How do you guys live like this? is this real?

how do you guys live like this? is this real?

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what is sectarian language

what is british english?

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>who knows where you will end up?
Why are brits so passive aggressive? Just tell me I’m going to a dungeon surrounded by jihadis who want to shank me. Why do they have to try to threaten your life politely.

High society brits are pretentious faggots.

No badmouthing the Anglican queen, Catholic scum >:)

What the fuck is "sectarian language"?

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>denoting or concerning a sect or sects
Obviously no discussing Presbyterianism vs. Methodism.

Why has UK gone so 1984?
I'm not even joking. I don't care about 56% memes or who is whiter than who.
How can you feel comfortable living anywhere near a country where saying a word is a crime.
Where not having a tv license when you don't even own a tv is considered offensive to the government.
Where owning fucking silverware can have you put in jail for a year.
Please Britbongs explain how you're ok with this?

Conditioning. Brits killed the punk movement and kill anything that upsets the establishment. At least the establishment in the US understands that subjects need to at least feel freedom, the Brits are cold imperialists. Always were.


Come on user, don't be like that. Even I had to look it up and I'm a Bongistan native.

[sek-tair-ee-uh n]

1.of or relating to sectaries or sects.
2.narrowly confined or devoted to a particular sect.
3.narrowly confined or limited in interest, purpose, scope, etc.

4.a member of a sect.
5.a bigoted or narrow-minded adherent of a sect.


"Sectarianism is a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group. Common examples are denominations of a religion, ethnic identity, class, or region for citizens of a state and factions of a political movement."

Therefore, sectarian language would mean basically saying one group is better than another. Which is a very broad view, as technically you would be violating such a rule just by saying that one sporting team is better than another. It may even be objectively true, but it could still be said to be a sectarian viewpoint.

Yeah I bet muslims don't have to worry about shitting on native Brits and Christianity.

"Truly shall We reward those who are stout of heart and respond not with folly" - As Suwalli 131:42

in other words, you only taint yourself by making posts like this

They get a bonus to gibs for every white girl they rape

Just burn the UK at this point


>the Brits are cold imperialists
against themselves?

>posting this thread again 2 hours later
>the picture itself is years old


this is in scotland, it's because of rangers and celtic, protestants vs catholics

I'd rather discuss the implications of government regulation of speech twice in 2 hours than a thread about roasties or race mixing

This one is better

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I've never seen it so fuck you

>The punk movement

Mostly a bunch of whiny socialists who craved more big daddy government and got it.

It's actually about the division in Northern Ireland between Protestants and Catholics

anyone have the one on needing an id to buy eggs or flour?

Or this...

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Probably the more horrifying, children would be drawn to it, but wouldn't understand the words.


don't know what you're laughing at shithead, your country did it first

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We're not. At least, anyone with half a brain and the sense to forsee how laws such as this one could be used to oppress the public aren't.

It's just that no-one has any fucking clue how to combat it. There isn't any clear way to progress forward so nobody does anything, nor do they want to in case it upsets their lifestyle, or brings unfortunate consequences to them or thair loved ones from outside forces who have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are.

this has gotta be a troll, or an ad for something else

there's no way they'd legit copy 1984

one store on a piece of paper somebody probably printed out in the break room
it's not government policy

You know nothing John Snow.

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meanwhile in america you can shoot the burglar with anti tank gun in the middle of the night and the police will come and scrape him up so you can go back to bed.
fuck england and fuck australia.

Stout of heart and responds not with folly... so brave and not stupid? Well which are you accusing user of being, stupid or cowardly? And what is your reasoning?

Nigga I just made up some religious sounding bullshit. I live in Tallahassee. Look I'm a Catalan nationalists now.

It's also illegal in a few states to discriminate in that manner.

Good. Racism is bad.

How the hell has England gone from one of the most powerful empires that human history has ever seen... to this?

Because it doesn't affect 99+% of people at all in their lives.

I've never seen this

having CCTV everywhere is actually a good idea.
but they need to use it to catch drug dealers and rapists instead of people who put bacon outside a mosque.

Is this real bongs?

this almost made me vomit. We should just walk in and invade them and make them our 51st state... perhaps clean out some of the "enemy combatants" they have there.

Depends on State. In New Jersey they make you get a license and register a BB gun... so much infringement....

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>busses are getting better
"We suck less" isn't exactly an inspiring message.

Britain is hereby officially crowned the saddest failiure in the history of mankind.


>oi mate you got a loisence for those bread ingredients?!

I've only heard Muslims say this, is the UK so infested with Muslims they need signs to prevent Sunni vs Shia fights?

It seems like the british elite are obsessed with slaughter and oppression, meaning that if they cannot subjugate foreigners they’ll brutalize other anglos.

>eggs in bread

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There's no way this is real. I hope.

Its not. Thank God.

Yeah I realized that after I posted it.

Pasta ingredients? I dunno.

I believe this one is a fake

>oi mate, you have a license for that omelette?
>but do you have loicense for that loicense
you’re coming with me mate

Ur nicked, son.

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That sucks man. God bless America

is there any wonder we're so despised

from the british empire to the british joke

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I feel like uk deserves all this for all the evil they have done, but deep down I feel sorry for them.


You make this joke but give it a couple years.

Brother, your rights are inherent ad alienable.

Do what we did.

Ok, Ahmed.

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is it a british town or a computer?

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thats stupid. every smart kid knows you need to buy them a few weeks earlier anyway. leave them somewhere warm

I'm sorry, but this is why we threw off the Monarchy in our section of North America.

Take it from a Yankee.

Ah yes, George Washington predicted TV licencing didn't he

at least this one's fake.

It's not that simple mate. If we tried to violently overthrow the people responsible for things getting to this point, all we'd be doing is making them look like martyrs and giving the media one hell of a field day. It's got to be done slowly, properly. It's got to reach a point were the uninterested masses can no-longer turn a blind eye to shit that's happening. Only then will ordinary people take notice.

There's a quote, I can't remember it exactly, but the gist of it is, "Rights take years to accrue, yet seconds to break" or something to that effect. What really needs to happen is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights needs to re-examined, updated, and formally codified into international law.

BIN that cake


the fucking tv license threat is as old as time here in the UK- they know they can't actually control it so they use fierce rhetoric to scare the weak-willed- a tactic at the heart of our class/serfdom/landed elite history.

I mean they can't even share data between hospitals in the same NHS trust so the fuck TV Licensing knows anything about us at all...

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>Is this real
No, but it may as well be

Probably. Basically nobody gives a fuck and takes it seriously. Our nation is run by the same leftwing scum as every other west European nation and the idea that anybody fears the police arresting you for not having a tv license is ridiculous

I look forward to the death of the UK and the birth of the full Republic of Ireland.

God maintain the United States of America

>take TV license test
>fucking gook cuts me off in his shitty 15 inch magnavox CRT
>lose my focus and start to change channels too quickly
>see a 42 inch samsung in my rear view
>its the rozzers
>they mistake my TV remote for a plastic spoon and beat me to death with their billy clubs
>failed license test

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all of this shit is imported from america
all of it

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You're probably a fucking Canadian.
I can hear the sound of a dog getting blown from here.

It's howling and slurping noises.

Death to all Unionist scum, United Ireland now.


I never pay the TV licence and the Televisual Police haven't come knocking on my do-

Who knows? Half of it is censored.

brits should start a class action lawsuit against the BBC for irradiating their cells with carcinogenic propaganda waves and demanding they pay for it.

>lives in Italy where dialects are protected by the law and sometimes considered superior to italian, also almost everyone knows at least one and there are about 20-30 of them
sooooo comfy

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Peple in charge are still mostly non muslims and it's that bad already.
Can you imagine what it'd be like when they are in charge?
full on blasphemy law and decapitation.

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Eggs can be in some bread.

I put bacon in your halal food.

>fucking gook cuts me off in his shitty 15 inch magnavox CRT
I'm fucking dying here holy shit

Let's see that aerial socket son...

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The better question, is why would any American in their right mind ever want to travel to that shithole.
>walk off plane
>talking with friends how I would normally talk everyday of my life
>5 minutes later
>5 years in foreign prison
How is their tourism industry not tanked?