>That episode where (((Ross))) tries to convince Phoebe evolution is real
>She ultimately convinces him that maybe evolution isn't real because people used to think the Earth was flat while acknowledging that it could be real, but that she is skeptical
>When he folds she then proceeds to say how disappointed she is that he forfeited his conviction so easily
this show was red pilled as fuck..
That episode where (((Ross))) tries to convince Phoebe evolution is real
Eli Sanchez
Andrew Cox
Jonathan Allen
I still watch Friends. It's weird seeing a show based on being your average white person in a city when your average person in the city is now some spic or gook or spic/gook hybrid.
Owen Perez
To be fair, they were all Jewish.
Eli Davis
Phoebe is a Jew too. As is Chandler. And Monica married a Jew.
Jackson Bailey
Monica was a Jew as well. Her dad was literally the Jew from American History X.
Nathaniel Murphy
They were far from average. They would have all been millionaires to live where they lived in New York.
Nolan Diaz
I just started watching Seinfeld for the first time, I'm 26. Its alright
Asher Adams
fat monica is the best thing to ever happen I a sitcom
Luis Anderson
Always sunny is the true patrons sitcom