That episode where (((Ross))) tries to convince Phoebe evolution is real

>That episode where (((Ross))) tries to convince Phoebe evolution is real
>She ultimately convinces him that maybe evolution isn't real because people used to think the Earth was flat while acknowledging that it could be real, but that she is skeptical
>When he folds she then proceeds to say how disappointed she is that he forfeited his conviction so easily
this show was red pilled as fuck..

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I still watch Friends. It's weird seeing a show based on being your average white person in a city when your average person in the city is now some spic or gook or spic/gook hybrid.

To be fair, they were all Jewish.

Phoebe is a Jew too. As is Chandler. And Monica married a Jew.

Monica was a Jew as well. Her dad was literally the Jew from American History X.

They were far from average. They would have all been millionaires to live where they lived in New York.

I just started watching Seinfeld for the first time, I'm 26. Its alright

fat monica is the best thing to ever happen I a sitcom

Always sunny is the true patrons sitcom

wow this thread makes me want to throw up gj reported

>Dude that minor thing was like somebody being raped to death by Nazis
>[Shouting over each other]

Go back to Sup Forums

Go back to your alt right hug box/ thread that should be on /bant/

Where can i find a girl like jennifer aniston...

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'Friends' and 'It's Always Sunny in Philly' are unironically the most red-pilled American sitcoms of recent times.

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Not Joey

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Oh yeah he was Catholic wasn't he.

Still circumcised though.

>average white person
my fellow white people...

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Nigger lover. Who the fuck calls out beans and rice before the fucking nig?

David Schwimmer (Jewish, descended from Germany) as “Ross Geller” (Jewish)

Courtney Cox-Arquette (English, though she is married to David Arquette, who is Jewish, she did not convert) as “Monica Geller (Jewish)

Jennifer Aniston (half Greek, quarter Italian, quarter Scottish) as “Rachel Green” (American)

Lisa Kudrow (Jewish, descended from Russia) as “Phoebe Buffay” (French)

Matthew Perry (half Canadian-English, half Jewish) as Chandler Bing (Scottish)

Matt LeBlanc (French, Italian, Dutch, Irish) as “Joey Tribbiani” (15/16 Italian, 1/16 Portuguese)

Elliot Gould (Jewish) as “Jack Geller” (Jewish)

Christina Pickles (English, born in England) as “Judy Geller” (Jewish)

James Michael Tyler (English) as “Gunther” (Dutch)

Hank Azaria (Jewish, descended from Greece) as “David the Scientist”, Phoebe’s on-again-off-again boyfriend (American)

Paul Rudd (Jewish, descended from England) as “Mike Hannigan” (Irish)

Created by David Crane (English) and Marta Kauffman (Jewish, descended from Germany)

>“Rachel Green” (American)
i think rachel was jewish too - she did have one helluva schnozz before rhinoplasty

That main apartment is rent controlled, Monica got it from her grandma.

what is you guys opinion on seinfeld?
i think its the best thing tv/cinema ever produced

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was unironically a GOAT show. remember my whole family tuning on on sunday evenings to watch it when i was a kid.

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Holy shit they made a Seinfeld Gameboy game?


yes. friends game too but the seinfeld gameplay was better

I always thought this show kind of sucked, but it reminds me of a time right before things really started going to shit.

did you ever play Frasier for PS1?

yup leading right up to 9/11 (late 90s) was the closest we will ever see to utopia for this country

it`s fucking stupid, all characters seems to have brain damage.

ya, I was watching the other day and they showed the Twin Towers in the background. It's like that world doesn't even exist anymore.

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In real life... The Phoebe Ross and Chandler actors are Jews and Monica married a Jew. As is Paul Rudd and most the other actors aside from Joey and Rachel.

Kek friends is dope

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They're supposed to be 25-27 years old in the show, look 40 in the very first season.

Also, a flat in Manhattan is the place of action. The Jews want us to relate to that, it isn't real America.

Rachel was Jewish. She called her grandma "bubbe" which is yiddish.

>that episode where Ross and Rachel were on the balcony talking and a cat jumped on Ross's head while everyone else was inside singing

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No joke I'm actually watching that one right now. Spoopy

They were actually all in their late 20’s early 30’s in the first season


Yeah actually this is the only show that really explains it

Monica has a rent controlled apartment + her and Rosses parents are rich

Chandler= yuppie finance job + rich parents

Rachel = lives off Monica and her rich parents after her rich parents cut her off

Joey is an actual soap opera star and lives with chandler

The one outlier is phoebe and she’s older plus weird and nobody knows for sure where she lives