Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai/ We Never Learn

spoilers hopefully soon, I wonder if Komidad actually saw them

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Chapter 39 Viz:

>Doubling up on his efforts yet more trouble befalls Nariyuki

Back to school for things to go horribly wrong, or will Sup Forums get her turn at summer sleepover shenanigans.

>can't even translate star names
how can they fuck it up like that

if /lit/ really wasn't trying to get with moeyuki why did she just go back to sleep instead of extricating herself from such an intimate position?

It's a senpai chapter most likely, in the first spoilers the preview mentioned her dad.

>first place in rankings
We did it, as long as there isn't a massive fuck up, anime in 2019.

yeah, but how could both of them get in trouble with him, he's been pretty chill so far

Maybe he somehow saw both Yuiga and Fumino leaving the Hotel God, I hope so

Or Asumi just said some weird shit to him.

Asumi accidentally makes a joke about Nariyuki being a player in fromt of her dad - Asumi dad immediately intervenes.

something escaping from Komi's mouth seems more probable

Fumino doesn't have feelings for Yuiga. This last chapter shows this.

>first place
>only because fumiko gets her chapter
Really makes you think.

Thank you.

>mfw anime by Shaft


When does the axe come?


>anime by Oonuma

Depends when the next Sup Forums chapter is

when was the last Sup Forums chapter, by the way? it has been some time

>The Light of Heaven is All Starlight
This seems wrong.

Quite wrong.

>yfw this anime is going to get axed and they'll end it non-conclusively in 2 weeks

>#1 in rankings
Loving every laugh.

It seems they translated it literally from the Japanese title instead of looking up the actual book.

Holy hell, Viz is a fucking disgrace. Do they not have any editors?

they probably do, him/her being competent is another deal

This. She slept in the same bed as him and had no bad thoughts. She doesn't see him as a man. She trusts him deeply as only a friend.

Meanwhile, let's ignore all of the embarrassing moments they had when they first went into the futon together.

That was teenage awkwardness. Not feelings.

>anime by Shaft
>Nariyuki voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
>/lit/ voiced by Yui Horie
>/sci/ voiced by Emiri Katou
>/fit/ voiced by Maaya Sakamoto
>/adv/ voiced by Kana Hanazawa
>/cgl/ voiced by Chiwa Saitou

They have transcend the boyfriend girlfriend barrier. Of course they can sleep together without feeling awkward.

問.40 先人は己の選択に[χ]を持って向き合う




They didn't cuddle. When Fumino woke up she didn't go closer to him and they didn't grab tighter.





寸前で止めそれを撮影 父へのダメ押し用のもう一枚だったらしい



ladyrunereader's spoiler translation is up.

speed read much?

Ashumi has no feelings for Yuiga. This chapter shows it well. She didn't kiss him and only teased him.


someone post it

And a ching chong bing bong to you too, sir

I am maymaying. This chapter shows she is a tad interested.

I need the raw to have any confidence in anything.

>senpai chapter
>followed by sensei chapter

fine, I will drop them
Nariyuki went to a bookstore with Kobayashi and Oomori to purchase reference books. Oomori, who wants to buy naughty books, but was too embarrassed about it, asked Nariyuki to buy it for him, where he sandwiched it between the reference books. Asumi, who also came to the bookstore for reference books, saw what Nariyuki was about to purchase, and teased him about it.

Kobayashi and Oomori the left, and because there was some time before her shift, Asumi invited Nariyuki to study together when they encountered Sakuraba, a former classmate of Asumi. Sakuraba plans to go to the beach with her boyfriend, and then BBQ with her circle, along with viewing fireworks. Sakuraba plans to take loads of pictures and post on Instagram.

Sakuraba then asked which university is Asumi attending, to which the former later apologized when she found out Asumi is a ronin. Asumi told her not to mind it. Sakuraba then asked if Nariyuki is her boyfriend, and just as Asumi was about to deny it, Dr. Kominami happened to show up, and have to lie about it instead. Seeing the awkwardness between them, Dr. Kominami thought about wanting to help them.

Nariyuki and Asumi then went to a family restaurant to study, and Nariyuki was impress by how unperturbed Asumi is despite seeing her friend is enjoying her college life. Nariyuki then practiced on solving all of the problem within the targeted time, to which Asumi recommended him to review it throughly to the point of "solving it perfectly". This is to prevent anxiety in the actual test, as there is no way to check if you got the answers correct. Asumi had experiences where she wasn't able to do well on subjects she excels on because she was worried about her worst subject.

Later, Dr. Kominami messaged Asumi that he wants to see photos of them being lovey-dovey. Asumi was about to reply that she has none when she realize this may cause some suspicion. Having no choice, Asumi took pictures of them on the spot, but was told to do better than this. In trouble, Asumi recalled something that happened just a bit earlier.

Having no replies send to him, Dr. Kominami began to feel uneasy about the whole thing, including that they're not really dating, and what was the reason behind Asumi wearing that maid outfit if that was the case. Fortunately, this suspecion was quickly resolved when Asumi sent her father of the lovey-dovey photos... plagerized from Sakuraba and her boyfriend. (LRR: Kids, do NOT plagerize)

In truth, Asumi did a bit feel down when she met Sakuraba again, and questioned what she had been doing. It was just like with exams, where she couldn't answer back. It was evident that she was lying about not feeling any anxiety regarding her life choices. Asumi then thanked Nariyuki for the fun summer memories they've made.

How many volume there are?

Asumi asked if they can make one more memory when she tried to kiss Nariyuki's cheek, where Nariyuki flustered. Asumi, however, stopped just before her lips made contact, and took a picture of it. It seems to be for her father as additional "proof".

Nariyuki is shocked by how he was tricked again, while Asumi told him that she has good intention for doing it. Nariyuki doesn't really understand what Asumi meant by that, but is told that he actually likes situations where he is being forced by Asumi in a locked room. Nariyuki quickly denied that when he remembered the naughty book he bought for Oomori. (This part requires additional context to translate properly)

Asumi then joked about maybe making that photo her standby screen.

Next Chapter Preview:
What is the inevitable situation that Kirisu-sensei got herself into?
Translated by: LadyRuneReader

holy shit, next week is a sensei chapter, my dick can't wait

Thanks man. Asumi is growing on me a lot but still no one will ever beat /lit/

/cgl/'s chapter is somewhat dampened by how table-turning /lit/'s chapter was previously, nothing she could have done would top that and thus makes her chapter look lackluster as a result

though the sensei chapter has some serious potential

If she finished it with a kiss and actually had it as a wallpaper then it would have been just as big.

Next chapter spoiler

>sensei starts killing off the main girls starting with Sup Forums to claim nariyuki to herself


That sounds like Fumino behavior.

fumino is going to get stomach cancer, the yandere route is closed off to her because she's the tragic terminal illness character archetype


>inevitable situation
Is Sensei's apartment being condemned for the danger to public health?


>Asumi chapter
Guess he had to tone it back down after the bombshell that was the last one

It could be worse. At least it's not Sup Forums chapter.

Nothing happened.

That's true, I guess I could find consolation in that, and the fact that the next week's chapter is a sensei one

Asumi a best. Can't wait for her to go dokidoki for real.

Great weeks, what a bless.

Now we need a chapter with only three of them.

How could we maybe kill off Sup Forums?

>Been a while since Sup Forums
>ratings improve immensely


By eating junk food.

Easy. She decides to sneak in some extra swim training when no one is around but gets a cramp in the middle of the pool and falls beneath the water unable to make it to the edge and just as she runs out of breath A GIANT TRUCK BURSTS THROUGH THE WALL SMASHING RIGHTING INTO HER BEFORE SPEAKING OFF IN SEARCH OF ITS NEXT VICTIM!

Wow I amwaty more drunk than I tht was

Muh dick.


I heard this is Jump's No 1 manga right now. Is it really that good? Sorry I only read OP and BnHA.

Home tutor harem is a nice idea.

it's awful, but it's a harem so it gets a free pass to the top rankings.

It's a shounen jump romcom. It's technically well executed and has not had many incredibly retarded things that piss people off yet, except Sup Forums. The characters are generally likeable.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and think that you're not baiting.
It's an alright manga, generic misunderstandings every now and then, but the girls are cute and the MC is also cute and isn't a dumb retard. It doesn't really subvert anything or deconstruct anything but it's a funny little studying comedy. It had a rough start due to the influx of all the Sup Forums chapters but it eventually climbed higher until it eel ghostly placed 8th or 6th, reaching 2nd every now and then, and finally first with chapter 33.
Every girl has their own fanbase, from degenerates who love brown people, to people who like shortstacks, DFC lovers, cake lovers, and the odd Senpai fanbase.

What demographic even vote in these?

>the MC is also cute and isn't a dumb retard.
Every time you ask people about a harem they always point out how "this one MC is actually likeable unlike every other harem MC"
I don't get it
That can't be true about every harem MC. I feel like everyone just finds the one harem MC they like and hates on every other even though they really aren't that different.

great another shit chapter

>>senpai chapter
>>followed by sensei chapter

Can't it just be that he's cute and not a dumb retard?
I didn't even mention anything with respect to other harem MCs

Did anyone like Raku? Non-oneshot Raku, I mean. Oneshot Raku was pretty boss.

>Did anyone like Raku?
At least 6 girls.

>>Nariyuki voiced by Hiroshi Kamiyan
>>/fit/ voiced by Maaya Sakamoto
Absolutely disgusting. If anything, Maaya should be /oursenpai/. I don't want Moeyuki to be voiced by fujos' husbando though.

I hope not. Kamiya literally makes the same voice for every character he does and his screams are annoying



People would shit on /sci/ if she wasn't around.

/sci/ is worst girl.


Poor Sup Forums getting left behind. She's suck ass anyway.

Not really, she's a main girl unlike Sup Forums. I like /sci/ more than Asumi, at least

He put genuine effort in helping out the girls without expecting any reward. Also his method of helping need hard works and realistic mental effort rather than beating up random thugs or having super-genius keikaku which make him more relatable.

I am /lit/ fag but I still think /Sci/ is pretty cool character. I could see her an MC being platonic bros without involving the romantic plots.
At least she would have /Chem/ to fall back on when she lose the MC bowl.

>her an MC being platonic bros without involving the romantic plots
That would still involve them having accidental sex and accidental pregnancy.

>h-he's nice
You guys sound like one of the girls in a harem series.

Those spoilers sounded fake.