Ongoing troll. Get in here anons
Other urls found in this thread:
example of the lulz to be found
old bread:
Surprised he hasn't been banned yet, hope he keeps on the good work.
post your favs
we also were trying to figure out what this guy meant
Bump for wypipo.
wypipo na me kaaa yeee skkskk tf
have a bump user
Need one viral tweet
god i hate plebbit:
not a fan of faceberg either:
facebook dot com slash Its-Not-Racist-When-We-Do-It-2106000152952129
have another
This has potential. Bump.
God bless you, user.
Why it works so well is that they use the original text verbatum without any deviation. If they didn't I am sure Twatter would have shut them down by now.
It's like you can't read
If my Nigger-click is up to par I think he means that he hates black people who don't blame white people for all their problems. If one black person tells another black person to get a job it means he's an uncle tom sellout because we all know no-one in Africa works no sir they just have their armoured rhinos do the work for them.
Great idea, I can see this gaining alot of attention with the right exposure
It would be a shame if the entire internet recorded itself saying the hard "er" and sending it to her
really it would be
This is excellent
That’s a good one
Petty, obnoxious, and a complete waste of time, but it's social media. I don't expect anything more. Hope it continues.
Twitterfags, get in here and spread the word!
What does that even mean?
don't say nigger on camera
holy shit this one is great
People should be killed if they say the word nigger
Oh, so its cool everywhere else?
Sweet! Ima go try it out!
dreddit really doesn't know what to do w/ this one
just realized that was a double shill (of FRERREDDIT at that)
I'm truly sorry
>sticky tweet
>linking to reddit
fuck off change that shit
post moar salt
This is the only good one. Its not really interesting without the response.
>implying you can be racist against uncolored people
this will be a very interesting case study on what twitter will do to this account
>literally being too retarded to breath
how do you do it?
Checked and keked.
This guy is brilliant.
>turning Brad into Badr
>post responses
There are no responses. (other than an african guy called me a Neandertal asshole) (someone else then showed him an interesting meme about DNA and chimpanzees)
How about we, as white people, actually address the sytemic racism in Amerikkka instead of playing the victim. Just my two cents
does anyone else hear that echo?
what you mean user?
lul styxhexenhammer666 is following this page
Can someone translate this into English for me. It's the second time I've seen this one posted and literally have no idea what it means to be "fake deeps" or what the verb "to cape" means. I'm an English teacher but I don't understand Ebonics
i have no fucking clue desu
to cape means to conceal but fake deeps is a mystery.
someone should ask him
>literally just the word "Nazi"
whoa... so this is the power of leftism
>fake deeps
Might be 'deep fake' flipped around. Be like calling a nigga an 'Oreo'
Good shit, reminds me of this magnanimous bastard
If any anons want to help out the next 4-5 hours are peak times so going into overdrive now is appreciated greatly.
I mean by being assholes to PoC, who have already been dealt the short end of the stick. We're not winning any points. maybe we should, as whites, try to be more inclusive and accepting of them. We should be propping up these people, not pushing them down.
I've taken more shit from PoC than I've ever dished out.
I hate fake deep niggas who always try to cape for white people
I hate black peoples who pretend to be great/aspiring thinkers and propagator of the truth that comes to the defense of innocent white peoples, for such an action is obviously the work of someone who is utterly ignorant of the actual plight of our kin.
With that said, whoever wrote that shit is a complete retard, especially with that name ''midnight_zulu'', I mean zulu are a warlike tribe that conquered more than they ever built.
Every RT magnifies the voice of a PoC my dude
Should have replaced Twitter with Worldstar for extra bant.
Kek. Youve never been poor I see? or the only white person in a classroom?
I have and Its horrible. Thankfully I got out and live in a nice white area now.
The problem being that PoS don't give a shit about justice, they yearn for spilled blood and nothing more concrete.
The nazis on here will ruin this somehow
tempted to cat call Lauren Southern or something
Go kike somewhere else.
Your 2 cents are fake and gay, there is no systemic racism other than the built in need by our society to have an i.q. above 90 to have any chance of succeeding, which apparently the average nog doesn't.
Imagine how much it'll progress in 10 years
No user, making a point rhetorically is not trolling. This is decidedly not a troll. Stop being such a retard.
Is it dangerous to show your power level on Twitter? I started to post yesterday and immediately got a spam alert and they wanted my real phone number...
These are probably the best kind.
The most amusing part is this troll account gimmick is really just mirroring what other people say. Should the account get banned but none of the quoted accounts be, it exposes systemic and intentional bias; or at the very least the extreme incompetence of the people in charge of checking who should and shouldn't get banned.
"How about we, as black people, actually address the systemic racism in America instead of playing victim. Just my two cents"
my analytics are all screwy now
I requested the archive juuuust in case
I dedicate this tweet to you user
alright well I suck at cat calls
BTC address in the descripton
shadowban confirmed
can't see my tweets when searching
Here's the rope, there's the tree. Now go.
Top kek
You're a fucking god senpai.
They're trying to contain this; it's possible to break through the shadowban but that'll take drawing more traffic than I can do solo
Guys help this nigga out, get out of the slide threads and bump this please
That "Nosiest nigga on the mf block" comes up for @NotRacistWhen when I search on that account but not on my friends.
Can any other anons confirm this is the case? OwO
I avoid social media like the fucking plague, but this shit is funny. Here's a bump for you.
not showing for me either....
I would actually use this app to avoid nigger businesses.
this is the part where you guys start blowing up ecelebs n' shit I guess
ecelebs plz help
>blow them up
their mentions, not actually blowing them up (fucking autists)
fucking nice fwd this shit to pjw and lauren
I don't use twit so I can't up-traffick your shit, but here's some inspiration to help you on your way
just noticed the mf typo
black people need black therapists/counselors … period.
I’m not sitting in front of a 65 year old jewish woman, telling her shit about my criminal history. She don’t event understand me as a person let alone a patient. Fuck No. We NEED black therapists & counsellors.