No more Waifu Wednesday threads... What went wrong? Image not relevant.
No more Waifu Wednesday threads... What went wrong? Image not relevant
I don't see the problem.
Kill yourself, cuckfag.
No u
Waifu is now forbidden on Sup Forums. Hide you're waifu before it's too late!
Mods keep deleting them.
Mai Waifu is brave and strong!
Why ??
Honestly I always considered waifufags to be one of the worst cancer of this site and I can't be more happy to know mods think the same.
This board was always for waifufags by waifufags you dumb newfaggot
>he doesn't have a waifu
draw your waifu thread when?
Waifus are for cucks, you’re in love with a girl who will find a bull to love while you watch
Prove it, fag.
Second Wednesday of every even month.
And nothing of value was lost.
>Watching a girl who will never return the favor fall in love with someone else isn’t cuckoldry
Waifufags are pathetic
Mai Waifu is currently in a relationship with a bull. And?
Good goyim
Those threads are just the same 5 people everytime, let them die, plus there is always the shitfest that is the weekend draw threads, also most of the waifushitters have their own little circlejerk community as seen by those threads.
Waifuism itself is cancer and full of mentally ill people who 80% are just pretending to have a waifu.
That's just part of the show, user-tan. Their medium is like a theater, where they act like the script says, but that doesn't mean that's their actual life.
While I may agree with you about those threads, there's something that is not clear on your statement: where you get that percentage?
Also, people that are just pretending are also mentally ill according to you?
Is that the childhood friend from Girl's Bravo? How did the series end anyway?
Talking about waifus in normal threads is generally fine since it's not too excessive. But dedicated waifu threads are nothing but anons blogging about what they imagine their waifus do and what they imagine doing with their waifus. And then all responding to each other, "Wow, you're waifu sounds great! Good for you!"
There's nothing valuable about reading paragraphs and paragraphs of all that stuff.
like shit.
My waifu's series doesn't have its own threads, though there were about six for the anime in 2008-9. I like having the excuse to talk about it even if nobody ever replies. It wouldn't be appropriate to bring it up anywhere else.
>blogging about what they imagine their waifus do
Talking about how a character might behave is blogging?
who's your waifu?
>New Girls Bravo one shot just now released.
>Epilogue chapter about Kirie's feelings
>It explains nothing.
Another series that would of been better if it went full harem end.
"Blogging" was more about the 2nd part of the sentence, "what they imagine doing with their waifus".
If they didn't include what they'd do, would it be alright, then? It can get too personal sometimes.
>New Girls Bravo one shot just now released.
What you talking about?
>one less place where I can discuss Fuuka and my love for her.
I guess /mai/ is the last refuge for waifuism
untrue, we also discuss the deeper and more intricate things about waifuism as a lifestyle.
The thought process, feelings and philosophy is constantly put into question and we all share a bit about our own perspective and views, helping everyone who participates to improve their mindset and share ideas or concepts.
Kirie's feelings were crystal-clear in the anime. Pink shit just got in the way.
People would probably call that blogging as well, unfortunately.