This is all it takes for a pitbull to break into your house and kill your newborn child and your entire family.
Why haven't you banned them yet?
This is all it takes for a pitbull to break into your house and kill your newborn child and your entire family.
Why haven't you banned them yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
My neighbors pit got into my yard once and I didn’t know because my yard is pretty big. I let out my best buddy beagle-german shepard mix so he could do his business and I closed the door so the cold wouldn’t get in. A minute later, I went to go open the door to let him back in, and I see smack in the middle of my fucking yard that stupid nigger pit with its jaws around my dog. I ran up yelling at it to get the fuck off my dog, but the nigger dog wasn’t trained or wasn’t listening. I grabbed it by the collar and kicked it five or six times but it wouldn’t let up. I pulled my CC’d nine on the fucker and placed the barrel on his head, angling it away from my dog. Shot him right in his head and I still had to pry his jaws open. I picked up my bleeding shaking dog and brought it back inside, and the 35 year old divorced bitch neighbor walked out and started screaming and crying at me that she called the cops cause I shot her nigger dog. She called the emergency number so they were there real quick. To make a long story short, I invited them in to see my shaking and bleeding dog, and told them that if I didn’t pop the pit it would’ve killed my dog. Like a half an hour later they told the woman what I did was perfectly legal because the dog was on my property killing one of my pets, and that they can’t file charges on me. I didn’t see how pissed off she was because I picked up my goodboi and drove to the vet. He’s still skittish, and that woman won’t even look my way. I think she’s spreading a rumor around the neighborhood that I’m just another fucked up vet. I did admin LOL.
>a pitbull to break into your house and kill your newborn child and your entire family.
i like walls
Reminder that pitbulls can break through metal, steel and brick. You cant kill them with knives or baseball bats either, only high caliber rifles or missles depending on size of the pitbull
I have to walk my dog with a rifle due to bears, coyotes, and my neighbor's nigger dog
I like this post. I hope to see this almost every day this week.
Anymore webms of that conman getting karma'd?
All pitbulls need to be executed. If your neighbor owns one, do the right thing and poison it. You could save a life.
Wife’s friend has three of these monsters. Will not let my child anywhere near their house.
Sluts and niggers don't know how to tame dogs, especially pit bulls but they still choose them cause they are dangerous dogs and want to have them.
Webm of soyboy getting his neck bitten by a wild pitbull that broke into his house
When you get a dog you have to be the alpha. I'd rather punch the owner for letting that dog actt like that
Why haven’t you loved them yet? They just need love.
Cucks are disgusting and so are the whores.
I say kill them all.My body is ready to do what needs to be done.
For you swedebro
>This is all it takes for a pitbull to break into your house
Our houses are not built out of cardboard but real lumber, bricks and concrete
Reminder that pitbulls can break through metal, steel and brick. You cant kill them with knives or baseball bats either, only high caliber rifles or missles depending on size of the pitbull..
Oh shut the fuck up.
Looks like it was locked in an adjacent room.
The dogs arn't the problem, the owners are. If you cannot train, care take and control your dog then you are the fucking problem, not the dog.
Fucking bull dogs bite more often. You ass.
>webm of beta
only post alpha webms
He fixes violent dogs the owners neglected and just let run wild. You think people tamed wolves by being nice to them? No they showed them whose in charge and then bred the ones who became submissive.
If the owners raised the dog right it would've never acted like that and drastic measures wouldnt need be taken.
I can tell you own a nigger dog
No step on pit
And another thing, dogs don't break into your house to get you.
For fucks sake.
German shepards should be at the top of the list being as how they are used as police dogs.
You are full of shit.
I beat one with my fists, only took two shots and the dog was done fucking with me.
The pitbull is the AR15 of dogs. In the right hands you can bring the unrighteous to judgement, but in the wrong hands it can be a disaster.
The pitbull is a weapon of WAR. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. youtube.com
Video or gtfo
The fastest way to get a pitbull to let go of another dog is to stick something straight up that fuckers ass, he'll let go real quick
Nice post made almost less than a minute after the thread was created. Nothing forced about these threads at all
Take him out while you still have the chance
Did you press charges on her? If a restraining order could work she wouldn't be our neighbor anymore.
Bull dogs bite and attack more often than pits. That is a fact.
I knew a bulldog on a paper route that would steal your fucking bike.
PBIDF out in full force today, pitbull broke into my house and killed my whole family
I read/hear this a lot, but has anyone ever proved it? It could be you just end up finger fucking a dog ass while getting mauled.
I don't live in America we actually use brick to build our houses instead of drywall
Cause yer fuckin dumb.
I personally know the largest pit on record. Hulk. He is a huge fucken baby. He started whining because I was slowing down his walk in the park.
It actually wasn't his fault, what you don't see is the camera man sneaking up behind the dog and spooking her.
I don't know if he is a conman but in that instance he dindu nuffin.
Uh, how old is she?
Why do North Americans build their houses with paperboard?
You are clearly a nigger if you own or support the ownership of these monsters. They can fit through a hole the size of a golf ball and slaughter your entire family in mere seconds
It's a tranny
Be sure to let us know if you try it, I want a pic of you finger-fucking a pitbull while it rips your guts out
for research purposes, of course
You have a very cute dog, user. He looks like a good boy.
If you have a american cardboard house maybe.
to let in the kool aid man
tell me more about this
who was in the wrong here?
That's what I thought at first too but then I saw my buddy stick the handle of a plastic yard rake up his neighbors pits ass that was attacking his dog. That's after he punched it, kicked it even stuck his thumb in the dogs eye. Im 100% positive it saved his dogs life.
this one is tearing a car to shreds while gay cop looks on
I have owned many dogs.
As a kid, first dog was a pug. Then a golden retriever, he would escape the yard by climbing the chain link fence. Then a pit shepard mix from montana, she was great, everyone but new people were fine.
She even took a persons fingers for breaking into the trailer. I miss her. As long as you did not become a threat to me or my sister you were allowed to be. She also did all the doggy tricks.
>Why do North Americans build their houses with paperboard?
Because we don't have mounds of animal dung lying around like you.
The most dangerous doggos in Canada are the huskies, but if you want a real protection doggo Caucasian Shepard are the way to go.
They can take on pits and huskies ez
Source wikileak
theres hardly any pitbulls in aus
Because I'm not a soyboy who needs daddy state to protect from le evil nigger dogs.
Just think what a herd of pitbull nigger cattle can do on a preschool...
>yfw a beaner tries to steal your food
build the fucking wall now
After that, I got another pug, then a German Shepard female, and most of my buddies and the white girls we knew all had pits. They were all babies, one would sit on the sofa like a person and watch tv with you.
The only bad pit we got was from gang members, he only listened to certain people in the group of us. We turned the car port into his own private cage, he was for studding. He never bit anyone or posed a danger, he was just kind of an asshole.
That's pretty fucked up user
My curiosity has been intrigued
>bite more often
So do fucking schnauzers, but they don't kill people as often.
The video is in custody of the Bothell Prosecuting attorneys office, you can feel free to order it if you like.
I took on two attacks and the pit, beat the dog hands on only, then ran off both attackers. If a dog, any dog feels that its trapped, like cannot escape you, and you hurt it, 9 times out of ten they will let go unless trained to do otherwise.
my right to own an assault doggo is none of your damn business, commie.
also he is the goodest of boys that doubles as a meatshredder for potential intruders. 10/10 cant wait to have kids to enjoy the good boy with me
Up the ass? Come on dude.
Just jam your fingers down its throat, gag reflex and choking will make it let go.
it happened but luckily no one was seriously injured or killed
Charlotte is semi-chocolate city.
We gotta talk about it user. We cant let it happen
I wish our puppy could be a killing machine if he needed to be. As of now, might as well own a marshmallow with a tail. Not that anyone would try breaking in the house; 3 big black Labs put the fear if God into everyone except the FedEx guy.
Thats a plastic facia on a car.
WTF is wrong with you?
Is there a 'happy' end to this vid?
>they have anti-vehicle pits now
we're fucked
That's not even an exterior wall
Walls don't work, rural retard.
pits are nigger tier and should all be exterminated!
the 'dog whisperer'. you NEVER touch a strange dog on the muzzle, especially one that may have aggression issues.
I came.
Its sad that your dog was traumatized by the incident, however, ive seen cats survive that situation and still reach out to try and fight the dog as it is being rescued. There was even a webm posted of a similar situation. Not that I think cats are great but for the two ive seen going down and even returning to a fight with a nigger pit, theyve earned my respect.
Only if you live in shitty American cardboard houses.
What whiny bitch
>American house building standards
That's a good safety tip, but a dog that bites strangers for touching it deserves to be put down.
Thanks, bacon strip.
Reminder that pitbulls can break through metal, steel and brick. You cant kill them with knives or baseball bats either, only high caliber rifles or missles depending on size of the pitbull!!!
Best way to get rid of a pitbull is to make SOPA DE PITBULL
(((She))) is that flat because (((she))) was born with a dong
>Thats a plastic facia on a car.
no shit retard. plastic is normal for 20 years.
>WTF is wrong with you?
Yeah, I can get dogs even more dangerous.
Like the Cane Corso, comes in all white. Twice the size of a pit, bread for hunting bears, and people originally. Even used in the gladiator fights.
You are just a pitbull hating faggot because, well, YER FUCKIN DUMB.
I could also find one of these.
Oh, you sick bastards.
>Nog dog that will attack anyone when you aren't around
>$200 plastic AR 10
>Tapped on flash light that doesn't fit
It's people like you give gun owners a horrible reputation.
vicious pitbull attack
Good job user. Fuck pits.
someone post the edit of him going super sajan while kneeling in front of the dog
they are the most single focused animal that we can encounter and that's one reason they are so dangerous. Good job putting that fucking cur down for good.
That looks like the good siding, usually made of cedar.