Yes, Sup Forums. Why?

Yes, Sup Forums. Why?

Other urls found in this thread:戦場ヶ原-ひたぎ-my-life-story

What were his other options?

Nisio is so self-conscious about the bullshit he writes its amazing

even 2D nips have shit taste

She is fun, witty, straightforward, open, romantic and what's the most important - she is genuine unlike Hanekawa.

Hanekawa secretly wants to murder people. Hachikuji is 11 and a ghost. Nadeko a shit, no good qualities besides cuteness. Kanbaru is an okay fit but a lesbian. Only Senjou has no major problems of the main girls, also she got there first

>Senjou has no major problems
Crabfags, delusional as usual.


first come first serve

>Yes, Sup Forums. Why?

Crab is the only character who has a good father daughter relationships. Shes by far the safest bet for long term relationship.

Name 1 major problem with crab? And no, "has crabs" is not a funny reply

Does being a lunatic count then? She nearly stabbed Araragi when they first met and she's constantly threatening with murder. Also she's a bitch.

Monkey is more bisexual and my wife desu

I wish you could hear my breathing just now.

Monkey is just pretending to be bisexual out of jealousy.

I'd rather not listen to a mouth breathing Crabfag.

Because she was the first to confess.

No she really loves me. How can Ragi even compete?

monkey is only bi for rrrg's dick

> she's constantly threatening with murder
Do you know about jokes, sarcasm, etc? Or do you understand everything people say literally?

I dislike ball pen points hovering millimeters away from my eye

I don't dislike ball pen points hovering millimeters away from my eye.

Because she puts up with his rampant pedophilia and his cheating.

No wonder she thought about stabbing him a million times.

> How can Ragi even compete
>10/10 immortal body
>Out of this world hot girls follow him around everywhere

What exactly do you have to offer?

Because RRRG has no balls.

>Hanekawa secretly wants to murder people
What's wrong with this?

She's also a whore who'd give herself to any middle aged man who looked at her the right way

Guys sorry to break the convo away but this holding hand shit got me laid twice. Virgin till 22, always wanted everything to be perfect, talking, dating etc. but apparently, women prefer actions more.

If both are having fun and you sit close, start rubbing elbows then grab her hand. If she does what best girl is doing in this webm, 9 out of 10 times you gonna take her home. Persuading her to ride you is just more natural after a little bit of touching.

>Virgin till 22
Get the fuck outta here normie.

And what makes you belive anyone cares about your life normalfag?

>Don't understand why Aragi loves Crab so much since she isn't in the anime much
>Read the LN
>She is non existent in that too
Even the best part about her in the anime (the bantz) belongs Shinobu in the LN.
He also seems like he spend a lot more time with Kanbaru in that version, just chilling and shittalking.
So I don't know.

>She is non existent in that too
Why should I hate you, we're not that different.

I mean i don't hate her either.
Im just confused as to what's so special about her.



Because the first story was bakemonogatari and not kizumonogatari or owarimonogatari 1. First girl always wins, especially if the writer loves boring and mundane conclusions.

>I was wondering why you picked Senjougahara?
>Because she is the only person I would feel less bad about.
>If I choose Hanekawa, it would really crush my heart to use her as a cover.
>You mean you're just using Senjougahara, oni no onii-chan?
>You sound like Ononoki!

>First girl always wins
You are contradicting yourself. The first girl is Kiss-shot/Shinobu. It could have been Hanekawa but she kept silent. If Senjougahara asked Araragi be her boyfriend in Bake, Shinobu asked Araragi to be her eternal lover/husband as early as Kizu. He might have declined in Kizu but in Nise, he implicitly accepted her offer when he agreed to live together with her until the day they die. The bath scene was a literal private wedding between the two of them. The writer loves to play mind games and word plays. He would not tell thing directly to you but instead, gives bits and pieces.

First girl introduced, stupid.

First scene in bake is Senjougahara falling (the kizu preview was only in the anime so it didn't affect the story). She is the first girl by anime rules.

> The first girl is Kiss-shot/Shinobu.
Even in the books Hitagi is the first.

Literally nonexistent in the LN. Her second relevant arc was good only because of Kaiki.

I dont wanna be that guy but, we all realise Crab is the odd one out of the series right? Her character isn't relevant to the story at all. But if I had to theorise, it would be for the sake of the plot.

Nisio literally said what he thought about crab through Snail.
I came from reddit and saw a guy complaining about Hitagi not being relevant to the show even though she is the MC gf, the crabfags literally told him to kill himself just because he said the truth.
By the way it's pretty obvious their "romance" is pretty bad, not to mention they NEVER show and romantic interaction between Araragi and Senjougahara.

> they NEVER show and romantic interaction between Araragi and Senjougahara.

Don't get me wrong. I'm talking about showing what they do on screen

>I came from reddit
The state of this fucking board.

Jesus christ araragi...

Are we watching the same show?
In the torrent I got, rrrg is constantly mentioning her to all other characters, almost to the point of annoyance. Maybe I simply have a version with bad subs or something.

Well I usually go there because sometimes they post cool things. Like figures and fanarts

>I came from reddit
Monogatari fans in a nutshell

She's his foil, plain and simple.
Rather than complement the absurdity of his character like Cat, or directly amplify it like Bat, Crab negates it and drags him back down to earth.

Then stay there retard.

They did a lot of romantic stuff on screen.
From their first interaction to this .

Jeez what's wrong with Reddit?

You're not trying to say she's the weight, aren't you?

Ironically, yes. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Yeah, but literally every female character in the franchise tried to kill Araragi.

>First girl introduced
>She is the first girl by anime rules.
>Even in the books Hitagi is the first.

It is irrelevant because Kizu happened first in the monogatari universe. Shinobu is no different from a childhood friend being the first girl. Even being the childhood friend does not guarantee her to be the winner. The "first girl always win" goes does the drain just by that fact. Even the definition of the trope "first girl wins" say so. The "always" is just a hoax. It is just a very good chance at the most.

>In romantic works, the first girl introduced — either overall or as a potential Love Interest — has a very good chance of ending up with the protagonist (especially if the protagonist is male).

Even if Senjougahara is the "first girl", she still lost because Shinobu got hold of Araragi first. Chronologically, everything here is true. In the big picture, she is just a human mistress between these vampire lovers. I do admire Senjougahara for her persistent even though it is futile.

Because Araragi fucked up and didn't date Kanbaru.
From a purely logical standpoint his life would be most comfortable with her in her giant ass rich motherfucker house, with her rich motherfucker grandparents in their rich motherfucker bath.
It also doesn't hurt Kanbaru becomes a sports doctor which is also a rich motherfucker job and unironically the most stable job of any of the girls.

She understands arararaki better than cat does. The only reason araraki is still alive and the world hasnt ended is because crab threatened to kill anyone who kills arararaki. Which leads to ararraki not letting cat kill him because he knew crab would kill her. Hes a suicidal moralfag and cat understood the best way to keep him from killing himself is by making his death lead to the killer dying.

Fuck off

Idk if crab can kill cat because she has vampire powers too

> It is irrelevant because Kizu happened first in the monogatari universe.
Read the fucking Bake's afteword or Wikipedia. Nisio didn't plan to write anything post Suruga Monkey. Even Nadeko Snake and Tsubasa Cat.




Who knows, but arararaki is afraid of her enough to think she can.

Only when shes mad stressed. Correct me if Im wrong here, but Cat couldnt release Black Hanekawa if it was an instant kill

>Read the fucking Bake's afteword or Wikipedia
Are you retarded? Shinobu and Meme were present during Bake, so it’s obvious that Kizu was already thought out.

>Even Nadeko Snake and Tsubasa Cat.

Not that user but I'd rather you not lie to him. The afterword tells you to look forward to Nadeko Snake and Tsubasa Cat.

Jebus robbed you of your quads for a reason. Araragi doesn't have the vaginal jew and never thinks like that.

Are you a fucking idiot? Not only did Nisio say it himself multiple times, there's nothing in Bake suggesting he had Kizu planned out. Oshino probably was originally created because Araragi needed someone to take Senjougahara to, and Shinobu existed as a reason for why they met.

>everything here [wrong link] is true.
This is the correct one .

There was a small flashback of kizu right in the beginning of bake

I think so, but in that state, hanekawa was in cat mode. So i highly doubt Crab could do anything to her. Don't forget it's araragi's POV

I really don't see your point. Shinobu meet him before, but Hanekawa, Sodachi, Nadeko and his sisters all met with him before as well. If you want to be strict, Araragi was Senjougahara's classmate before that as well. None of that changes the fact that Senjougahara was the girl he first meets at chapter 1 of volume 1, and therefore the cliched fated encounter with first girl who just happened to win.

>Not only did Nisio say it himself multiple times, there's nothing in Bake suggesting he had Kizu planned out. Oshino probably was originally created because Araragi needed someone to take Senjougahara to, and Shinobu existed as a reason for why they met.
Yes, and Shinobu was also a loli who refused to speak to Araragi while living under Oshino’s care in the cram school just because. Nothing at all suggests that Kizu was thought out. Nothing. Kill yourself, my dude

he didn't really "choose" shit
it's just Gahara isn't a dumbitch and she knows you get a boyfriend by ASKING HIM OUT instead of waiting forever until he realizes despite the fact he is a densest motherfucker in the world

Hanekawa done goofd, Araragi is just as dense as any other harem protag. waited forever, got her boyfriend snatched by superior girl get shit on lel

> so it’s obvious that Kizu was already thought out.
To a certain extent. But not enough to call Shinobu the first girl.
Here is Nisio's interview
> – What! Really? So you don’t have the plot decided already?

> I don’t. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to feel satisfied whilst writing.


That was literally just Shaft, since Kizu was already out by the time they animated Bake.
Are you fucking trolling or what?

See:Bake was written first and then Kizu.

Because he wrote Kizu before Bake anime.

>Nothing. Kill yourself, my dude
This is why threads become dumb.

Having the plot decided is different from knowing about the general direction and what certain parts will be. There is just too much foreshadowing in all his series for it to not be the case.

>The only reason araraki is still alive is because bat saves his ass all the time.
- Kizu - turning him into a minion
- Neko:Kuro - Help him recover when his arm was torn off and stay with him for hours. Restored his entire lower half and took care of cat.
- Suruga Monkey - Powered him up. Even if crab did not came, bat would have butted in if rrrg was in real danger.
- Tsubasa Cat - came out of his shadow and beat the crap out of cat.

Truth be told that rrrg said himself that the only reason he lives is to keep bat alive. He will live as long as she lives and will choose death if she dies.

>But not enough to call Shinobu the first girl
I’m not saying that she’s the first girl though. The prestory to Bake was thought out enough. No, the novel itself wasn’t written by the time Bake was published, but the plot was already thought out
>loli Shinobu and low Araragi power suggest that their blood pact was already thought out
>Shinobu’s grudge suggests that the final battle of Kizu and its outcome was already thought out
>these two points suggest that Araragi already vowed to her in response to her attempt at self-sacrifice for him

here you go.戦場ヶ原-ひたぎ-my-life-story

It was more like his mysterious backstory I think. Like in Zaregoto. Some hints here and there. Later Nisio collected them and wrote the full story.

Well thanks for showing me this but I doubt I'll read it...

Like for Owarimonogatari I can imagine he had all the ideas for Ougi/Araragi already but the progression of plot to the climax was something that came from him writing the actual book. Same goes for Shinobu/Kizu.

He doesn't think like that but objectively speaking, Kanbaru and her bonuses are the best option.
Senjougahara is piss-broke, Cat is a terrorist, Nadeko is a minor mangaka and everyone else is either related, irrelevant or incapable of living a human life.

>Senjougahara is piss broke
Doesn't she pay the debt off by Musubi considering she's influential enough in whatever company she works at to make them open up a branch in Japan

>partner is never home because she is too busy working her ass off like a salaryman.

Even if she is making a lot of money, she's not going to be around.

>Thinking you "pick" someone when you fall for someone

That's just Japan, though.

I think it was pretty much thought out though. Both the very specific relationship he has with Shinobu, Hanekawa, and Meme and the whole Tsubasa Cat arc reveal this pretty straightforwardly. Of course it was a mystery for us, but not for Nisio. Partially plot was thought out well before Bakemonogatari was published.

Fuck off retard

She is doing her best to be with him.
And he is pretty busy too.

Hahahaha you're hilarious man