Someone please explain the value village for me please. If you stay long you turn into something of value like a toilet?
Made In Abyss
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They already ARE something of value. Mere existence is enough for something to be of value to somebody.
your value will be shifted.
which seems to mean that the value you already hold will turn into something you value yourself?
That makes no sense user.
Tsukushi's Pinterest is quite interesting.
You can clearly see his source of creativity.
nanachi is a girl.
> reg
curse warding box
all pretty obvious
chapter 43 was uploaded 2 hours ago at mangakakalot btw
nobody cares
lil narehate
Bondrewd little angels
>nobody cares
Op might. It answers his question
Your value could be increased also. Like, maybe they might started to developed a fetish on Reg's metal arm then yeah they could pay a lot just for touching it
>using shit sites
>thinking anyone gives a flying fuck about your elitist b.s.
>willingly choosing a worse quality
Perhaps the sages will magic some shit to lure you in and if you take the bait you turn into a toilet.
I think what it means is that the village will fulfill your desires and you become unwilling to move on.
>does't help OP
>just bothers to post elitist b.s.
I want to be Riko's toilet
>needs to be the 4320p!
it's just a manga you'll read for a few minutes, then move on, you autistic nerd. get over your own b.s.
If your value is determined by who you are, your value will change no matter where you are. Everybody changes, just some faster than others
If you stay too long you turn into a narehate and Faputa imprisons you. They entice you by tempting you with good shit. Simple as that. Don't fall for the whole value bs.
why do the narehate always gotta fuck with meinya and her poor butthole
fuck off to wherever you came from
Is it true that we no longer need generals? Discuss.
It means that you're doomed once the Narehate know what are the things your valued/desired the most. They could manipulate you using that desire
>getting triggered so easily by acronyms
How's it like being that massively autistic, user?
>he doesn't reread good manga
objective. this chapter wasn't that great
You're right, it is. Thanks for agreeing.
>this chapter wasn't that great
It wasn't the best, but they can't all be.
>It wasn't the best
Thanks for agreeing it's not some shit that deserved multiple reads or even some "ultra high quality!" download. Really, it's ok to keep up, and enjoy this manga without being a totally embarrassing autist about it
>the latest chapter wasn't the best chapter
>so you should never reread the manga
Sounds about right for the average shitposter.
Just fuck off, you obvious newfag.
What about you? How’s it like being retarded redditor?
>the last panels are actually the big robot telling it directly to you
what were you confused about that you needed to read it multiple times, user?
just by saying that, you verified I've been around here much longer than you, summerfriend
Confused? I re-read things I enjoyed after it's been some months or years.
I don't know where you even get that, but ok. I understand you're easily irritable do to your autism
>thinks summerfag came before newfag
>after it's been some months or years
Everyone does that. it doesn't make you special
Holy shit your new is showing, lurk moar
Can you follow a fucking conversation you shit?
you're a stupid kid who says "newfag", that's how embarrassing you are to talk to
Ozen and Maruruk
you want me to put a gold star on your forehead because you re-read your favorite mangas months and years later like everyone else does?
>This is Reg's dad and Prushka
>no, i'm just baiting (You)s
Is it rape?
>i'm just baiting (You)s
You have to bait You's because you're pathetic trash with nothing actually worth saying. This chat is probably the most attention you've had this whole month from anyone, right?
>he doesn't understand greentext either
Maybe you are this fucking stupid, so here's babby's first context.
>it's just a manga you'll read for a few minutes, then move on
>>he doesn't reread good manga
its a long story...
Is the anime adaptation over? I found the anime and excitedly watched it. I love the story and want to see their adventure continued. Is manga different? Should I read manga from beginning or could I start from where episode 13 ends and still understand the plot?
If a second season happens it will take at least two years. The manga is slightly different, anime added a couple of things and while it was a great adaptation it doesn't compete with the visuals. You can start from where ep13 ends (ch26 I think?) and understand the plot, but you really might as well start from the beginning, it's only 43 chapters.
It was meh. S2 no anytime soon. Start from beginning.
Idk what to feel about this
So if i value, dunno, not being touched a lot and someone touches me, does he gets balanced to death? What if he values himself even more than i value not being touched, would he survive with much less damage than the other case?
It seems that you need to visibly demonstrate how much your haku has been damaged when you are touched.
To the rest, I think yes.
What killed the hype?
Because it was overhyped to begin with
So i'd have to scream "RAAAPEE!"?
Shit arc
>tfw you will never shit on a auto-wiping toilet tor 123 days straight
>So if i value, dunno, not being touched a lot
The village will then turn you into an image of your desire. Something like a spiky ball or somesuch. It will take away all things you consider to be expendable, and you will have no way of just denying it because it knows how much you value not being touched above other things (considering the fact that you totally want it).
In Nanachi's case being able to be together with MItty is most important to her so right now she is basically one part of a pair of pets that hold their highest value as the two beings that love each other the most and must not be seperated. Which can in fact turn into a whole lot of more shit if the village decides to combine the two in case they want to travel together eventually.
i'm guessing it has to do with the fact that they are new to the village. anything new is special, until you get used to it. once you get used to it it becomes 'normal' and is no longer 'special', making it worth less.
or maybe it is actually referring to the village itself and not its residents- if we consider the village a trap that wants you to stay inside it, then when you are new you are treated better by the village's laws to make you want to stay in the village, but after you stay and it knows you won't leave it stops favoring you because theres no more need to.
i dont even understand what im trying to say here
>The village will then turn you into an image of your desire.
I sort of forgot this or in the back of my mind only applied it to narehate already in the village. I wonder if we'll see Nanachi be changed into something different.
>equal parts steampunk, mineral specimens, scenery porn, cosplay and gore.
Wow, sounds about right.
What if i don't consent to being turned into a spiky ball?
Your surface thoughts may say that but your hips are moving on their own in excitement
But i like to stay human and free to go around.
I just hate when some drooling fuck invades my personal space without asking.
I mean, if i am a spiky ball then how in the fuck am i supposed to fap?
>The village will then turn you into an image of your desire
Was it really explained like this? I always assumed the narehates became as they are because of the curse of the abyss and then decided to come to the village.
>I always assumed the narehates became as they are because of the curse of the abyss and then decided to come to the village.
How do you reckon Mitty got there after being vaporized? Personally I have no idea how except for "magic" but there appears to be something that materializes stuff that has a high value for other people in the village. Maybe even for the sole purpose of luring more lifeforms deeper into the abyss. It could also be limited to things that pass down into the sixth layer and get catalogued in the machine, so not every dead person might end up in the village.
>I always assumed the narehates became as they are because of the curse of the abyss and then decided to come to the village.
It seems sort of implied that the village itself is responsible for this, but it's not agreed on. Some explain how the curse itself being completely responsible would fit by saying that Nanachi wanted to become something comforting to Mitty, and Bonedrewd wanted to become like the only example of a blessed narehate he'd seen.
A potential point of counterevidence is that it does seem that non-blessed narehate universally turned into rugs (at least all of Bonedrewd's experiments), and it's hard to believe that every narehate in the village was blessed.
Bonedad planted a piece of Mitty and kept watering it until it grew into a fine blob. he left it in the narehate village (probably traded her for something) while the OG mitty was still in the Bonedad facility. then OG mitty got kidnapped by the evil Naa~ monster and Bonedad had to look for a new best girl.
If Bonedrewd could grow more Mitties he would have such a deep subarashii shaking his core over this abyss magic that he would not give up any until he had hundreds roaming around the lab.
In other words, we'd know he did it.
maybe the mitty cloning works only inside the narehate village? but you're right, we don't know anything for sure yet.
Fuuuck you. That was good.
I will marry Riko!!
maybe that toilet was used to be a person who have scat fetish
My best guess so far is this:
The guy on the left tries to fulfill your desires and convinces you to stay.
Then you climb into the guy in the middle and give up your humanity in exchange for being able to stay with the object of your desires.
The guy on the right then keeps you from leaving and takes care of value balancing with his shadows while you're there.
i like how the blob in the middle has crappy doodles around his mouth. probably faputa's work
this prediction seems very likely, but what is these 3's motivation for creating such system? i mean, once you lure in the human and take it's body, what do you do with it? and why keep the human alive as narehate afterwards?
If you value not being tricked and you know they are tricking you yet you value it little enough that the balancing is very slow and almost unnoticeable, could you trick them into trying to sell you the villaging life and slowly eroding them as they speak?
I doubt Faputa has anything to do with the village, considering she's afraid of it and avoids going inside. Then again, Big Daddy's speech makes it seem like they're related.
Having to wait until February for the next chapter.
is this really true? time to use the rope i got for christmas last year
>i mean, once you lure in the human and take it's body, what do you do with it?
i don't think they took the bodies. prolly they only alter it to suit the village (and their inner desire) better, increasing the village population to whatever purpose they got in their mind
Considering how long we waited for 43 it's probably true.
Meal styled after the curse-warding box with bonus Ozen's hairdos?
Actually looks like someone gutted Meinya...
long bun is loong
Where is this from? It wasn't in the last chapter
user, you silly speedreader, it's in the chapter where the village is introduced
Oh, I remember now
There was almost nothing to read on that page though
Tsukushi hasn't tweeted anything since Nov.8, so don't give upon the early chapter release yet
The wait for 43 was due to the anime's run. On average, MiA gets a chapter every 1,5 months.
I'm going to STROKE Bondrewd's TAIL!