Just finished pick related, what did I think of it?
Just finished pick related, what did I think of it?
drastically overrated, it's decent at best
Isn't it just generic romance shit?
overrated, very boring. also, autism.
Actually nostalgic work without relying on gimmicks or anything, just actual relatable stuff that anyone that had a young love can see and feel all those things again. It was pretty great.
>relatable stuff that anyone that had a young love can see and feel all those things again
>Sup Forums
So the people who claimed that Sup Forums mostly consisted of mentally challenged underage kids were right all along.
I think you want to download LINE™
Incredibly boring as a love story
Only stands out as anime because most anime love stories are even worse.
this what i was thinking, the main dude was literally me in high school. being an autistic loner who had a few girlfriends and we would text like they did in this show. they weren't as innocent as this girl though...
It did a really good job of realistically portraying high school romance. If you think romance needs massive amounts of drama to be good you'll probably hate it, but if you want to watch something cute that reminds you of school life you'll like it.
Well-paced, relatively nuanced romance with perhaps a simple ending. I wish the main conflict wasn't something external to them, but the early eps were solid. The characters are realistic (i.e. not walking memes) and there are no gimmicks, so don't expect Sup Forums to like it.
*middle school romance
Kare kano is accurate HS romance.
Here is what literally every person liking it will say
>it is boring on purpose because that is more realistic
>Sup Forums not liking it is proof that it is good
Even though Sup Forums likes it but they can't even handle the slightest criticism.
You were in despair because your life will never be that comfy.
>so don't expect Sup Forums to like it.
Sup Forums loves it.
It was too short, but I understand what the director was thinking when he did it that way, we didn't need to know more other than the moment the couple ACTUALLY got together, everything that came after was simply life and it was a nice touch to show where that life lead to. In a way, I think it was better this way than just make season after season with a new conflict everytime, nevertheless I wouldn't mind more about it, maybe a spinoff about the cake teacher, I would actually pay for that shit.
Quite frankly, if you say "its boring" then your opinion doesnt even deserve to receive a response. Thats just a statement that is as inappropriate of being called "criticism" as "Its good because I liked it". Theres not really much of an incentive to bother with people like you, since what is and isnt "boring" depends entirely on your severely limited view. Theres not shred of objectivity to it, no solid argument or actual, substantiated criticism. You shouldnt expect people to consider you anything but a troll.
I didn't say it is boring. People defending it saying it is boring on purpose because that is more realistic
Keep up a little. At least try to understand something so simple
I guess Sup Forums is not one person. I don't recall seeing much discussion, but the handful of people who talk about it seem to like it. It's the kind of show you'd drop after two eps if you didn't like it, so that helps.
Its incredibly loved on Sup Forums
Just saying it is decent and you get attacked
Anything short of saying it is the best anime ever is too little.
This had tons of drama though. Every episode their relationship is at risk because of either autism or cucking.
You are thinking too hard about it.
I've only read a couple of tsuki ga kirei threads but it just sounds like you had a bad experience with an user, user. Move on.
Even this thread.
I thought it was decent. Not good but decent
Watch people insult me for that now
>People defending it saying it is boring on purpose
No one would ever say that unless the person they responded to claimed for it to be boring, you mentally deranged nigger. Which is exactly what happens all the fucking time.
Thanks for the laugh. The amount of people who loved the show was absolutely minuscule compared to the amount of mentally limited children who ended up flooding the threads as soon as it stopped airing. Which is precisely why TgK threads on Sup Forums are pointless.
it didn't have insane amounts of melodrama, though. the drama was pretty realistic and i think that is why some people found it boring
I think when people claim it is overrated they are exclusively talking about autists like you.
Sup Forums loves it but is too afraid of ending up crying for a week again if they remember how good it is.
You keep saying that but noone's actually criticized your opinion, they've criticized the way you express it and your weird victim complex. I've never actually seen anyone say it's the best anime of all time or anything close to it. I don't know what you get from shitting on the thread either but whatever.
Not my fault it is your first thread about this.
I have been to more than enough and have been here when it was airing
I have never seen Sup Forums so positive about anything ever and it is still not liked enough for fanboys. Its amazing to me.
Then let me be your first. Its in my top3 of all time and I've watched like ~2000 chinese scriblings in total.
here's your (You), bud
I don't know. What did I think of it?
What were your experiences of watching it week after week? I marathoned it after getting spoiled the closure ending, and I thought it would work great as a movie, as the pacing gave off that movie vibe.
No point arguing with fanboys I see.
Anything but perfect and you think the only reason anyone could post is just to upset you personally.
So you've been doing your victim thing for more than one thread? What's the point of that?
Keep repeating victim complex if it makes you happy because apparently you just learned about it. I am not presenting myself as a victim at all.
it was actually really fun to watch week to week, most people in the threads had no faith in the show to not devolve into cliched anime garbage and it never did. the alpha memes were pretty fun aswell
Anxiety. The written previews were bait. The web previews were bait. The cliffhangers were bait. Everything in that show was bait, week after week. You expected the worse and got the best possible outcome. I am glad that I watched this on a weekly basis because otherwise I doubt I would think of it as highly as I do. A long of the shows value is lost when its being binge-watched I feel. This particularly applies to the ED, because I think the "time skip" is completely meaningless to someone who binge-watched the show while it held a lot of weight to most people who watched it weekly.
>Watch people insult me for that now
And all the "people can't handle criticism" shit. You're presenting yourself as a victim from your first post. Noone actually cares about your opinion, you think it's decent, wow, shocking, sugoi desune, move on and stop shitting on the thread.
Only one shitting up the thread is you.
There are fan forums for people who just want positive stuff and no discussion
Why not check them out?
Do share some actual criticism then. Other than your victim complex thing you haven't actually provided any.
My point is that it is decent but overrated by Sup Forums and has a rabid annoying fanbase.
So your posts are my proof. Although I wish it were more than just you. One autist can be an outlier. I thought it was more the entire fanbase.
Not him but nothing in this thread can be considered discussion. In fact, its far from it. I still remember the shows threads with people calling the visuals QUALITY, when they were far from it (outside of minor animation issues and the CGI background characters). This very thread is filled with nothing bust buzzwords.
There is nothing substantial to any of this. This isnt debate, it isnt even criticism. Its just worthless opinions, often of people who pretend to have watched this show yet claim for it to be about a highschool relationship. Sorry, but if someone actually watched it then they wouldnt make this blatant mistake. You think that the show is "OK", we get it. But as I stated above: thats not criticism. Youre not here to debate or discuss. Youre here to state your opinion, no more no less.
So only negative opinions are worthless but how are any of the positive opinions any better?
I don't care if you hate the show and think everything about it is dogshit, but if you're going to complain about how the fanbase can't take any criticism I'd expect you to actually critique the show instead of hurling buzzwords at everyone because some user said mean things to you once.
What do you get from this? Do you feel superior? Do you think you're a rebel? What is it?
i said high school because the last year of japanese middle school fits with american 9th grade or high school, holy fuck i watched the show jesus
Am I talking to a 14 year old here? "Its boring" is as pointless of a statement as "I liked it". Theres no value to either of them. The difference being that someone who dislikes something shouldnt really have much of a reason to spend any more time in a thread of something he disliked. The guy who says "I liked it" but cant tell why simply looks like a fanboy, but thats still better than you who spends his time in a thread of something he didnt particularly enjoy without being willing or knowledgeable enough to debate.
>"Its boring" is as pointless of a statement as "I liked it". Theres no value to either of them.
My point is that you tried to make it seem like you made an objective statement about the difference between opinion and critique. But all your examples of worthless opinions are negative.
Putting you firmly in one camp and completely destroying the delusion that you are objective here.
>The difference being that someone who dislikes something shouldnt really have much of a reason to spend any more time in a thread of something he disliked.
So now its about what I should and shouldn't do? Do you enjoy discussing or replying to me? I am guessing not. So you shouldn't do it.
>but thats still better than yo
So there is a difference. My saying that I liked parts of it and that it didn't do anything wrong but also nothing special is worse than saying "I liked it"
Because you can handle someone liking it. But you can't handle anything else.
>you hate the show and think everything about it is dogshit
I said it was decent. So far the only problem I have with it is the fanbase on Sup Forums
>post a sentence out of context and call it a day
Gee user. Let me edit it for you.
I don't care if you think the show is decent or if you hate the show and think everything about it is dogshit, but if you're going to complain about how the fanbase can't take any criticism I'd expect you to actually critique the show instead of hurling buzzwords at everyone because some user said mean things to you once.
What do you get from this? Do you feel superior? Do you think you're a rebel? What is it?
Not this really was autism: the anime. Also what was with that crab walk shit?
Who's the last MC that deserved the win as much as this guy?
The presence of Chinatsu brought in rampant shitposting that the show's thread never recovered. It's okay and all, but I think by the buildup of things, I would enjoy Just Because more
>My point is that you tried to make it seem like you made an objective statement about the difference between opinion and critique. But all your examples of worthless opinions are negative.
Listen here you little nigger. This is where you CLAIMED that people dont want discussion, yet youre one of the people who actually does not provide anything worth discussing. You just state an utterly worthless opinion, nothing else. I dont give a shit how you spend your time, but please dont fucking pretend that youre here to discuss anything, when all you do is make blanket statements. Nothing you say has any weight because it doesnt target specific aspects of the show. Even if you say shit like
>i liked certain parts
it doesnt mean anything. What the hell is that even referring to? I can say that I liked certain parts of a show without ever having seen it because I watched the fucking preview. Nothing you say has weight. Not because you dislike it, or because you think its "decent", but you because you lack the ability to list specifics. Youre not addressing the show, its episodes or characters, its visual or audio direction. You just say something that anyone could say about anything, despite never having watched it. That is why what you stated up until now is utterly worthless.
Oh that is what you meant? I thought you genuinely thought I was saying the show was dogshit because to you saying it is decent is the equivalent to dogshit because you think it is that great.
Sorry. Your tone kinda implies that though.
user I basically made a post that was saying "if nobody replies to it I lose this argument"
And you still couldn't hold yourself back.
I mean I guess I feel superior to you because I think you are an idiot.
But I don't think the other user is quite as stupid as you so it is not that I feel superior to people liking this in general.
Ignore the dicussion part then if that word triggers you so much.
This is not a place for just positive opinions either
Okay all our posts are worthless especially yours. I agree. Point is that he just wants positive shit and this is not a fan forum
What would specifics accomplish. I thought the main characters were pretty one note but I don't want to have a discussion about them.
I thought the foreshadowing was way too obvious and nothing surprised anyone who paid even a little attention. But I also don't wanna discuss that.
Everything was very by the numbers and followed a standard progression. Now he has a rival who confesses. Now she has a rival who confesses
I don't care about those things anymore than I care about the agressive and rabid fanbase on Sup Forums which is why my comment was about the rabid and agressive fanbase on Sup Forums.
Ah, so it's not about the show or the fanbase, it's just a rampant need to feel superior to others because Sup Forums taught you that trolling people is a fun use of your time and you've been posting this kind of shit for such a long time that you don't even know how to stop by now.
How do you feel right now? I truly want to know how someone like this works since every general is infested with someone like you, I want to know what's even the point of just posting dumb shit in hopes of getting a reply.
i thought it was really sweet and cute! i really loved it
I sage all these threads because they are pointless. A thread like this, that is filled with nothing but buzzwords, has no value whatsoever. Youre too retarded to understand that. Why would I have a problem with substantiated critcism? The problem is that none of it actually exists. Its just boring, cuck, autism, overrated, unrealistic, etc. My opinion on this wouldnt change if it was "its great because i liked it". This thread has no value, thats all there is to it, and some threads died and will die for it.
not your blog
>Ah, so it's not about the show or the fanbase
Yes. I said that right from the start. I hope you don't think that is a gotcha.
I mean when you say that something is overrated that is essentially all you are saying.
>How do you feel right now?
Good. I feel like you reaffirmed all my assumptions about the fanbase.
If that is how you truly feel then you should bump worthwhile threads and not make me reply to you without sage and bump this thread.
>Yes. I said that right from the start. I hope you don't think that is a gotcha.
I mean when you say that something is overrated that is essentially all you are saying.
Your first post clearly stated that you had a problem with the fanbase though. What's your second sentence even talking about in regards to our discussion?
>Good. I feel like you reaffirmed all my assumptions about the fanbase.
How so? I keep asking for you to actually criticize the show so I can see the thread go nuts but you refuse to do so, instead going back to your buzzwords.
One last question. Why do you do this? What do you actually hope to accomplish?
>I keep asking for you to actually criticize the show
Why? You are already going nuts. Actually having to say more about it would weaken my argument. Because I said so little and yet you are this angry.
>Why do you do this?
You need to be more specific here.
>What do you actually hope to accomplish?
Nothing. I know I am not going to convince you. But it is fun to predict something and then it happens. Its like a magic trick. But instead of a bunny its your autism I summoned forth.
Do take into consideration that I'm not actually angry about anything, you're the one that started hurling insults and going all "heh, I win" out of nowhere. I just wanted to know why out of all the things to do on the internet you feel like shitposting on a small thread about a show that has already been forgotten is an interesting use of your time since it's a phenomenon that happens fairly consistently on the website.
I hope your empty existence feels better by this small victory, user. Whatever makes you feel better I guess.
>I hope your empty existence
Oh yeah you are not angry at all
His tastes are weird. Boxing, literature? who the fuck does that as a teen?
It's pretty bad. Awful main characters, terrible CG, looks as bland as plastic. fake deep, self-important.
It was pretty close to my school days, minus the fact that I never committed and repeated to do so to several girls.
t. Dense harem mc realizing his missed opportunities 10 years later through romcoms
Leaves a lot to be desired in most areas, but it's ultimately satisfying. Story is heartwarming and it's told confidently. Character designs lend a lot to the nostalgic tone, with their bright highlights, like colour faded over time. Things begin to fall apart under scrutiny; there's hardly a stimulating idea here nor does it offer much besides passing warm fuzzies. But there's certainly nothing wrong with a warm fuzzy.
Just Because is much better. And closure gril is annoying.
This board is pretty much Sup Forums now. They hate their main subject and lash out in mindless zombie anger at any shitpost OP.
If you are a tomboyfag you hated it, otherwise is a very good romance series.
But both girls were tomboys.
Being into sports doesn't automatically mean tomboy.
>victim complex
this isnt tumblr you retard. Go back in there
>this very thread
this is why we cant have nice things.
Chinatsu is a bitch
there we go
Good show.
Absolutely obnoxious fanbase.
This was most unrealistic romance i ever seen. Only thing you might relate to is how MC is autistic asocial fuck.
It would have been better as a 2-hour movie.
The entire cast has zero personality and can't sustain a series
It sucks. I'll admit every episode for me was a knife in the heart because I am a sad kissless virgin and it was just a reminder to me of what I've missed.
But to be honest it feels uber superficial, everyone is understanding, everyone is supportive, everyone is sensible. If there is anything I've experienced in middle school it's irrational assholes that kids at that age are. Akane would've long ditched tomboy, the guy who had a crush on Akane would've long gotten into a fight with self-insert MC.
And visuals are just AWFUL, especially the use of CGi. It's weird, it shouldn't be hard to make SoL anime good (like Demi-chan looked 10 times better), the CGi stands in a way, it's a problem. The rotoscope is obvious and uncanny valley.
The voice acting is top notch though, especially Akane, she just sounds cute. Tomboy has cutest voice though. They all really sounded like middle schoolers.
not everyone is a kissless loser virgin, consider suicide my friend.
Don't kid yourself. Compare a random thread on Sup Forums and on this board, one side is clearly more coherent and capable of having a semblance of a discussion and that side is not Sup Forums.
I think the cast is okay. Nothing special but you don't need any special cast for a romance show to be good. The issue is typical in that it didn't have a properly thought out conflict and so the latter half of the story didn't connect well with the characters.
why are you here then?
Just saw it on my suggestion list.
Do they actually get together? I won't bother with romance anime that end in cliffhangers.
Short: yes
because I enjoy anime and manga, this board isn't exclusive to the socially inept
>everyone is understanding
>everyone is supportive
Hm. Reminds me of Orange.
This sums up my feelings.
Yes user, believe it or not, this show actually has an ending. That’s right. No need to read a manga and wait for a second season that is never coming.
Sure sure
Thanks user kun.
Your favorite Pokémon is Scyther?
they get together pretty early, like the third episode if I'm not mistaken
all the drama is resolved by the end too, and during the ED of the last episode it gives a little peak at the future
it was quite nice honestly
That's not a bad comparison.
Lots of delicious tears.
I fapped so much during that last episode.