What is Sup Forums's opinion on Assassination Classroom?

what is Sup Forums's opinion on Assassination Classroom?

I enjoyed it

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Overall forgettable but with a godlike ending, so good that the whole boredom was worth it.

ending fucking destroyed me

it was alright, pretty stupid sometimes (when they went to fucking space), but the ending had me in a pool of tears

It was gay with all the Nagisa and Karma stuff.

Very mediocre.

I enjoyed it!

Not super edgy, not super philosophical.

Just dumb fun imo. Pretty good read!

I liked it. It's bit clunky but it did what it needed to do.

friendly reminder this exists aswell

Is Koro being played by a guy in a costme or is he mostly CG?

fully CGI

holy fuck that looks horrible

Had it's ups and downs. Dropped it around the spaceship stuff. I should probably finish it.

after spaceship is where it picks up and becomes superior. Rewatch final season in one go

it's good, it wasn't dragged on forever like the most shonen do

Loved it.

Did they fuck?

Read the manga, still need to watch the anime though. I hope it's a good adaption.

Spaceship stuff is weakest part of the series. Post spaceship is fantastic.

I agree, spaceship felt rushed and just weird.

First half was really good. But after flashback it go shit. Killer with shitty teaching skill suddenly became a pro after spending time with average teacher and them destroy children sanity with killing stuff just because. I kinda feel sorry for his first student.

I enjoyed it when it was airing. Although I just stopped watching after about 14 episodes or so. I really should go back and give it another go sometime.

Season 2 was a fucking mistake.

Holy shit, this looks terrible.

Overall a fun, comfy and humorous SoL series. Had some neat twists too.

S2 anime > manga > S1 anime

It also had one of the best antagonists in recent history (the chairman).

I'd like to say that it sort of overstays it's welcome but I only got that feel because the middle was incredibly mediocre. But it has a very good ending so overall I have fond memories of it.

The beginning acts and ending acts were fantastic. The middle eh.

short but epic and fun as hell. Made me Feel for a teacher. Would read again/12


great concept, but forgettable characters, weak villans, lack of properly build up and emotionally manipulative ending.

They fucked.

The author knew what he was trying to do, didn't drag his story out, gave attention to virtually the entire cast, and had a solid ending that didn't feel rushed or unearned.

A good example of writing, not great or stellar, but it doesn't have any major flaws either. I liked it.

>didn't drag his story out
every arc feels superficial
>gave attention to virtually the entire cast
name five of them?
>and had a solid ending
full of plot conveniences

just because the author planned everything from the beginning does not mean that his writing is good. assclass lacks passion, real conflicts and development.

>every arc feels superficial
That's your opinion, I quite like them.

>name five of them?
Irina (bitch sensei)
Kotaro (glasses guy who betrays the class to get back into the main school)
Ryoma (jock who realizes that while he's not the smartes, he's one of the more determined of the class)
Megu (class rep and basically leads smaller operations during multiple arcs)
Manami (Nerd girl who learns that just being smart isn't everything, you also need other skills)

I think that's a good and I avoided name dropping any of the major characters.

>full of plot conveniences
There are a few I'll give you that. But fiction is built on plot conveniences otherwise why would the government even allow this guy to teach a classroom of kids in the first place?

>just because the author planned everything from the beginning does not mean that his writing is good.
No, but telling a compelling story while having a set timeframe you plan to operate under, and creating a cast of characters I can enjoy within a story that is overall well executed means his writing is good.

We'll obviously disagree but I liked the story despite some of the flaws it did have.

I thought it was overall enjoyable. Not like I regret reading it. Though I thought the ending was kinda lackluster.