An anonymous source familar with the inner workings of the Putin administration tells that Putin is planning to remove...

>An anonymous source familar with the inner workings of the Putin administration tells that Putin is planning to remove Dmitry Medvedev from the position of Prime Minister. The source tells that Putin plans to appoint Natalia Poklonskaya to the position.
It has long been rumoured that the 38 year old former posecutor is being groomed to be the heiress to Putin who plans to retire in 2024.

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fake news.

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Real news

I thought Putin was prime minister? Or president but ain't prime minister just a synonym for president?

long live russia

Please be true

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Mummy becomes President

Kadyrov becomes Prime Minister

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Putin is the president. The Prime minister is Dmitri Medvedev.

Wait and see. Medvedev gets fired soon.

mummy is stern, but fair. she will be a good ally.

She'll give a good spanking if we’re naughty :3

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please god let this be true
i want the meme queen

Forced and gay. SAD!

I want to kiss her cheek and neck!

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you will be sad when she annexes S. Ossetia

Mummy should be new Russian Tsar.

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She's got that weird russian mush mouth thing going on.

Somehow she sounds even less reasonable than Vladimir.

Is that a bad thing?

You are a degenerate.

Russia would be the ultimate meme

I wanna smell her pantyhosed feet after she walks all day in heels

she single?

Please God let this be So!

President = head of state
PM = head of government
In America the President holds both positions

She's married to the struggle


Any Russian anons want to answer how's the view of her in Russia?

>empress mummy

That spineless libcuck Medvedev needed to go long ago

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will the spooks get me if I have an erection right now?

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help mommy and all that shit. I try to hide incover here from theshilling. Varg vas right

>they said tradwives didn't excist

Is that a hairy T. rex begins her?

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you insult us so much
one of these days I am going to break your american legs, and you are going to tell me daddy no

Russanons, what's wrong with being ok with this?


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they can't type with one hand

I could fantasize about a woman like that.

I would move to Russia idc if I have to work in a nickel mind in Siberia

>impossible to infiltrate/subvert

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I want to hold her hand.

195 ships, the earl murukalve fell. they got him, he had no armor, that's how they got him, with an arrow through his neck, while styrkår ran towards the beach to get them, he was alone and that damn arrow. He was going to marry villhjalms daugther, he was pissed as fuck, then he took england. he killed his wyfu in the process, which he believed had an affair with our womaniser king. Jesus christ you had the konstantinople episode before that, where he poked the emperors eyes out

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I want her to put me on her knee and spank my bare bum

hear you not on toste earl, where he eggs you to england to travel. listen to your dreams, they tell you stuff

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So long as Natalia is fine, everything is fine.

it was basically one guy that stood on a bridge, he fought everyone off. the anglos killed him, cowardly, by sticking a spear from under his feet. But this was after Harald had died. Still fucking cowards

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>konstantinople episode before that, where he poked the emperors eyes out
god damn turks always trying to get your fish! I will poke your eyes out

I'm going to get you all and take all your fish, nobody is stealin my fish

No trip friend.

she needs to rule russia naked

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What kind of panties do you think she wears?

I want to fuck her foot bussy

female putin being trained by the man himself on how to rule. empress mommy ruling with an iron fist, pretty jealous russian bros.
>tfw you will never have her as your leader.

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more piss in the ocean of piss. Sup Forums is more subversive than any subverter can be