New merchandise revealed, as well as a hidden fighter who is definitely not Kefla or anything.
Dragon Ball Super
What's his endgame?
Being the real menace of the tournament
Who could it be if its not Kefla?
Controlled Berserker Kale?
The GOD Breaker himself.
Best girl getting all the merch and saving DBH and Dokkan
oh shit. It's Vegithan
Grundos were my favorite pets.
Got lucky with rerolling for the waifu team.
Kefla SS3
dropped out for a while are the girls any good?
How do you feel about toriyama being a tax frauding millionaire normalfag?
You said Blue twice.
Caulifla is a pretty decent unit for AGL.
Kale is maybe the best since she always attacks twice at least, giving you potentiall two Super Attacks.
Haven't tried Kefla, but she changes orbs to PHY, so she'll help Kale and hit hard, too.
I still think Kale is the best one, really hard hitter and better than all Brolys save for LR Broly.
and people say he isn't relevant
Fucking hell, I meant 3.
Is super finally going to end now with him behind bars?
First for Yamcha.
>They WILL get Blue
>They WILL get God
>They will get SS3
I'm not seeing any reason to take Cauliflakalefags seriously.
Toriyama'a chin hair looks nasty
Rich people don't go to prison.
Whoever the snitch was behind the panarama papers he has some serious balls exposing all these big names world wide.
>A rich person getting deserved prison time
It's funny that you think that's feasible.
Does Toriyama how much of a big deal he is? He created a manga which revolutionized an entire genre.
>Brain damaged user deletes post as damage contrrol
My sides
>Toriyama jobs to the Japanese government
But they will. Whether it's sooner or later it doesn't matter.
>Screencapping a typo
U6shitters are butthurt as fuck.
Yes, but he likes having a relaxed life.
He's probably enjoying his time with Super, since he can write, make new characters, but doesn't have to be drawing non-stop to pump out weekly mangas.
>3 Keflas
Good job user
2 more and she will be pleased
Any Freezacucks around? I want to kick your asses.
>Deletes post over typo
I'm not seeing any reason to take you seriously.
He would probably kill himself if he had done a weekly serial for Super, especially at his age. I don't even think monthly would make it better.
teaming up with his bug bro and Shantsa, the canon Janemba
>not rerolling until getting an LR
Watch hypocritical reddit defend him even though they talked tons of shit About other tax evaders in the past
Post yfw Nozawa outlives Toriyama.
Doesn't help that he's a serious smoker too.
I don't care too much about the Japanese one, just did it in case someday the Japanese version gets an English option, I have put too much work on my Global one to leave it behind.
And I really like my Super Saiyan Rage Trunks.
i can't wait to see based tori pairing kafla / kale with best guy chiaotzu
Does this mean Vegetto will really appear in the Power Tournament?
>cute ball arms
>confident smile
>looks like Gregory
>bug bro
Name a flaw.
I seriously doubt he could stand so much work.
But despite all the talks about his new artstyle, he has shown he can still draw really well if he wants to, like when he corrected Zamasu's design for Toyotaro.
>firefox updates
>suddenly the page scrolling is all choppy
Not only that, but he will do an entire page if he really feels he has to.
Reddit didn't even mention what the context of this pic was they just said latest toriyama pic of 2017.
These look like Robot Chicken designed them
I don't think people here realize that the niche subs on reddit are generally free of the bullshit that does on in any of the defaults.
Wtf, do you even Dokkan? Kefla has the same additional attack passive as Kale on top of Caulifla’s dodge (besides it being a medium chance instead of high), also a self-sufficient nuker and raises her own defense. She’s also the category lead of one of the best teams and will be borderline overpowered once she gets her Dokkan awakening.
Speaking of which, who remembers pic related?
Punished Kefla is best Kefla
>7. Dragon Ball Super - 5.0%
Kekfla BTFO by Cabba
>Punished Kefla
If Kefla lost an eye, what would happen to Caulifla and Kale?
Delet this
Stop trying to start shit.
>the voice of one of the characters is more important than the guy who created the show
The Limit Breaker y The Survivor.
How does it make you feel?
Why was Vegeta design in GT so shit?
Reminder after Jiren and Goku knock each other out Kefla will be the strongest in the ToP
His retarded flat hair.
Magic tank top
How will Kefla react, seeing Champa's asshole?
He coudn't remember Launch. How do you expect him to comprehend the entire tax process for someone with his kind of wealth.
not yet potara doesn't have a whole lot of great units apart from rose, LR zamusablack and vegito blue and super vegito. My fusion team still dominates like crazy apart from super dragon road. that's probably cause i got rainbow gogeta guys a fucking beast
I know this is why I will never be rich but I never get why people go through so much effort to avoid taxes when you have millions of dollars.
He looks like a nice guy
I don't understand.
delete this
She'll need her full power to survive it
i'd say the best non lr unit is still int gogeta, i still like the u6 girls and i have them all but there not optimal yet
She'll have Ultra Instinct by then so Champa would get rekt.
Probably because taxes are equal to their fortunes so they pay gotta millions in taxes.
reminder cuckhan has nothing on CHADza!
She will eventually, but right now he's still stronger
Is that fucking Ulquiorra?
Once (if) LR Vegito Blue drops and Kefla awakens that team will be unstoppable. Hopefully she gets a PHY leader skill boost when she awakens too. I wouldn’t be surprised if they release a separate SS3/Base Kefla card to round out the team.
Toriyama's new art style is reflective of his aging physical state.
is this?
Say what you will, but Videl’s current curves are top knotch.
and this.. is to go even further beyond!
Total zen. Maybe he was fighting differently to try and re-ignite UI.
Would she rather get fucked in the ass by Champa?
>and this ones called...
>por que no los dorado final veradera
I'm not 18fag but you gotta admit she's got a banging mom bod.
win after revealing his forma verdadera
>Chi Chi
What the fuck happened?
Why are you posting 3 times yamamuro?
Holy shit is the orichimaru x freeza?
my sides have left this macrocosm