User, help me

user, help me.
I think I just awakened my masochistic side.
How do I cure this?

read dianetics by l ron hubbard

Why would you want to cure it?

I want that beauty to strangle me between those thicc thighs until I pass out and she takes liberty with my unconscious body.

Cognitive therapy.

First you must identify what thoughts trigger your emotions of inadequacy, then examine those same thoughts to look at them from a more realistic perspective, thus analyzing the whole thought process.

For example, you feel the need to get hurt. Your thoughts may go something like "I am unable to handle all my responsibilities" "Someone who can't achieve one's responsibilities with perfection deserves to be punished" "Therefore I must hurt myself as punishment".
Understand it's not wrong to make mistakes, and often they are rather easy to correct and their consequences are not lasting. You must change your thoughts into either "I am a capable person" or "It's unnecessary to keep up with the unreachable perfection" So you may focus in the things that give meaning to your life and make you feel more valuable as an individual. It's hard to love oneself specially when most of the feedback we get from our peers is negative, but we don't have anyone else but ourselves to trust in, thus we must love ourselves unconditionally.

Be tall and relatively confident in yourself. You'll realize it's almost impossible for anything short of an Amazon to dominate you and you'll stop caring about/get depressed that you'll never fins a suitable partner.

im not attracted to dominate women in so much that i want them do dominate me

im attracted to the fact that theyre willing to induce pain and suffering on another individual for nothing more than their own sexual gratification

the sheer selfishness and greed of that individual really gets me off

There can always be a loli who drugs you.

Ayatsuji is not a sadist

That was surprisingly pleasant. Thank you user.

Thanks user. That helped a lot.

You cant. Its all going downhill from here. Foot>Femdom>Netorare, thats the cycle user.

Find someone that will indulge you, you lowly mongrel.

Check if someone's waiting on you, they might be starting to desire the same thing, or always had.

Why do you taunt me, posting things like this.

Is there a problem, you disgusting baka-hentai?

You already know the answer

find a mistress to serve

I'd sure like a beuty with emerald eyes to taunt me, for one thing.

>he likes worst girl


Killing yourself you fucking slut

>Obaa-san is an S

Quads don't lie. I like worst girl.


can confirm

I just like to playfully tease, not an S.

>literally says "it's not like"




There is no cure.

Rape someone, it's the only way

There's no cure for your degeneracy, you insolent mongrel.