Tanya von Degurechaff

We all are the jingos oh-oh-oh

S2 never

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you cunt.

and you didn't honor the jingos i see...

S2 never? Haha. I am not going to stand for this. We need a fucking second season. There just has to be one. No matter if god wills it or not!


We're never getting a second season of God torturing her are we?

This entire thread seems like a bipolar schizophrenic wrote it. I can see that Tanya brings in a very specific type of fan

>that video

no one knows how to adjust audio anymore?

Nothing on reddit

Season 1 did quite well, there are decent chances for a continuation. Just have some faiith you fag.

Stay optimistic for our fascist daughter Sup Forums.


Never trust the chinks.

Could be because I'm a phoneposting faggot, but I don't hear anything wrong with the sound.

I miss her...

>Just have some faiith

They need to fix her lips desu

wtf did you just say?

You do know she was drawn that way to prevent weeaboos from moe-ifying her, right?

And yet in the manga she's moe to dangerous extremes.
Talk about a mixed message.

Jesus she's thirstier than Pennywise's tumblr fanbase.

>Now, there is speculation that Saga Of Tanya The Evil Season 2 is already planned to be released in 2017. According to CrunchyRoll News, the listings of Chinese streaming company iQIYI has the Youjo Senkianime slated for 26 episodes. In the past, this service has successfully hinted that an anime series may be a multi-cour series, so since Episode 12 felt like a prologue to SOTTE Season 2 the “speculation is that if the series does run the unconfirmed 26 episodes, it would be a split between non-consecutive seasons.” That means the Youjo Senki Season 2 release date could be as early as July (Summer anime) or October (Fall anime) of 2017.

This is literally the most secondary thing I have ever read.

Wow. Where have we seen something like this before...

good the anime was boring as fuck

>t. adhd kid

I really want to cum inside Tanya and have her bear my children

I wonder how she'll look at 14.


Resistance only makes the moe harder

That's the best excuse I've heard for a bad adaptation in a long time.

She's beautiful...

It's true. The author wanted you to know Tanya's fucking crazy and not just a loli.

Why is this duck so cute?

that smile is fake

>7 years till YP translate up to volume 8

what a fucking ugly little runt

They've blasted through overlord so maybe there is still hope.

Are YP even any good at translating?

No. They confused the word for 'lamprey' with 'rabbit', with the context being a description of a scary vampire's mouth, which tells me they rely on machine translation and don't proofread at all.

There isn't, it took them 7 months to translate volume 1.

5 0

Wow. Are they the folks who did the Kizu novel, because that was pretty bleh to bad as well
Why even care. No game is better than bad game

such a punchable face


I read that season 2 was already confirmed.

I lean towards honor the jingoes too, but when I look up the lyrics I usually get "all are"

First off, I don't see a duck.

Second off, ducks aren't cute youtube.com/watch?v=QGL8Fx6SOjg .

Manga came out before that decision.

Also why does Tanya have those ringed eyes? She has those a lot.

Tasha will become fuhrer right?

~40 years after the war people don't really know who she is. Well, except for veterans, but they refuse to talk about the war.

Best part is the americans refer to her as Being X.

And yet even the artist for the LN keeps pushing cute Tanya, even more than before.
You'd have thought he'd have gotten the memo.
>Also why does Tanya have those ringed eyes? She has those a lot.
She's had them since the early LN drawings, her not having them is arguably weirder. As to why? I dunno, but it's neat.

Wait, what.

did the LN end already?

I dunno.

I really like ringed eyes, although for a long time I just called them 'huke eyes' since that's the artist I saw drawing them all the time, but given that it's becoming more common as a stylistic choice, you really do have to wonder what sort of meaning can be drawn from one character getting ringed eyes and other characters not.

Could it be symbolic of mental depth - that there are multiple layers to a character? Otherworldly powers? Past lives?

Probably webnovel.


It's in the manga actually. There are flash forwards.


Which is basically a completely different continuity at this point altogether. Being X is handled completely differently.

This thread was made for me.
The manga's 7th volume is out with its special edition drama CD.

>drama CD
Oh boy, another thing that will probably never get translated.

Maybe the artists of the manga and the light novel believe in the grandfather clause and don't want to change it during the work.

Admittedly there are some art shifts in manga, but almost entirely falls into 2 styles.

I remember a post, probably on Facebook, where someone said they liked how tanya looked in the LN because 'you could see the madness in her eyes' (the word "subtle" may or may not have been in there). Are those rings supposed to make her look crazy? The adaptations have them too though. So I don't see why the effect is different.

It really hurts. Maybe a second season will generate enough interest for a group to pick up the available drama CDs.
All I can do till then is keeping all the raws available.

You could upload the Drama CDs to youtube, and we could cobble together a translation that way. I think Youtube has features for that stuff now, via captions.

>Adult Tanja
That'd be great. So she will found her own PMC?

Would be the best kind of ending for the light novel if she actually won her argument against Being X but instead of actually winning anything she just gets Being X's job or duties dumped on her.

She does want to kill him. Does committing deicide lead to one's apotheosis?

Btw, if you want to be an absolute madman and read the Webnovel, I'll post the link here:


Final Chapter:

In case you're a newfag, do note that webnovels are basically very loose drafts, a lot changes in the transition to LN (namely, the opinions of editors and the wisdom of time), and it's very likely that the LN, manga, and anime all do things differently (namely Being X, whose nature is vastly different).

So don't think the 'Operation Paperclip' ending is THE ending.

I'm not sure how important differences in Being X are. More than a small amount of Tanya's troubles are the result of her own attempts to manipulate and impress her superiors.

One big difference related to being X though is that the mental corruption for using her cursed artifact is almost or flat out entirely absent in the anime.

I think the fact that Being X is different in all three major works shows that all three major works are more or less doing their own thing while following the same story.

Which is actually a good thing. Imagine them all being exactly the same.

She has little chances of pulling that off though when this isn't even the case of classic "number of believers = strength of the respective God" so she can't really weaken him either for a kill.
I mean the old-fashioned killing via conventional means like how she carriers her rifle around for him which does nothing to a superior lifeform like him.
Well she could go with induced existential crisis from debate/discourse and the existential anguish is too much to bear that Being X offs himself but to give the final middle finger Tanya ends up as Being X and neither win in the truest sense.

Wouldn't Being X win in the end, though, since Tanya would end up meeting him again when she inevitably died from old age?

Yeah... I didn't think she'd be able to pull it off.

Some versions of Being X make him a bit on the yahweh type of things. And I read if god stops existing, according to christianity and Future Dairy then reality doesn't hold up well. That said, it looked like it might have been talking about jesus. And jesus isn't Yahweh (but they are both the same god because the trinity is super weird).

Being X's goal isn't to kill Tanya. His goal is to make her faithful. Tanya is a pilot project. To see if treating people like shit makes them pious.

>You could upload the Drama CDs to youtube
I've been doing that since 1945.
>and we could cobble together a translation that way
That's a pretty good idea. I just now realized, that I didn't have the feature enabled on my raws. I'm such a fucking retard.
I have yet to upload the newest drama CD, but I'll add it to the newly created playlist.

She won't grow much because she was starved during childhood. I think she's already 13 in the most recent volume of the ln too.

She's still going to have to reincarnate at some point if she doesn't deal with Being X. And really, the same is true of everyone else in the world.

Tanya is the God we deserve, imo.

I love that hat.

Being X said after Tanya dies in magic land it's no reincarnation no nirvana. She's just going to have the fate she assumed she would have back when she was a proper atheist.

That said, wikipedia says that if she becomes faithful, she will get to reincarnate or go to nirvana or whatever.

Oh, I forgot. Wikipedia says she has to 'die a natural death' in addition to the faith thing.

God bless you.

>Push Tanya down on her tummy
>Shove your penis inside her vagina
>"Actually... I'm a Catholic. I think we should be waiting until after marriage to do this."
>Enjoy the ride

What were the sales of Overlord? If it's getting a sequel I think Youjo Senki should get one sometimes in 2019.

The S2 for that is going to air next season.

> like how she carriers her rifle around for him
I believe that's anime only

All I ever hear is dancing goats

The best ending is that her actions inspire more people's faith in god and he keeps reincarnating her forever in different situations for eternity.

>one of the most successful shows of the year
>no season 2

I hope the competent YP guy is working on it, not the shitty one.

>You have done fantastic work for us and we'd like to offer you a great Job opportunity...
>Do you have experience with pitchforks?


c u t e

Choco THIS *unzips African cacao producing colonies*

Just as well, removing self determination from the protagonist is incredibly unsatisfying

>implying Tanya won't stay permaflat


Where her toothbrush mustache and armband?

Go away pathetic numale cuck

Reminds me of Alucard's art, and the Police Girl

I mean Hellsing's art goddamnit

No, I bought the first volume of Goblin Slayer and literally the first sentence was nonsensically translated into a grammatically incorrect sentence.

When the notOttomans going to join the war?


