lady?
Read the fucking visual novel
luck status is just a name. I can call it his Faggot status and it won't change a thing user
>Beaiting this hard
Bait status: B+
Sumanai's heart might have saved his life but it wasn't enough to save his character from being a cardboard doll
>Shinji gives a boost to luck
That's bullshit.
Check Rider's status under him
It could also be that Sakura brings down Rider's luck because she's a plague.
I'm not saying you made it up, I'm saying that it's bullshit that Shinji increases luck when he's the unluckiest master.
This. Fate/Prototype: fragments of otomeshit when?
>Iskandar still kicked ass.
Well, to be fair the unluckiest masters were the ones that summoned Caster and Lancer. If anything Shinji surviving that long being a powerless idiot is a testament of his luck
Caster's master and Bazett both got fucked because they trusted a master of betrayal, that's low INT more than LCK. Shinji gained control of a servant despite having no magical ability purely on the strength of his amazing people skills.
Let's just forget about that whore.
Should have summoned her as a saber.
I'm going to roll a lot of quartz for Saber Frank.
>Caules being a good strategist and a shit magus
To add to that, how much mana one can provide to their servant is important.
The Hercules summoned in FGO is stated to be weaker than he is in FSN, because the player character literally can't give him enough mana for his full power, even with Chaldea's support.
The only reason the player character in FGO is the 'best' master is because they are in-story great strategists and know how to manage servants very well, and their flaw of being an utterly shit magus is compensated by Chaldea's support.
If you expect anything in Fate to make even a semblance of sense, you are approaching the show with the wrong attitude. To answer your question: because she is best.