Yuri!!! On Ice

Their first kiss is officially one year old today.
Do you still love them the same, right?

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One year since the biggest crossover anime of all time became legendary RIP season 2 never coming

You mean RIP movie
We're not sure the movie is real or a myth, let alone a season 2

What kiss? I didn't see a kiss.

The Yuri!!! on Concert takes place this Sunday, Nov 19. Can we have Hope for Any info?

a year and I still can not get over this anime

It's still fun but I'm over it now. Oversaturation of the show and all the merchandise and sponsoring watered it down for me. rock boys are the new hotness.

My little sisters really like this show.

They might as well be girls.

Absolutely yes, I want to have faith in Tosshi who will be there too. Please, all I need is a release date or a first visual.

Depends on which one you're looking at and Some change apperance.

I thought pic related was a girl, it's a boy?
I hope you'll join the yoi threads when the movie comes out, it's not gonna be anytime soon.

>skinny girly men
You are a faggot among the gays

I'll be in the threads when the movie is out.
They're all genderless but call each other brothers. In the manga they look more androgynous. Check it out user.

Drunk nendo Yuuri a cute. CUTE!

>Russian dick in Nippon ass.

I never got into it; I just don't think ice skating is that great

I still love them. This scene brought me a lot of happiness despite something terrible happening to me irl that same day.

I wasn't into figure skating before and I am not now, but I follow major competitions every now and them for fun. I still can't figure out the jumps kek.

It's still so beautiful.

How can I learn to appreciate yaoi?
I have been trying to get into it but I just don't get it.

Ice skating is fun with friends/family. By yourself it's pretty autistic

It's not for everyone, I guess

Are nips going to recreate the airport scene?


>duetto on the spine


>hearts inside the snowflakes

What did they mean by this?

I resisted the other nendos but this is just too cute. Not buying him will be hard.

Are you enjoying this living legend's butt? Dusting him with a brush feels strangely lewd.

Ice skating is a wank, especially men's figure skating. Ice shows are nice though.

This is why we had to deal with Avex's bullshit, right?

Why is the Japanese release is much more expensive than this? I'm ignorant and don't know how this works.

Their love for ice skating of course.

3D skating is enjoyable when the artistic side doesn't overshadow the technical side, I mean this is still a sport, not a theatrical performance.

I want to sleep on Bald’s butt and use it as a shelf!

>use it as a shelf
It can actually be used as a pen holder.

Piggy's ass > all other asses, though

>show's name is Yuri!!!
>it's yaoi
Never been this disappointed in my life.

I missed this. I missed you all.

Objectively Victor is the one with the best ass, but if I had to choose which to squeeze I'd choose Yuuri's. That stupid pig is too lewd for me.

Best body overall, but ass still goes to the Piglet for me. I love him

Does this have a pre-order date yet?

As far as I know it wasn't announced yet.

Really makes you think

What's the best merch this series has to offer?

BR/DVD release for european fags never ;_;

Why are piggy nendos so damn cute? Stop tempting the poor!

Sanrio collaboration

One whole year of fujo delusion.

What shows have you been watching?
Try watching stuff like the old Ai no Kusabi OVA maybe. But really don't force yourself if you don't like it you don't like it.

One day i´ll watchthis but not today


Do it today.


Didn't know that, kek
I'm watching the episode right now.

Do you think YoI's success will push people to make more homo anime non-bl? It seems even though it printed money, the conservative exec still don't want to give sayo and co free reign.

>still don't want to give sayo and co free reign
I'd wait the movie before speaking, I'm sure the tables have turned after the incredible sales numbers.

it seems that in early November had another MAPPA panel and they said something about the kiss

The jist is: it says that otsuka was surprised by the reaction, male staff were worried, they were relieved with the positive reaction. Oh and that Sayo loves surprises of course.

Where did you get this info from? I’ve heard nothing except that they can do whatever they want from Otsuka

Didn’t Otsuka pull an “it’s up to your interpretation” when someone asked if it’s a kiss or not also? Though this particular excerpt’s question says “kiss” straight out.

Well, we know Sayo had to push for that scene, but is right, I guess we need to wait for the movie.

>After suffering a humiliating loss at the Grand Prix Final, Japan's number one skater, Yuri Katsuki, is ready to hang up his skates for good. But when his idol and five-time champion Victor Nikiforov offers to be his coach, Yuri's put on a trek for gold and to discover the true meaning of victory!
Together, they'll face skaters from around the world while discovering where their true feelings lie.

Sounds gay

It's a shame that there are no other summaries from the panel to know if he said this or not

but this kiss is not considered a Russian tradition?
Just like when Victor kissed Yakov on the cheek....

user please. We have a tradition of kissing here in France too but nobody would mistake a curt greeting with a lewd kiss. Does OP looks like a curt greeting to you?


At least they included “sports” too

The graphic designer for the cover is a BaldFatfag


can some1 give me a cute yurio pic

Kiss made me cry when it aired, but my life is bikefairy 25/8 now


oh FUck yes
now user can u ship yurio to my home so i can pet him irl

I miss Fairy so much. His beautiful skating, his "haa?!", his soldier eyes, his unyielding determination, his punkass attitude, his tender smile.
Same. I support Baldfat and I'm happy for them, but Bikefairy is what keeps my heart going.

This shit is so fuckign gay, it makes boku no pico look like hokuto no ken

bud hes not dead

Don't lewd the Pig user! He is pure! Pure!

He might as well be, as far as figure manufacturers are concerned. When will I be able to keep my tablet pen on Fairy's beautifully sculpted ass?

I want to sexually bully the Pig in that gay sweater!


My African Brother from another mother.

what the h*ck thats too fucking cute
does anyone here look like yuri i wanna cuddle with u send pm ;)))))

I've seen pictures of people balancing stuff on his butt. I find it pretty amusing.

I mean MAPPA is working on Banana Fish anime project. Who knows.

Me too

He gets other good merch. The bikefairy gift plush look good, his posket figure looks good unlike fat abomination figure, nendo looks good. But my dick is out because I love him.

This was a false rumor.
>Looking at the report I've been sent


>The jist is: it says that otsuka was surprised by the reaction, male staff were worried, they were relieved with the positive reaction. Oh and that Sayo loves surprises of course.

Via hanleia CCs

I dont have much faith in that since Utsumi is at the helm, but we’ll see.

Casual version Yuuri nendo is up for pre-order on GSC.

Didn’t she also say that the other summary that was locked mention the “up to interpretation” part though?

Only if you're shit at it. If you can skate well it's ridiculously fun by yourself, you just fly around at high speeds with crazy mobility in a way you could never do on foot. I can't even fathom how godlike elite skaters must feel when just being decent feels so good.

No. Not that I can see. Also she was sent the full summary.









直接的でない色っぽさをめざした」 (1/2)

>comes with sake bottle

Alcoholic Pig is canon now huh

Forgot pic

user 9d









Fuck, that's so cute. My piglust is so strong when he's drunk.

Drunk pig is best pig.

Also in there

>I’m not very good at Japanese but didn’t the summary you answered with straight out say “what was the reaction to the kiss?” It definitely wasn’t a question about whether or not it was a kiss. I wonder where people are hearing they asked about that?
>In the summary I was given

Moral of story. Dont trust No Homo rumors on the internet

If he’s not careful, he’ll wind up pregnant after drinking too much

Where did this rumor come from. With the false lie about “up to interpretation” i wonder if its the usual suspects and their circle of friends

Good, piggy is made for breeding

You get jinbei Pig rubber strap if you order through Animate

Some Japanese fans are questioning why this set is categorized under "Yaoi".