Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
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Jews and Germans.
lots of creases, overall unprofessional presentation
The union itself
not enough toilets for the Polish to clean
This dude gets it.
Germany is the rightful leader of this institution. We are the heart of Europe.
obviously a huge flaw in the system is thinking there should be an overall leader.
it fucking sucks
Worst mistake of our times.
You have the mindset of a communist.
Says Germany... LOL.
Herr Helmut's father died in a Lufftangriff. Helmut must have thought - "If we can't have a German Europe, then we will force a European Germany!".
Oh look, is that the time?
>colonize half the world
>win 2 World Wars
>become a tiny shitty caliphate
>12 stars
>Germany's 4th cuck reich
fuck off, kraut, EU is cancer and Germany is at it's heart
Pic related, Google Target 2
Forgot pic
oh WOW
look at the "magnificent"euro in action
One-size-fits-all monetary policy.
You are the fucking scum of europe. Your leader goes around telling other to respect the rules of the Union while your nation is the first to break them when they need it.
At least they won the wars. Both of them.
You lost the wars. Both of them.
>EU started as a trade cartel for coal and steel.
>Americans had to accept it in return for US bases and nuclear weapons on Euro soil
>Then it became a trade cartel for farming. >Then it used to profits from those cartels to subsidize French farmers and German steelmakers while it opened the markets to all goods.
>Then it stole fish quotas and sold them to the Japs.
>Then the French forced Germany to accept the Euro in return for reunification
>Then it engineered referendums that were rushed through to start a European superstate that NO ONE FUCKING WANTS
>Then it let in Greece even though its a basket case and no where near ready enough
>Germany start post record surpluses because Euro is artificially deflated for their economy
>Germany rules EU economically
>Eastern Europe becomes Germany supply chain
>They buy factories in Warsaw for 1 mark
>But yet Greece has to become a third world country for the next 30 years because?
>Then France attacked Libya and America/UK attacked Iraq but somehow its Poland's responsibility to take in some Afghan who says he's 17 when he is actually 35
I could go on...
>But yet Greece has to become a third world country for the next 30 years because?
Long story but essentially - Germany.
Germans are fucking autistic trash, but their aesthetics on point
It IS the flaw.
It hilarious because most Germans don't know they got massive debt write offs from the Americans in the 1950's. The Americans basically flexed their muscles and the Brits and French had to massively write off loans. But the industrious Protestant ant has to tell the lazy Greek grasshopper about paying debts all the time. Only difference for Greece was they had no superpower willing to do it for them.
It's just not fair.