Its retarded, ahistorical, and basically fucking stupid. Try to prove me wrong. (This is not bait).
Holocaust denial
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I guess i should add some claims. 6 million people died in the camps. Auschwitz had gas chambers that were used to kill inmates. Jews and other minorities were arrested, the overwhelming majority of them died. The people working in the camps were pure fucking evil. Mengele experimented on humans.
What’s the defnotion of a holocaust?
>This is not bait.
So, it's bait? Glad you're being honest, OP.
Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
Jews call it the shoah, the catastrophe.
Its not bait. Im quite serious
Essentially it's a new religion because you have to take it on faith that it's promotors are telling the truth and assuming that all the scientific evidence that shows it's fraud is irrelevant.
Id love to see some of this fabled evidence
fake fake fake the camps were just internment, like the ones the US used for the japs. Blame allies for destroying Germany's infrastructure, causing the useless jews to starve and die of disease. Auschwitz had a theater swimming pool and more those jews lived n luxury
Worldwide census data shows the Jewish population didn't change much prior to and following the war. I'm not saying Jews didn't die in the holocaust, but it definitely wasn't six million.
Show flag faggot
A favourite example of the negationists is the so-called swimming pool in Auschwitz I. They argue that the presence of a swimming pool, with three diving boards, shows that the camp was really a rather benign place, and therefore could not have been a center of extermination. They ignore that the swimming pool was built as a water reservoir for the purpose of firefighting (there were no hydrants in the camp), that the diving boards were added later, and that the pool was only accessible to SS men and certain privileged Aryan prisoners employed as inmate-funcionaries in the camp. The presence of the swimming pool does not say anything about the conditions for Jewish inmates in Auschwitz, and does not challenge the existence of an extermination program with its proper facilities in Auschwitz II.
>perverted Jews enjoying the torment
No one cares, Ari. 8 billion dead yids isn't enough to make anyone feel honest sympathy for Jews.
Holocaust is a jewish word, it means burnt offering, it was performed as a ritual sacrifice routine of throwing babies into the fire under an effigy of a deity.
Crematoriums were not burning live people, 3400 per day as claimed because there are no mass ash deposits anywhere near the labor camps, nor were they transported by train because the rail lines had already been destroyed by allied bombing.
People who were firebombed and nuked were both part of the zionist holocaust for their perceived deity, themselves.
As a follow-up to my previous post, note that the jew-owned New York Times had been using the terms "holocaust" and "6 million deaths" long before WW2.
I dont care about feelings, im talking about history
Okay, can you show where Hitler gave the order to gas the jews, or show me one picture of a gas chamber in use during the war?
>Try to prove me wrong
Lol fagit JIDF try to prove it happened the way you juden say it did. Also, why LaRp with a Nazi flag? Did you forget to switch it Rabi Rosengoldsteinberg?
this is obviously "V" lmao
I know about the rest but anus gas pumps?
yeah i don't see any proof just your bullshit claims. If the holocaust is such a historical fact why is questioning it illegal in many countries?
Even is 6 million jews were gassed who cares? Worse genocides have happened thats just human history. The jews use it to milk gibs and sympathy from all the stupid goyim
Looks like OP is ignoring my other posts. Clearly a slide/bait thread. Sage and move on
The chimney isn't even connected to the building at one of the so called "furnaces"
Only the legal owner of Dehomag has records of it and those records remain a corporate secret. You cannot prove or disprove without those records.
>slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire
Tbh if it wasn't bait you typically should bring an argument yourself. But in your defence, threads about this subject are almost guaranteed to be flooded by shitposters and flamers, so I understand it if you think effortposting isn't worth the effort.
In middle school they taught us the human skin lampshades were real... lying fucks the US education system is really shittyy
>the swimming pool meme isn't dead yet
Jesus Christ.
Even a Holocaust denier has to admit the 3rd Reich didn't like Jews. Why the fuck would they build a swimming pool in an internment camp designed to house the people they hated with such vitriol?
>We hate them and unironically believe they conspired to destroy us for the past centuries but Polish Summers get pretty hot, might as well let them have a dip and enjoy themselves.
>and that the pool was only accessible to SS men and certain privileged Aryan prisoners employed as inmate-funcionaries in the camp
Wait, so was it a swimming pool or a water reservoir? It's not so much the pool, but the theater, the band, the soccer field, the grand piano , the commissary, the jew only whorehouse and the access to painting supplies to paint the theater .
I'm pretty sure more Germans were burned, executed tortured and raped than all the jews in ww2
God help the Germanic people. We are in serious trouble
Its retarded, ahistorical, and basically fucking stupid. Try to prove me wrong. (This is not bait).
Someone post that pic with 10 stadiums or something like that.
No shit the fuvking jews have been expelled from various countries over 100 times no one likes them!
Hitler wanted to deport them to Madagascar after the war. You really believe all the bs about the lampshades and masturbation machines and all that shite??
Dresden city council announced a report in 2003 or something that said no more than 25 000 people died. still terrible though
Of course.
At least the Jews had food and housing in the POW camps.
German POW, if they weren’t shot, were put in vast fenced-in fields with no shelter, not even tents. They starved and resorted to cannabalism
Theres no actual proof of the holocaust. They claim all the bodies were cremated, but thats an impossibility given the amount of dead claimed and the furnace capacities. Why would Germany waste its resources on jews interned in camps when they have a multiple front war to wage
Where are all the bodies? You don't just sweep 6 million+ corpses under a rug and lose them, even if they're reduced to ash you're going to have some fuck huge ash deposits somewhere. Yet despite all our searching we've yet to find any ash deposits or mass graves that even pretend to come close to accounting for the number of bodies the offical narrative calls for.
Also the phrase "holocaust denial" is a strawman to equate reasonable criticism of the holocaust narrative, like the above question and various other tidbids like Nazi masturbation machines, with outright denial of the jews ever being interned in the first place.
That pic Tokyo friend. More dead than both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Just show your flag and admit you're a jew so we can have an honest discussion.
>that all the scientific evidence that shows it's fraud
there is none that shows it is fraud
>Its retarded, ahistorical, and basically fucking stupid.
I agree but why is it illegal?
You’re the guy from the last thread, aren’t you? The “are pol nazi” one
Where is the autistic French poster that constantly lies, gets btfo and in the next day pretends nothing had happened the previous day, so he continues again?
What's that got to do with swimming pools, you spaz?
yep. And you have the mongoloid russians that were even more brutal to Germans than the US was. Although the US and Britain firebombed German civilians by the millions
If you're going debunk Sup Forums's worldview then at least have some evidence:
At this point I am convinced that all Nazi meme flags are just Redditors lapring as Sup Forumsacks.
where did you get these figures, because pic related
what happened in 1949 that 5.5 million died?
could it be that the data was not updated in 1940-1948 because they had no census? that the data used in 1948 was actually 1938 data? (because there was a war on and nobody was counting heads in 1944 in europe)
that you are basically retarded, given the obvious drop once the census data could actually be updated?
Aushwitz had a swimming pool and theater, and bar among other amenities for the prisoners. I truly believe the Germans didn't mass exterminate jews, they just interned them similar to how the US interned Japanese in the US. Then as resources became scarce many jews starved and became sick
Ask yourself: Why is holocaust denial illegal in many countries??
Can you prove it happened? Can you prove that there was an official program to exterminate Jews, that six million jews were killed, that gas chambers were used to kill Jews?
kek, it took you so long to figure out? 90% of the Nazi flags are raiders. I don't know why the fuck Hiroshima decided to introduce these meme flags again, they do nothing but drive quality discussion down.
>(this is not bait)
He's going all out
Observing how the Soviets treated Germany even made Patton regret everything.
He said “We slaughtered the wrong pig” and Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages.And all of Europe will be communist.” Gen. George S. Patton, July 21, 1945
This is exactly why I don't believe in the holocaust anymore: I tried to prove it for myself -- how hard could it be? everyone knows it's true! -- and found it basically impossible.
Wheres the ash from all the bodies?
The camps were staffed by a reasonably large compliment of German soldiers and officers. 7,000 men served in Auschwitz throughout the war. I'm sure they could have enjoyed a swim.
actually there was a non jew only whorehouse.
jews were not allowed and did not have their own brothel.
the other things - you know it was a camp of over 200,000 people with over a thousand guards and another thousand auxiliary staff? Do you think those things might have been for the guards, not the slave labourers?
and does the presence of any of those things in one part of the camp (the theatre predated the camp) mean that it was impossible for any nastiness to happen elsewhere?
also what do you think of Treblinka or Sobibor - camps that did not have any of those things?
I’m going to murder Tommy Huang
dude the pools were for the nazi workers, and were also used for fire extinguishing as no fire hydrants were there
Fuck off kike, you aren't fooling anybody
yep. I read "band of brothers" a book written by US army vets from WW2 that fought in Europe, and the US troops that talked about Nazi era Germany said they saw themselves in the Germans. They realized in the end the Germans were not the evil ones, and that maybe we had been deceived
Also, of course he died in a “””car accident””” after making numerous public statements like these
97% of the jews in Poland were killed in a system of ghettos asn camps and extermination centres by the Nazis.
that is three million people.
the einsatzgruppen reported the systematic extermination of over a million Jews in the eastern states.
Half a million jews were transported from Hungary, to be killed,
how much more proof do you need. all of this can be backed up with documentary evidence.
>masturbation machines
And we have a winner!
Yes, you are the first person in this thread to refer to a book published in 2004 by a non jew who had never been to Europe (Australian) who lied and said he was a jewish camp survivor (probably for the money)
You have tried to suggest that an historical event did not happen because of a story told fifty years later in a book that also tells of how he escaped from Auschwitz with two other children and how they were fed by wolves, who threw up food for them to eat - which was better than the food they got in the camp. (I am not making this shit up – look it up)
As a reward you get the Shiny Medal of Shit Tier Argument
Wear it with pride, and always remember how Trump has a basement full of boys he feeds pizza to as he masturbates them to death with his robot hair, so he can collect the semen for Hillary to make into her special potion that she uses to melt steel beams and sells as “fluoride” to the water industry
The Holocaust is a monumental moment in history, we should always remember how Germany killed 200000-300000 jews
Do you have any proof the holocaust happened?
You know Elie Weasel, the famous survivor? There is no picture of his tattoo. It doesn't exist.
by the millions? the Dresden bombing killed no more than 25 000, according to Dresden city council. They invited 15 historians to compile the data for years. fucking hell dude
Prove it happened to me you fucking kikes. Go get V and that Austrian if you have to.
Where is proofs pls
>extermination centers
some jews had. some were kept for slave labour.
but millions were just killed on arrival.
>Do you think those things might have been for the guards, not the slave labourers?
Except for the accounts from survivors talking about making stage plays, playing soccer, buying cigarettes from the commisary and painting the theatre discounts that completely.
>and does the presence of any of those things in one part of the camp (the theatre predated the camp) mean that it was impossible for any nastiness to happen elsewhere?
Oh no, of course not. It's the lack of physical evidence in the form of bodies, mass graves, or ash with human remains that discounts that.
Majdanek has a monumental pile of ashes in a mausoleum. I think Sobibor does too.
dumping what i have
>Dresden was the only city bombed
Ok friend. Don’t count all the other cities in Germany or even Berlin?
Even in Japan 600,000 died in Tokyo fire bombing alone
Then how about the lampshades and shrunken heads? That were completely debunked but a women was hung for that? She was also accused of fucking the inmates, because that behaviour would've been tolerated by the nazis around her. Or the electrified plates that incinerated jews instantaneously to ashes, which was never found and is physically impossible. Or the man that survived, what was it, six gassings? Yep, sounds airtight to me, unlike those gaschambers apparently.
Wheres the evidence? I've never seen any. Just bullshit stories about hman skin lampshades, diamonds in faces, and masturbation death machines. Jews have been expelled from various nations over 100 times throughout history.
Fuck em
>millions were killed on arrival
Proofs pls
There weren’t even millions dead, ~200,000 died from starvation and diseases namely typhus
>that even pretend to come close to accounting for the number of bodies the offical narrative calls for.
well a million bodies when cremated would make a pile about the size of five tennis courts ten feet deep.
that is not a big pile.
it isn't fuck huge
it isn't a mountain, it isn't even a hill
and they found three 50 by 50 by twenty foot deep graves at Treblinka - big enough to take that amount of ash
>Try to prove me wrong.
wish i had higher res of this one
what about irene Zizblatt and here diamond int he feces story? Thats made up by a jew
Or the fact that Anne Franks diary is a fucking forgery written by her pedophillic father? You jews disgust me
Oh all the extermination camps were in the east? I wonder why. It cant be because the eastern front was a fucking extermination war itself, of course not
>and they found three 50 by 50 by twenty foot deep graves at Treblinka - big enough to take that amount of ash
Are we talking about this one? Because there were no mass graves containing 900,000 jews in Treblinka EVER discovered.
>this is not bait
Ah, that's good, thought it was for a second. (sage)
more liars
>Nazi masturbation machines
Oh so sorry you only came second!
Yes, you are the second person in this thread to refer to a book published in 2004 by a non jew who had never been to Europe (Australian) who lied and said he was a jewish camp survivor (probably for the money)
a book so bad the publisher withdrew it.
a book so fake that no -one on the planet believes it
You have tried to suggest that an historical event did not happen because of a story told fifty years later in a book that also tells of how he escaped from Auschwitz with two other children and how they were fed by wolves, who threw up food for them to eat - which was better than the food they got in the camp. (I am not making this shit up – look it up)
As a reward you get the Shiny Participation Medal of Shit Tier Participation
Wear it with pride, and always remember how Soros has a basement full of boys he feeds pizza to as he masturbates them to death, so he can collect the semen for Hillary to make into her special potion that she uses to melt steel beams and sells as “fluoride” to the water industry
Dresden is one city. And i guarantee you the soviets massacred every German they could
You're claiming the holocaust happened. The burden of proof is on you.
That said, we should do it now.
>this is not bait
bait detected
See link
Netanyahu said hitler did nothing wrong
Fucking top jew, merchant of all merchants says Hitler was cool
Thank you brother!
Jews and jew lovers read it and weep
>this dude trying to shill his books for the 100th time
Who's jewing who?