Jonathan isn't the blandest JoJo!

Jonathan isn't the blandest JoJo!
He isn't!!

You're lucky Giorno exists.

Even without Giorno, Jonathan still isn't bland.

I wouldn't say he's necessarily bland, but he might be the blandest JoJo if only because the others have a bit more personality than he does. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you.

Yo! Nice to see someone else who really likes Jonathan. He's my favorite one out of all of them! He's the only one that I have watched the anime and read the manga. I main him in All Stars Battle. I even had my Animal Crossing villager dress like him in my photo ID.

Sup Forums isn't a place for you, Erina.

Sorry. I just feel like Jonathan isn't appreciated enough. Don't get me wrong. I like all the JoJo's in the anime. I just need to read the rest in manga. But the other 3 are really cool in their own parts.

Have YOU ever watched JoJo? Most people would say Part 1 is bad and that's why it's skipped by many. That or it seems uninteresting to them. It is a really nice anime and I loved it. I was also a JoJo hater until a close friend of mine introduced it to me. Now I love Jonathan and the others. Pretty great and highly recommend you watch it.


I loved part 1 and so far the most boring JoJo I've seen is Jotaro

I truly like Jotaro a lot, but he deserves to be known as the blandest bar a large margin.

One of the reasons he's so bland is so that when Araki fan wanks him for being Japanese it is easier for the plain uninteresting Japanese male to self-insert as him.

Not to mention him being held up by nothing but plot armor until Gay Priest.

I fucking love Jonathan too, user.

I made him colorful.

You post like a retard!
a retard!

did you read this thing? non-h section on panda

I actually did. That was a really good doujin. I teared up for Jonathan ;__;


based hairposter

That's because he objectively is the most boring one.

>thinks Jonathan is the best jojo
>hasn't read all the eight parts
based pointing it out poster

Gappy is easily the blandest Jojo.

Dumb gaphater

Johnny > Joseph > Jotaro > Jolyne > Jonathan > Gappy > Josuke > Giorno "wasted potential" Giovanna

Joseph is eliminated from the cute competition because he's lecherous.
It really comes down to Jonathan and Jotaro.
Jotaro has the gap moe thing going from him in that he generally stoic in appearance and canonically has trouble expressing himself.
Jonathan has the fact that he's a gentleman and tries really hard going for him.
I can't decide.

This except I'd put Jolyne above Joseph.

>Jotaro and Joseph above Jolyne

10/10 fanart

It's really fucking good.
Shame that it was made by a Jotaro/Kakyoin fujoshit if I'm not mistaken.

He does have a personality. It's just a vanilla personality so most people find it boring.

I´m fed up with this hairposting

>shame that it was made by a Jotaro/Kakyoin fujoshit
You say that like it's a bad thing. Not that I'm surprised, we fujos have the best, most reactive and most prolific fanartists among ourselves.