Just finished watching Fooly Cooly. Can someone explain it to me?
Just finished watching Fooly Cooly. Can someone explain it to me?
>Can someone explain it to me?
Rewatch it from Blu-rays. There are director's comments on them. Pretty cool and interesting stuff. He explained some things there.
It's pretty weird
hello me in 2006
>dick joke: the anime
14 year olds think it's really deep and clever
Bro i dont have time for that. i have an anime class in like 1.5 hours and he wants us to talk about our interpretations of it. plz i dont want to look a fool
So, user, what does FoolyCooly mean?
I'm madly in love with Homura. Fuck. She's too good.
Bro i dont have time for that. i have an anime class in like 1.5 hours and he wants us to talk about our interpretations of it. plz i dont want to look a fool
>Take a literal anime class
>the homework is just to fucking watch anime
>don't do it
Fucking retard.
Homura is def my favorite anime character of all time.
>he doesn't understand FLCL
can u explain k-on to me
>mfw anime class
I'd waifu her if she wasn't a carpet muncher.
It doesnt mean anything
>le Homura is lesbian meme
She literally hugged a naked MAdoka and wasn't turned on. Later on she became a godlike being and had total control over, still didn't "munch her carpet"
Homura's love for Madoka is friendship, not sex. If it was, she would already done it. Yurifags are just deluded in their headcanons
>puberty is a wild ride of emotions and new experiences here are some visual metaphors to try and get that across
FLCL is a usual story about growing with a few extra story-lines. Kid is trying to become a man. A lot of sexual frustration. Baseball bat is a pretty obvious symbol. He is hitting on Mamimi, because she was his brother's GF (and it's quite possible that she is a prostitute), but she needs him as pet in this relationships and she cut that connection as soon as boy gets some balls and tries to take initiative. Haruko is a Marry Popins / sexual fantasy character, but our boy is still a boy and when things are getting hot he bails out. In the end she uses his father and ruins him. Naota gets self-respect and stuff.
>It doesnt mean anything
I sense... with my thick eyebrows... a brainlet!
thanks. that makes a lot of sense.
It was an overpriced ova series meant purely to experiment with new animation techniques at the time that made little coherent sense, but pretentious fucks thought highly of its plot I guess. I don't know what people are expecting from the new seasons
>I don't know what people are expecting from the new seasons
a failure
>but pretentious fucks thought highly of its plot I guess
also kys
I'm sorry, waifufriend, but Rebellion exists.
Still, you should rewatch it with comments. Totally worth it and blu ray quality is outstanding.
But Rebellion proves me even more right. Since Homura had literal control over the universe and can do anything she wants to Madoka but doesn't munch her carpet. Headcanons are destroyed by Rebellion
The imagery, symbolism, and characters are significant, not the plot. Also, pretentious isn't the word you mean to use
No, seriously friend, the plot existed to animate something. Sorry it wasn't this thematic masterpiece a lot of people like to call it
>love can only ever refer to eros
People like you are abysmally stupid, especially since every character's arc in Madoka is about exploring a different kind of love.
It is, without any exaggeration, a thematic masterpiece. No pretension necessary
Naoto is trying to grow out of his big brother's shadow and become his own man
Haruko is a emotional stand-in for his brother
Mamimi represents his feeling of trying to emulate his brother and the people pushing him to be like him
Eri represents people who like him but he pushes them away
Amarao and his Dad represent his poor male figures who never learned to grow-up and live in adult adolescence
All animations have plot that exist to animate something, genius.
>we want to practice different techniques, quick throw us together a scenario that can utilize what we want
>here's a scenario, animate it however the fuck you see fit
did you have fun?
that's all the explanations you need
>>here's a scenario, animate it however the fuck you see fit
>unironically thinking that this is okay
Both extremes are shit.
you can literally rewatch it in that time
Sex and puberty.