And there goes the thread
That's a demon if I've ever seen one
This is so extremely stupid. Jun honestly was pretty pathetic back then.
She's the one that asked him out? low blow damn.
i want to fuck misuzu
I feel like Fumita's art has improved lately
im gay
This flashback arc is literally ruining Tomo-chan
you're pretty pathetic back then
Misuzu is too SEXY
Mah, she clearly didn't saw it coming on the second panel. I hope the inner monologue on this page is from Misuzu, Jun would only repeat stuff we already know.
The tone of the manga has changed so much in the last few months, not sure I like it.
There's been a couple of really bad arcs in a row now. Shit's weird.
Really? It has practically no bearing on how I view the rest of the story since these were all stupid things they did in the past, although the mangaka would do well to speed it up a bit, especially given how great the last arc was.
How? Did you really expect the Jun-Musuzu date to be any different from this?
No, he asked her out.
God, I would love it if there were a spinoff all about Misuzu and Jun learning to trust each other and become the power couple of the school through their love of Tomo.
The arc before this was the amazing Tomo and Jun arc.
Coming soon!
I want the manga to end in a happy three-way relationship between Tomo, Misuzu and Jun
If we compare this to Komi-san, Misuzu is Najimi and Tomo is Komi while Jun is Tadano.
>I want the manga to end in a happy three-way relationship between Tomo, Akemi and Jun
Oops. Fixed now.
Your taste is fucking godawful. Are you a Carolfag?
How do they manage to accomplish that within two days?
Because shit got real, I wouldn't be surpised if after the flashback we have only 2/3 more arcs before the end.
We need a Misuzu meltdown arc and a get together/close it up arc, and maybe one last lighthearted arc before it.
that's an insult to najimi and tadano-kun
I include the Carol arc in there. Everything from the Senpai training arc has been shit.
A semen demon?
>Carol's relationship with Senpai was resolved
>Jun got the gameboy back after a lot of tomboy blushing
>We're now exploring his feelings when he first found out Tomo was a girl
Yeah you're right, this manga was way better when fucking nothing was happening.
The monologue literally talks about
>This boy
It's Misuzu's thoughts when she's shocked.
She'll drain your balls, but not in the way you like.
Misuzu still loves Jun. Misuzu is stundere for him. Who did not see this coming.
Nobody because Misuzu has already been outed as a /u/.
She's end up with Tanabe, sorry.
This would literally be the best ending possible.
stop pushing yuri you fag go get butfucked in autralia by a fat aboriginal
No, it wouldn't.
those arcs took way too long for what they were.
Every arc takes way too long for what it is. At least those arcs featured tangible and satisfying progress.
Is there a single series on Sup Forums yurifags won't try to push their shit on? God damn.
complaining about thirty pages a month being too slow seems a little conceited.
Literally perfect
so not orally?
I actually don't mind it, especially for the reason you stated. The only arc I was ever truly bored by was the Carol/Tomo train arc. That was awful from page 1.
And then she unconsciously falls for him right?
well being spurned sucks even if you don't like the guy.
I wonder if Fumita questions it because every arc has had some relevancy even if it was boring. That train arc had nothing to do with the story whatsoever, it's almost completely divorced from the rest of the story. What an odd arc.
She might just go out with him because he spurned her.
We need updated versions of these Misuzus.
My only guess is that he felt that a little more characterization wouldn't hurt.
All I got from that arc was that Carol is too retarded to do every day things, that's about it. No interesting dialogue before, during, or after they boarded the train.
The gameboy arc had the same joke for a week only to skip Jun doing something cool for Tomo for once to get Carol sleeping with Tomo, Misuzu explaining what happened to Tomo and her mom showing up a page after they were left alone, and we still don't have a real reward from it considering we don't know how Jun is feeling. It can still be pretty shit.
This arc had a 10 day hiatus at a weird point and when we came back it kept slowly drilling into your head that Jun was shocked over Tomo being a girl and getting jealous but nothing about him pondering *why* he feels that way, it can still go to that since we'll get to explore their relationship but that still leaves us with 2 weeks where the only reveal in a flashback was that they ignored each other for a year 'cause Jun's a dick.
Women want what they can't have. Actually most people are like that.
I guess you could connect it in the most tenuous way to the rest of her plot in that she's carving some personal freedom away from her mother so she might have enough of a personal life to get senpai as a bf, but that's a stretch.
Can't wait for him to win her over.
having something always advancing the story could possibly get tiring, in a sense it was a change of pace.
weak reason, but it's there.
>Misuzu is the Demon Queen to Tomo's Female Knight
Shit dude, Misuzu really needs to get this haircut again.
Bad translation coming through
>You want to consult with me? Could it be about Tomo?
>Or maybe about making new friends?
>With me...
>Wanna try going out with me?
>This guy... just what kind of thoughts did he get lost in?
>In this kind of situation, (?) how should I be answering this kind of confession (/?)
>Well well...
>...sounds interesting.
Shit dude, Misuzu really needs to get this haircut again.
The gameboy arc is great if only for the fact that it featured more genuine romantic moments between Jun and Tomo than the rest of arcs combined. I somewhat agree with you about this arc though. I don't think Jun's a dick necessarily, but I never felt that this point in their lives ever needed more explanation than what was already given. I think it's purpose will be to set up the final hurdle Jun needs to overcome before the end, but it's been pretty repetitious on its way to that point.
Misuzu is honestly my favourite character and I wish you all well with whatever character you personally think is the best but in my mind Misuzu is objectively superior to every other character and I started reading tomo because Tomboys are my jam but now here I am.
Thank you
Oops forgot title
>Youthful Curiousity
To show Tomo and Carol doing something together without Misuzu, that's the only time it's happened
Why is Misuzu's body so inferior to everyone else?
The train arc is one of the arcs that personally stands out for me the most in the entire series, albeit for the wrong reasons. The whole ordeal was Carol learning to ride a fucking train, it had nothing to do with anything related in the story. Even in an omake the whole scenario would've felt out of place because it was so bad. But that's just me.
A character without flaws is not really a character, just a cardboard cutout of some fancied ideal.
Misuzu is rough around the edges but those edges make her what she is, which is perfect.
Also smol girls are cute.
It's sort of ruining it, but not really. The earlier pages give the impression that the confession was a lot more simpler and innocent than what the current arc is showing us. I don't like it either, I almost want to say that Fumita is trying too hard.
>A character without flaws is not really a character,
>having no tits is a flaw
>but those edges make her what she is, which is perfect
>kid Jun and Tomo flashback arc
>Carol and Sempai flash back arc
>Misuzu and Jun middleschool flashback arc
We are nearing the home stretch anons when all gets wrapped up and we see the conclusion
I said no such thing
Flat is justice
But user, flat seeks big tits
Oh fuck. Misuzu actually thought Jun confessed to her.
>With me...
>Want to try out
>this dating thing?
That's some awkward phrasing.
it's what masterscans had.
She obviously knows that he doesn't actually like her.
It's the "gundou, with me..." that makes it awkward
Which wasn't super awkward phrasing in that context.
So they went from being side by side when it happened to being in front of each other... uniform color changed too.
this looks way more casual than what we got
She literally wonders what kind of mental maze Jun has going on, I doubt she sees it as a genuine confession
So Misuzu thought he confessed, Jun is scared of intimacy and she hates his guts now.
Gee, this isn't over is it?
Yeah I thought it would go along the lines of Jun casually walks up to Misuzu and asks her out, but this has been more dramatic than I had hoped.
That's 1:1 the translation, though, due to sentence structure. I guess an alternative could be "Do you want to..."
I mean it this time, but damn.
I want to fuck Misuzu.
never mind, v2 was terrible.
"Do you want to.." sounds far better and more natural.
No, I mean. She actually thought he confessed to him while they tried dating, and she actually started to like him.
I believe there's some discrepancy between what Jun and Misuzu told Tomo and what actually happened. This is the whole point of the flashback arc. I am 100% sure they did end up kissing and kept it a secret from Tomo so she doesn't get hurt from it. They broke up because of the guilt they felt.
>she hates his guts now
She treats him exactly the same on the present that she does on the flashback (and when they were kids), I don't get why people think this will somehow make her hate Jun more