
Explain to me why certain sectors of the economy shouldn't be managed by the State, such as natural resources.

Here in Canada private corporations exploit our resources and we only see a fraction of what it's worth when we could have a state corporation extract our resources and the profits would go into healthcare, education and infrastructure. Instead all that money goes to Mr. Shekelberg's offshore bank account.

Attached: Canadian Oil and Natural Gas oil sands borreal map.jpg (576x345, 81K)

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The only industries that should be nationalized are those at risk of folding due to unfair (foreign) competition/ regulation, IE: steel.

Because our government is motivated by inclusivity and equality. The private sector is motivated by efficiency and profit. Guess which one is less bogged down by beaurocratic red tape, leading to better and more cost efficient results?

That could happen but your government allows this. Le democracy is wonderful. Every politician is owned by banks and rich fucks. Take the monarchy/fash pill. That’s literally what you just advocated for (state run corporations)

In most cases, the state DOES manage natural resources. Maybe not in 3rd world countries like Brazil where their gov't has no will or power to enforce protection of the Amazon, but in most non-shithole countries, there are laws and agencies in place to protect natural resources. And it's necessary, or national parks would be turned into housing, all trees would be cut down and sold and the land turned into farms, lands poisoned by mining activities, and so on. It's unfortunate that the private sector is only driven by (((greed))) and lack principles and restraint when it comes to utilizing/exploiting natural resources.

>muh efficiency

Because handing over our resources for jack shit is so much more efficient? Neoliberalism has so rotted your brain you can't see the stupidity of your argument.

Am already a fashgoy. Der Fuhrer said that "do you like democracy" basically means "do you want to get plundered of all your wealth by (((us)))?", or something along those lines.

Norway declared sovereignty over the oil in the North Sea, meaning it belongs to us - the people

Oil companies can extract oil for us, but they are taxed at 83%.

We also have two State oil companies which do most of the production.

Attached: 1441564640826.gif (387x315, 1.89M)


I thought you spoke British English

>Explain to me why certain sectors of the economy shouldn't be managed by the State, such as natural resources.
How are other nations suppose to pillage our resources?

Be honest the TSX is only funding sovereign Indian mines anymore.
All natural resources in canada are going to first nations corporations so they dont pay taxes.

Are the oil revenues used in the yearly budget or do you put it into a slush fund or something?

We do, it's just the eternal burger Jew spellcheck that guilts me into using the bastardized spelling. Don't worry I still use 'colour', 'odour', 'favourite' etc.

Massive oil fund, it's 1 trillion usd now


We only see a fraction of our shit because Trudeau Sr and Jr both enacted NEP and continuation of NEP-like programs. Pierre literally destroyed Alberta's ability to compete on global markets. Today, they have cancelled trillions of dollars worth of pipeline projects and they refuse to allow anything but barebones refineries in Canada - we HAVE to ship at shit rates to America so they can refine, collect all the actual useful biproducts of refining (diesel is about the only thing we get here, they get plastics, textiles, oils, rocket fuel, etc) - all because they are paid and bribed to stop these things from happening.

Look at BC pipelines, energy east, Keystone (both America and Canada issues with that one), and countless others over the past couple years for examples. Then go look up NEP from the 70s and what it did to alberta - all to preserve Ontario and Quebec as the powerbases of Canada and voters.

Because any sector managed by the state is insulated against if not removed from the market, which means that the system will be naturally inefficient. With the means to compete buffered or even removed, the national market of that resource collapses.

God damnit I wish the US would get its shit together and start thinking in the long term like this.

That was tried already, and it didn't work. Hilariously, it was Trudeau Sr who tried to push resource sovereignty the hardest.

to be fair our oil production per person is 12-13 times higher than yours

America is tanking oil prices worldwide with its insane production rate in its attempt to become the world leader in oil, which should happen later this year. OPEC technically still leads if you count multiple countries in a group, but America and their shale will be #1 by individual production this year. Basically fucking over the rest of the world to stay on top with the oil.

>Basically fucking over the rest of the world to stay on top
Kek, just like every action we've taken since the start of the Cold War.
I was thinking more generally, funding domestic programs through state run investment funds.

Because you idiots would just vote to use that money to subsidize your own genocide, just like sweden does.

>1 trillion usd

sheeeiiiit. Why don't you guys just use the money? Is everything so perfect in Norway you dont even need the money?