Is this show any good?

Is this show any good?

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>made to sell cheap toys
You tell me

i got really bored halfway in season 1, like worse than reconguista

You can have a show be a blatant toy commercial and still turn it into something entertaining and worthwhile, like Frame Arms Girl.
But then there's IBO which is basically a trainwreck, especially with regards to the character of McGillis.


Something being worthwhile doesn't make it good though

Best Gundam.

worse gundam

Season 1 is ok

bad even for modern gundam

Its pretty good

or if we stay within the Gundam franchise: Build Fighters was an obvious toy commercial as well, but ran with it and turned out great.

The first season was pretty good, the second went off the goddamn rails.

>casuals say it's good
>can't trust casuals for obvious reasons
>/m/ says it's bad
>can't trust /m/ because they think zeta is good

Ignore these fags who can only speak in sentence fragments. Its definitely one of the better gundams in regards that is breaks the traditional mold that the franchise has been known/infamous for. Gundamfags get mad because it breaks their stereotype of "muh honorable duels decide everything".

>Okada Gundam
it's amazing

Funny you would ask.

The second season of build fighters was them trying to make a typical toy commercial show
It bombed so hard that it absolutely destroyed the entire AU. And that AU was the most promising one they've had in a long long time.

Atra is cute and we get /u/ end.

>Okada's shows keep bombing in sales one after another.
Seriously, who the fuck still hire her as a writer?

It's about child soldiers, in a semi-realistic tone - they lack morality, wisdom, forethought. The traditional bullshit about honor and duels is brutally (and literally) crushed in the very beginning of the series. It's a tricky subject matter, but I thought they handled it well without getting terribly edgy about it.

Don't expect anything amazing (other than Barbatos' designs). It's a half-thought out Gundam show. The creators had wildly different visions for what it was supposed to be and you can see their clashes on the screen and in the script. S2 falls apart because of this and the plot lies on the floor in a steaming mess - S1 however is fairly well put together.

It sucked. Story had an interesting premise but writing was shit and the art was ugly.

It's a half-thought out Gundam show. The creators had wildly different visions for what it was supposed to be and you can see their clashes on the screen and in the script. S2 falls apart because of this and the plot lies on the floor in a steaming mess - S1 however is fairly well put together.
this sounds like it describes every AU show.

Theres nothing interesting to expect in this story

Well, it's Gundam. What do you expect?

for once military advisors who tell them how an army works and how they would deploy gundams ? and how infantry teams are not total retards during boarding ?
is that really too much ? i mean Yukikaze got this right, and that was just 3 OVAs

Season 1 was ok, plodded along a bit in places.
Season 2 was a full steam ahead trainwreck right into the side of a goddamn mountain. I'm still salty about the ending.

Season 2 would have been much better if they hadn't pulled a fast one with some characters personalities and decisions for the sake of their shitty ending.

The thing of it is, I'm not even mad. There's still the chance they could salvage it with a third season.

I just don't think we'll ever get that, and even if we did, I don't trust them to write a great ending.

Lesson learned: Don't leave the production to a retarded director and lusty scriptwriter.

I liked it, though the ending sucked

I rated S2 higher than S1.

Who #Rustalisourguy here?


>Its definitely one of the better gundams in regards that is breaks the traditional mold that the franchise has been known/infamous for
It doesn't break anything only retards who haven;t watched UC Gundam keepspouting this

I kinda only wanna watch it because the main character is supposedly an edgemaster/psycho. Is he well written?

>S1 however is fairly well put together.
>stretching out a story that could go for 13 episodes into 25 episodes

I'm about twenty episodes deep right now. I'm not on the edge of my seat of anxiously but it passes the lunch hour.

>casuals say it's good
All casuals I've seen just say its boring as shit

He's just boring most of time. Ho does have a couple of great scene.

S1 main problem is that very little happen and that the character developement is running in circle. They also center on Kudelia, the peace princess who's just a shitty character. It legitimatly should have been only half its length.

S2 was much more fun and action driven. Some say the plot fall apart there but i just didn't find it to be fun in the first place.

There are a lot of episodes that are just boring talking, just skip these and you will have a good time.
This anime would greatly benefit from movies but Grekto with an incredibly fast pacing already gets 5

What's the point of their being action when they're boring and poorly animated as fuck?
No it would still be shit due the writing

Just remove every scene with Kudelia and Teiwaz
There, I fixed it

The only good thing are designs, music, and the MC. Mikazuki. Is probably one of the better written sociopaths in media.
Other than that it's shit.

>Just remove every scene with Kudelia and Teiwaz
S2? Yeah that sure was a lot better than S1

I never thought i'd see a gundam series with more overdesigned MS and ugly character designs than Seed, IBO was pretty good at that.

Is the animation really that shit? I guess hand-drawn mecha is dead forever

Also add metal gear Ray on that list.
That was a pretty cool arc


The action was good tho.

S1 suffer the most feom it, then they fired the main animator.

>Mikazuki is probably one of the better written sociopaths in media.
No he isn't, he's not even a character. Replace him with an AI for Barbatos and nothing much was changed.

First season is great, the 2nd isn't all that much

Tepid first season, improved second season.

Glorious fun train wreck ending. Was fun to follow.

Why do you call the ending a trainwreck? It was the most logical thing that could happen. The show never went off the rails, if anything it stuck to them too rigidly.
Or is 'trainwreck' a newspeak for 'all things I didn't like' these days?

It's refreshing if you've watched previous Gundam shows.
Having a protag that's not a whiny little bitch and 100% willing to kill on command with no remorse is a nice change of pace from the usual Gundam

Fuck no, avoid while you can
Season 1 was much worse, opinions like this are why Pai has to dismantle net neutrality.

every other episode is loaded with shots like pic related, it really is that horrid
You got them reverse, Anime Suki.

It isn't nice, he's evil as shit and makes you wish we has old whiny protags again.

>That shot in the gusion fight where they just rotate the unmoving Barbatos
That was legitimately South Park tier animation


They're different words for a reason.

They're all used by you to describe the image you desire me to be for your own personal gain*

Season one: Plot progressing due to people doing stupid shit some of the time.

Season two: Plot progressing due to people doing stupid shit ALL of the time.

Watch it if you don't value your time.

Nah user, that's what you are. Are you coming off an arts degree? Because that would explain the mental retardation.

Another projection. You don't want to know. You just want to think you're right.

The first two seconds of the OP make it sound like it's going to be badass as fuck, but then it continues into what it is.

Not really. It has no sense of where it wants to go throughout the series and it still culminates in a gigantic clusterfuck that wallows in its own pseudo-self-righteous melodrama. I'm personally sorry and earnestly regret that I watched it simply to keep up with discussions on /m/.

>You don't want to know

Of course I don't want to know the true depths of your retardation.

>they're different words so they can't be synonyms

You should just be quiet and fix your stupidity, but instead you spout even more bullshit.

>of course I just want to be right
Then why not just say actual things that are true? You know.

Everything I said has been true. And even if I didn't say them they would be true. Just because your mother would always call you the smartest kid doesn't mean anything. She was lying to you user. You actually weren't the smartest. You were the dumbest.

It's garbage. The second seasons is significantly better than the first but they're both bad. I had fun watching it with Sup Forums though.

You got them reversed

Again, the process is reversed, season 1 was the time wasting bull shit, season 2 had things going on.


Nigger. I said nothing about the pace in that post. Learn to read.

Seek help

For a toy commercial is pretty nice. Just don't get too fond of Tekkadan don't ask why

Yeah, I'm still not sure what the fuck went wrong with not-Char. At least we got galigali out of it and the sexiest suit ever designed.

Exposed waist pistons.

Mech design would be ace otherwise outside a few other questionable design designs.

All things considered, despite the whole of the series being shit, IBO did SOME things right

>MC stuck to his guns and remained a murder hobo like a merc should instead of going MUH UNDERSTANDING
>Childhood friend actually wins and they canonically fuck during the course of the actual series instead of in some side material
>Suit designs were consistent and interesting

Should have remained child soldiers wandering through space though, amassing a wandering nation for themselves using the spoils of war from groups they crushed. When are we going to get a true Space Mad Max Gundam show?