Can someone explain to me purpose of this fucking anime?
Juuni Taisen
The war of wars with cute anime girls
Fun things are fun.
Cute boy and girls killing each other.
Making money in a capitalistic society? What else?
Bore the viewers to death
To laugh at the ridiculous shenanigans of this guy.
>anime front-loads all of their best animators and artists and budget in the first three episodes
>rest of the series doesn't even feel like the same series anymore
I hate Juuni Taisen post-Ep3. Fuck, the lineart doesn't even look as impressive as it did during 1-3.
Retarded, senseless entertainment. It's a silly, short action series.
How can we fix this?
Hey, at least its unique.
I'll take it over every flavor of the month MGRP anyway.
I'm not a huge KyoAni fan, but I do respect how they bring along a small and focused team to every series. Even though some episodes are clearly more "budgeted" than others in the same series (aka: Kyoukai no Kanata Episode 12), the studio uses a consistent style that stays strong throughout the entire series. This is only possible due to that their team works on fewer projects per year than other studios, which allows them to dedicate the same artists or animators to working on more episodes than average.
When time and money is involved, anime studios can't reliably focus their staff on a single series instead of splitting them over multiple airing works or outsourcing to other studios. Nonetheless, Juuni Taisen is ridiculous when it comes to this.
Its unique what?
Watching people die because they are dumb
Also the bunny
Can you shut the fuck up for a second
It was good for a few episodes, then it went to shit when Monkey died. Episode 7 was so bad.
Better question, do you think your zodiac sign will live?
To watch various combat """experts""" getting memed on, especially at the hands of the whimsical ripped faggot bunny.
Battle royale
it's fucking dumb, the dragon character being able to fly was the latest wtf moment
It would be okay if it wasn't predictable as shit due to the reverse zodiac shit
Nisioisin masturbating to himself