It amazes me how Uro managed to create a respectable well written spin off out of this fap bait trash.
How low can a series go to pander to otaku scum?
It amazes me how Uro managed to create a respectable well written spin off out of this fap bait trash.
How low can a series go to pander to otaku scum?
go back there retard
You don't know Jack the Ripper wasn't a cute loli looking for a mother.
>first you defend King Arthur being made to fap bait
>now you you defend Jack the Ripper being made in to a loli for Japanese audiences
Sasuga fatefags, your cancer knows no bounds. Don't forget to dump your money on to gacha rolls tonight!
>Reading/watching apocrypha
You're right, Jack the Ripper should be portrayed as the fat, black, transwoman he was.
Type that in google and you won't see a single women
You can complain about it, without using tumblr image.
heem yourself
>tumblr image.
It's not even from there though
Go back there.
The second best thing about Jack is how many people sperg out because of her. (The first, of course, is how erotic she is.)
SF Jack - best Jack.
Can you actually imagine some freak liking the Fate franchise? Scary thoughts
There's far superior VNs around, but Fate is pretty fun when it stops taking itself seriously, like in FGO.
What's wrong with a blade wielding white haired Jack the Ripper?
I don't use it, so I don't know, I just thought it's tumblr because it's blue.
> not posting the historically accurate version
Does Fate Jack also pick up giant mechs and run around on them midair to cut them to pieces?
Nah, the only thing she picks are STDs.