Illinois primary thread?
Illinois primary thread?
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i boated for Jeanne Ives
I'll hold you, user.
Pritzker and Rauner seem to have not-insignificant leads so far, but not anything insurmountable this early, further results could change things
I love how everyone hates Rauner. Listen to 560am in the morning and 820am in the evening to and from work.
I drove through on a road trip once and went through chicago. I could not get the fuck out of there fast enough. I left there wondering how it even still exists because how does literally everyone not risk life and limb to get the fuck out of there and go ANYWHERE ELSE?
The whole drive through also smelled like 2 day old raw chicken.
Hoping Pritzker wins over Biss, or someone beats Biss, at least.
He's basically a Bibi-worshipping hyperjew. He fired his prospective lieutenant governor over comments on Israel, as if the lieutenant governor of a midwestern state has any impact on Israel.
I voted Biss for Gov, Kwame for AG, Ryan Huffman for IL-6
A lot of people are moving to Gary and commuting to work instead. People are leaving this state in droves. Voting democrat is voting for accelerationism at this point.
FUCK BISS, Carlos deserved to be Lt. Gov, the Israel lobby is unreasonably influential.
Good shit user, I voted Biss too. Though I have to go tacticool and switch up my vote to Rauner if fat fuck Pritzker gets it in.
/ourguy/ Art Jones has already won and zero votes have been counted
Chicago is the only thing worth anything in this godforsaken state.
Results as of 8:46pm cst
Loyola Chicago fag here...
well I went there... I live on the east coast now.
Chicago was magical. Really red-pilled me about all types of niggers, spics and jews. Fuck skokie. damn kikes up there.
est* im retarded
Lmao, cause nobody ran against him
I'm from Illinois. Ill be voting for Rauner. Jb is a fat fuck who loves illegals.
630 here
voted for ives. Think most of us did around here
I was going to.
But apparently they lost my fucking paperwork and I have to drive 35 miles to the courthouse for a gracevote tomorrow. Cocksucking incompetent Illinois government. I can't wait to move back to MN.
I hate this fucking state
>Rauner is an incompetent boob
>hey let's vote for the fat fuck who wants universal healthcare when the state can't even afford to pay out lotto winners
Current headline on NYT
I hope Rauner wins. I live in Chicongo and I'm hoping for da bess.
> get offmy board new fag i hate you and you need to die
they're really pushing that narrative hard huh
>never mind that he ran unopposed
>never mind he's running in what is literally the most democrat-heavy district in the nation
>never mind that he's done this every election for multiple decades
The Republican ballot in Cook was mostly empty; it only had two contested elections. It was sad.
Libertarian but grabbed a dem ticket to vote for the shittest canidates they could offer
Biss, Yes to Weed, no to gun control .
You wheaton cucks are annoying. Voting for a woman who will bend over to madigan.
Jb wants to raise taxes again next year. Apparently the 32% increase wasn't enough. Gotta pay for the illegals to get healthcare
Good shit indeed, I'm not at all excited to see Pritzker anywhere near the Governor's office
Rauner is so cucked by democratic majorities in the state legislature that he does the reasonable thing at least half the time, plus he makes stupid faces and says dumb shit that makes for great front page stories
This I plan to gtfo asap
dupage was the same
Why even bother? Madigan rules the state.
460.100hz is da wey.
great, I'm moving by the end of the year
>You wheaton cucks are annoying. Voting for a woman who will bend over to madigan.
>believing the propoganda
JB is gonna fix Illinois.
So which democrat was the "best"? They can't be all terrible with multiple people having to compete.
ives is a cunt. her views and the people that hold them are going to be the death of the republican party. soon as boomers die there's not gonna be any room for that shit
rauner strikes a balance between big-ticket conservative issues (gun rights, fiscal responsibility) and social issues that young republicans either don't care about or are in support of (abortion, gay rights, illegals)
pritzker is a fat corrupt cunt who will absolutely drive the state into the ground for personal gain, as with most of the previous democratic governor
biss is fine, sort of a long shot though
>Voting for a woman who will bend over to madigan.
As opposed to "I don't have control" Rauner?
they're all terrible for different reasons
Kennedy was probably the least offensive
Does it matter? Rauner is fucked either way because your state is a joke.
>because your state is a joke.
we are well aware
Illinois just doesnt ruin itself. They also ruin neighboring states as well.
Try going to a voting poll in a WI border city on election day and you will see vans with illinois trash coming up to vote dem. They also scam the living shit out of WI gibs.
Is there a way to force a referendum onto the ballot in fall? I'm seriously considering campaigning hard to get a question of "Should the state of IL be dissolved and split up among the neighboring states?"
They're all bad, you have uber super spoiled rich kid JB and super spoiled rich kid Kennedy running for governor on the Democrat side and super rich douchebag secret Democrat running against a west point grad on the republican side.
Illinois is fucked even if the army chick wins. She'll just slow the demise of the state.
>state is a liberal shithole
>conservatives will cause rauner to lose because muh purity spiral
Illinois still exists?
>biss is fine
opinion discarded
chicago already elected a jewish mayor, look how that's working out for them
remember he veoted the tax hikes. Rinos overruled him. Jb will raise our income and property taxes again next year. It's his platform.
Rauner will actually stand up to them. He wants term limits and a progrowth agenda. We just need to hold on until madigan dies to make real reform.
>Wisconsin passes voter ID law
>suddenly black turnout in WI falls dramatically
>southern WI becomes more Republican to
>NV and NH don't have voter ID laws
>NH literally lets people vote there if they claim they're moving to the state in the next 6 months
>Trump lost NH by a hair
Rauner might as well be a democrat.
>spoiled rich kid
How is this different from any other politician? No one's going to vote for a random nobody.
>illinois is fucked
checked and correct. someone nuke us pls.
>wheaton cucks
I see our superiority has caused some controversy
Sorry, are our mansions too large for you?
>rauner is bad because he isn't a perfect conservative in a libshit state but at least tried to get the state's runaway budget under control before you default
JB is richer than god; he makes Kennedy look like a hobo.
why is this thing on the tv?
Yes. I live around the Mexicans and Indians. I don't want to anymore. This isn't how I grew up reeeee!
>Pro abortion
>Pro illegal alien
>Pro sanctuary state
>Pro tax increase
He's the definition of controlled opposition.
We literally can't default its not allowed.
>go to herrick
>filled with hijabis
Illinois should elect the fool who will destroy the state the quickest. This slow burn helps no one.
This is the bad ending
does the meme guy have a chance?
8:06 for Attorney General. Why not have the Former Governor/Current Governor super duo for shits and giggles?
Funny you mentioned that because I went straight into Gary following the interstates and noticed the big clump of people on the other side of the bridge.
Grandpa Quinn just wants something to do and people to talk to. This is his version of being a Walmart greeter.
what happened to the current chick?
Most of the republican noms in the north east have no one running. Anyone could have one the nomination.
madigans daughter is moving out of politics
aka she got caught doing something and cut a deal
I know. I used to work at a Jewel and saw him all the time.
That, or it was just some 70 year old balding man.
8:11pm results
(((J.B.))) Will institute a (((progressive))) income tax that will be beneficial to Illinois.
She never wanted the job. Her dad made her do it. All she wants to do is be a house mom who does an occasional will or real estate contract.
She's been sick of politics for a while now.
ayy first time seeing by own area code on this site. good shit.
I voted Ives. I don't give a shit anymore. Fuck traitors like Rauner need to go.
He can't, it's against the Illinois State Constitution. The flat tax won't go away anytime soon.
vote rauner in november
oh shit nigger i forgot.
it doesnt make a difference anyway.
What has he done in the last three and a half years?
i would of voted for biss btw, he feels like the less neocon/insider out of everyone here
same bro. Lots of White Christians came out big time for Ives around here. Fuck Rauner and his master (satan).
whats it matter, you want pritzker in?
it's called an amendment
Whoever the governor will be is automatically guilty and ought to just have the FBI do a full dossier on him.
its acclerationism, that way enough of the state gets pissed off to push chicago off into the lake
> Rauner is doing a good job all by himself playing chicken with getting his way from the bureaucrats.
> yeah lets defund all the colleges and screw over every last community in the state until he gets his way
Somebody is coming for these fuckers on the day of the rope.
I hope Joe Berrios gets wrecked.
I am interested to see what happens to Rauner, but I don't have a position on the two GOP candidates.
The Dem field is shit, but will probably win in November. Basically a top 10 Chicago machine politician, literally a Kennedy, and the token middle class progressive who is uneducated as fuck.
I hope Lipinski keeps his seat, but I think the seat will flip if he gets primaried. It's not a very blue district.
The AG field seems very crowded. Fuck Pat Quinn is all I have to say.
Vetoed gun laws rinos voted for
I didn't vote AMA
Does it really matter?
>its acclerationism, that way enough of the state gets pissed off to push chicago off into the lake
It seems that all that'll do is push people even further to socialism. Most Venezuelans believe that their problems are because they didn't do socialism hard enough.
It doesn't matter if your county can just ban them anyway.
The republican ballot has like 5 names on it lol
Theres some Twitter blue-checkmark who wrote in his bio that he's running for AG. What happened?
Chewy is pissed.