How can we help out this guy, but in the worst way possible?
How can we help out this guy, but in the worst way possible?
Other urls found in this thread:
Flood the internet with memes about Jews being disgusting filth.
Flood youtube with nazi pugs.
Call the police on a bunch of left-wing Scottish politicians claiming that they offended you with a joke.
Who cares he is a communist.
We will use him for our own propaganda purposes so in that sense it helps us sending him to prison. He will learn race is real in prison and the AB will cut that tattoo off of his chest.
How about we flood the whole UK with doing something like "it's okay to be white" thing.
Get UK anons to place out 1000's off papers with a slogan about free speech and a
very anti semitic joke
stop being Jewish.
So I'll just sit and watch when it's _you_ they come after?
forgot link >_<
count dankula did nothing wrong.
yes, he may be a leftie, but to pull a joke like this he gotta be at least a bit redpilled...
he will get the rest of the pill in prison, so its a good thing.
he is/will be ourguy.
Fly Nazi flags in solidarity. Literally kill a literal cuck (and the woman and her lover), fight with Antifa, and attend a Christian Identity Church.
You know, basic Sup Forums stuff.
But seriously, fuck this fat Scottish faggot. Sure, he didn't deserve to go to jail, but he is a former commies and a current (((liberal))).
Some Brits need to get the balls to do this collectively and seriously.
Post pics and videos of your pets doing a sieg heil.
At this point the only thing we should be flooding the UK with is arms and soldiers who are willing to fight for freedom. It's time.
Brownshirt marches in front of his house.
What's the story with this guy?
The best part about the whole thing is how pleased he looks in every photo op I've seen, like some how the joke is on them. Lol He's not even sorry, not that he should be.
His dogs a Nazi
Lmao...that...that actually about sums it up
PDP forced his black dog to do a salute at least once. If he gets sued as well shit will hit the fan.
I agree
Link me to source, user
From what i gathered, he used to be a commie and regrets that tat but might be wrong.
This is good.
I have been complaining and ranting on this board since the Snooper's Charter was stealthily introduced and I think that this is all coming to a head now. Hopefully the internet will destroy them.
He just tweeted this
No need fag
for anyone who has a dog, lets train our dogs to shit on a lgbtbbq flag.
Ah yes, just saw this myself, thanks bro
Finally glad they picked on someone who refuses to apologise.
Scot user reporting in for duty, trying to organise a demo for his sentencing date. Any other scot anons here?
Get young people excited about FOS in this country. All I hear about from young people irl is Social Justice and shit music.
All the young people on here masturbate to cartoons and will become more hated than boomers.
This country needs to get serous about FOS.
It needs to convey a positive message, undermine the MSM.
We need to hand out Greene's 33 strategies to everyone concerned.
We're slowly being strangulated.
he's a try hard civnat faggot who loves diversity. Now he can embrace all the diversity in his prison cell full of niggers and arabs
Spam the UK police with all means of communication telling them that you're offended by the labour party publicly showing that it's gone full-on communist as you lost family in the soviet union.
If they don't do anything, they're hypocrites. 'Cause more people died because of communism than ever died because of Nazi'ism.
so Sup Forums's hero is a all body pierced, tattooed degenerate illiterate freak with a communist worldview
muh sides
DESU my plan was to teach a dog to siegheil and bring it to the court on his sentencing date.
>Spam the UK police
Call them all a bunch of authoritarian pricks.
nice one pal
it is a dark day for saying shit online
Away with you big nose
FFS, just tried to log into twitter for first time in months and I've been banned for sarcastically telling an antifaggot that he is right to dehumanise his political enemies because it will make murdering them in the gulags easier.
Banned for "threatening and abusive behaviour" towards a page literally dedicated to political violence. Sorry to blog post but if I wasn't ree-ing hard enough before I fucking am now.