New poster.
What did Trigger and A1 mean by this?

Our generation's kiznaiver

Cookie cutter Trigger formula

die marketing staff

pink haired girl and the robot are sisters

That mecha looks like the one from star driver wtf

>the fat guy holding food
So quirky, funny and original

Ready for kino in the franxx?

>We want the Diebuster and the romcom audience at the same time

I want to be dominated by the scary lady.

It feels like het Diebuster.

Im down.

assuredly the nail in the coffin for this zombified studio

That pink haired girl is the best girl isn't she?

>10 characters
>9 are bland as fuck

This is the only reason I'll give it a shot.

Those uniforms are such trash. So much gray.

What kind of haircut does the guy in the back have?

>studio trigger will die in your lifetime

They should try the cookie cutter kyoani formula

This looks so much like A1 rather than Trigger.

I wish it was only A1
Then we wouldnt get this dumb studio wars thing

The robot design is nice, I'm interested in figuring out how will they work though, do the girls turn into robots that get piloted by the dudes? Are they only the core of the robot but the robot itself is just a machine? Do they pilot it together? That's the main question driving my curiosity right now. Either way I will probably watch it since I have nothing else to do anyway.

>Man I hope a bunch of people lose there jobs over a cartoon

Top left? It's retarded, but buzzcuts on the sides, and slicked back hair on the top

Pic for comparison


>Sup Forums complains about Trigger pandering to the West too much
>This is clearly pandering to the Japanese audience, and, according to Sup Forums, is a bad thing

Confusion will be my epitaph.


I think they pilot it together, but they have different controlling schemes.

who the flip are you quoting

MC looks generic as fuck

Best girl with the glasses.

I really hate those character designs.

I think they would be fine in the guys had black pants.

looks like the kind of show that gathers all the rubbish so all the other shows it airs alongside are discussable, lets hope that's the case

Quoth the raven.

Hope it flops like Re:crap

I have low hopes for this

eww mecha shit. All hope lost on this trigger anime and I thought it would be good cause it was made by trigger.


New PV today?

Just a new 30 sec CM.

The pink haired girl IS the robot

>2 studios that have never made a good anime making one together
what could go wrong

MC a cute!


Fake Cocona is cute.

>all the elitisti jerking their egos over how superior they are and how objectively right they are for hating stuff who won't allow people to like this show because it's objectively bad because they said so
Kill yourselves, retards. Or maybe learn to let go of your retarded hatred mentality. Jesus, this is going to be another Re:Creators where some circlejerk forces they're bullshit of this show being bad and people won't be allowed to like it. Disgusting

Re:creators is shit

Shinseki Yori wasn't that bad. Just a bit longer than it needed to be.

They say that, but Sup Forums will be filled with threads about it as always. The threads will be cancerous nonetheless.

Your opinion. I like it and no anonymous retard is going to tell me otherwise

Your opinion is shit.

twintails best girl.

There is a new interview with Goripom that talks about crazy mecha sakuga.

madder than hell

Blue is cute. She's the designated loser isn't she?


Literally what

>mecha with boobs and mouth


>fatass director self insert


>fat kid is the only one eating

So who will kick the bucket first. Put my bet on 666

To be honest, this looks like absolute dogshit so far.

>girls have an X on their uniform
>boys have an upside down Y

Your opinion is shit

Yes, your disgusting secret circlejerk hivemind tend to get mad when people dare have their own opinions that differ from what the internet taste illuminati decide it should be

why was it so high to begin with?

Loud minority user, there's no argument without two sides. You're practically not allowed to like anything on this board. Best you can do is to ignore the trolls and talk about what you want to. Re:Creators is great.

Absolute shit taste. Kill yourself

you'res is the anger that will peirce your rectal lining

>You're practically not allowed to like anything on this board

you're thinking of Sup Forums where you belong,

Is this our generation's Aquarion Evol?

These designs look so fucking bland apart from the pink cutie.

Cause Trigger get everyone hype.

To be honest, this looks good so far
>look how cool and objective we are hating things and calling them shit
Fuck off

The mecha design reminds me of Melan Blue

>sheep can't even make a coherent post
Explain this thread and Re:Creators threads when someone dared say they like the show and didn't think it was absolute garbage

however much were you paid to write this post was too high

>people who like what the hivemind doesn't allow to like are paid shills
Forgive me for having my own opinion and liking things.

Because Re:creators was bad and this looks bad, it's simple. But You can still like it, no one can stop you.

Re:Creators is good.

>Because Re:creators was bad and this looks bad
Just like Sup Forums says everything is bad and looks bad. You aren't more objective because you shit on something, you know?

right??? except worse

You complain about people disliking your opinion while disliking the opinions of others. Just calm down you sperg.

Trigger fans are the new punk rock. You got an almighty Cultural Marxist establishment bent on destroying everything that stands on its path... We are just a plucky gang of rebels hurling dank memes at the Cathedral. Somebody's gotta fight for the West, or just give up, I'm sure your future white children are gonna enjoy their lives as 2nd class citizens in Sharia transgender dystopia

Same mech designer

This poster completely ruined the air of mystery that the first had, now it just looks like another generic mecha show.


I don't dislike the opinions of others. I dislike their attitude where they act like they're more objective than those who like it and will always try to "prove" those who dare like what they dislike are " objectively wrong"

Will these threads ever not be shitposted to death

>Trigger hater is a Sup Forums shitposter whose post is a nonsensical shitpost full of buzzwords
Really makes you think

only when they stop being composed of marketing staff selling absolute trash

>another generic mecha show
This is good

Strap yourself in user, we're going for a ride.

>my question gets answered with a shitpost
I guess not

Nice opinion. 0% objective

For lack of a better word, the design looks kind of low-effort. It's as if I'd see this poster inside another anime as an ad to an in-universe series or something similar.

If you need paid employees to say otherwise, is it still an opinion?