New spoilers.
Dragon Ball Super
>Can the two of them prevail against Universe 2’s strongest?
What kind of question is this? They aren’t even pretending to create tension.
>Vegeta failing gets put into the spoilers
These matchups are so bad.
Jesus Christ. What i really want to know is did that hyperbolic time chamber training really result in fucking nothing?
Prince of jobbers is at it again
>Vegeta gets btfo trying to imitate a chad
jesus christ what a cuck. Watch Freezer learn it easily.
So what fucking happened to Vegeta vs Toppo?
fake and gay
It just ended offscreen with no winner.
>t. vegetard
he's probably able to get a different power up (mastered ssb or whatever the fuck) by now but he got jealous of goku and is gonna try to replicate it ala ssj1
B-but Vegeta's new form. Random spic videos told me Vegeta was hiding his true power and a new form.
>faster than UI Goku
>probably has a strength mode that makes him stronger than Jiren
>even Freeza avoids fighting him
Who could ever stop him?
So it will take Vegeta 20 minutes to learn ultra instinct by himself while Goku needed major assistance to unlock it.
>ultimately he fails
It didn’t work Pedro
>vegeta finally figures out UI literally the second after the tournament ends
it resulted in him getting banned from the time chamber, meaning he can't jump right back in there after the tournament and figure it out over a couple day-years
Clearly he will unlock it in the final 20 seconds.
How mad would Vegetafags be if Vegeta jobbed to Katopesla
Vegeta mastering angel technique hyper time while Goku mastering angel technique ultra instinct.
Why the fuck did the mods delete the spoilers?
if anyone is gonna get time reversal its gonna be Hit in the upcoming U6 saga
mods are vegetafags
Why are you faggot laughing at Vegeta?
At least the nigga is trying unlike Gohan who just stands there and jobs.
Even with his superior hybrid genes he does nothing but job.
His ultimate power was also granted to him and yet he still jobs.
Cuckhans better stfu because the prince shall always prevail
stop trying to make everything about songohan
At least Gohan had the decency to know when to quit unlike Vegeta who keep humiliating himself every opportunity he can get.
>B-b-but Gohan doesn't do it so it's okay for Vegeta to fail
The absolute state of Vegetafags
>cuckhanfags being this mad vegeta is getting UI
That's what happens when you listen to geekdom
>please don't bully Vegeta
Nobody is saying anything about Gohan, and the only ones mad are Vegetafags.
>Caulishit poster
>Vegeta is getting UI
The City of Vegetafags
Did you spoil the image?
If Vegeta does learn Ultra Instinct in this tournament it will be after a hard ass kicking.
>Did you spoil the image?
How new? I spoiled the image, but the mods don’t give a shit about spoilers here either way.
/ourguy/ saves this arc once again.
They will delete the image for that reason if someone reported the OP or if they felt like doing so.
>geekdom rants on discord how cancerous Sup Forums is when it comes to db
>Suddendly dbs thread is slow af and free from shitpost
Really rustles my jimmies
You're right. Vegeta is just a little better than cuckhan.
>>geekdom rants on discord about how cancerous Sup Forums is
Probably because ecelebs get shit on here. Keep it up.
I love him bros, why is he so perfect?
Is he still mad about when he got btfo'd for supporting those fake leaks and Sup Forums just took the piss out of him?
Son of btch, 18 will job to Brianne, 17 will likely defeat Rosie
Then for episode 118 I could see 17 vs Brianne.
They won't.
They'll btfo them and U2 will be eliminated.
18 will get dropped by the bugs.
Waifufags and Gohanfags seem to be an anti-newfag filter.
I am not playing anymore where the fuck are the leaks
Read the thread faggot
The caulifla/gohanfag probably got ranged banned.
I kinda doubt it because there were plans of developing Brianne, its nuts to think that she would get rid of her after all the buildup she got.
I am talking about the manga leaks you degenerate down syndrome fucktard.
Fuck off
Manga leaks were already released Toyocunt. They were written in some other thread but no one leaked panels.
Why was the file deleted?
What a VERY STRANGE coincidence
Haven't we already had the androids and Goku VS U2? Is Toei really going to recycle that episode again?
It's really annoying. Everybody knows that U7 beat U6 in the last tournament, yet U6 ranked higher than U7. Even Beerus is more powerful than Champa.
Not to mention Zeno sama saw that too.
>Toei fucked up as usual
Why are you on Geekdom’s discord?
>tfw Vegetafag
What the fuck did we do to
Deserve this bros...?
It's not geekdom's discord it's db Reddit discord
Why are you on a reddit discord? What the fuck?
U7 is second lowest despite Vegeta, Goku and Frieza clearly more than capable of soloing half of the other universes entire fighters. Their ranking is a bad joke.
They have the magazine leaks that they give to her for translation and other leaks. They are always first why do you think geekdom is there.
thanks doc
As he's falling off the ring.
Yeah, yeah, Jobgeta memes xD whatever. Is Kefla finally gone? And where the fuck are the leaks?
If the spoilers are right, it seems Kefla's ultimate ability is always being stronger than whoever she's facing, even if it's herself.
>some random nobody wrote the manga leaks on Sup Forums with no source
Yeah, 100% legit.
So is Jiren going to knock out Kefla? 116 spoiler doesn't say who loses, but he is clearly shown waking up in the preview. It wouldn't make sense for Jiren to not knock out Goku as well if he was strong enough to beat Kefla.
UI isn’t all about power.
No problem.
So will UI become the whole One Piece “my haki is better than your haki” thing? Whis has mastery over it but he says he stands no chance against the Grand Priest, who also might have it.
>stop shitposting because some fatass complained on fucking discord
Makes me think how old are those shitposters.
No word about that.
Only thing we have is the Koreans who said that Kefla gets btfo by a Kamehameha, but she isn't eliminated.
Then again, it's Koreans.
>kamehameha in the preview
It’s not doing shit. Fuck.
The korean spoilers say that she "disappears".
She won't be eliminated, but she'll probably be hurt, and might even defuse, so she/they will hide.
Hit and Kefla will recover energies for 10 to 15 episodes and will be back for the finale.
>file deleted
This thread is off to a great start.
A citation from v jump by toyotaro :
Toyotaro: I will also lose this time (laughs)
Interviewer: Is life just about laughing for you?
Toyotaro: It's going to be very different than the anime version.
I will spoil Jiren's secret a bit more to the audience.
No idea wtf they mean by this sry for sloppy translation
Good morning fellow burgers. Remember Android 18 is beautiful and is going to style all over U2 and the pretender Ribrianne.
>yfw Frieza gets UI before Vegeta
>I will also lose this time (laughs)
Toyotaro jobs against Kefla and makes her the winner of the ToP confirmed.
Why are people saying that Caulifla and Kalefags are pedos for liking them?
>18 smiling
>I will also lose this time
Toyotaro cannot save this arc confirmed.
Toyo has been spending a little too much time with Tori, it seems
Shes done nothing compared to 17 and shes going to get eliminated by fucking Ribrianne of all people.
of course queen 18 is gonna style al over u2
Pshhh we all know its gonna be Piccolo who gets knocked out. Besides, it's U4 who looks like eliminates a U7 fighter. So I think Ribrianne is in trouble from best girl.
No one can.
Because the reddit discord is filled with 40 year old creepy women who stay up all night and day to get leaks first.