Was this actually a good show or did it only get positive feedback due to people afraid of being attacked by the LGBT community?
Was this actually a good show or did it only get positive feedback due to people afraid of being attacked by the LGBT...
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It’s so shit. It was shit before all the contrarians started shitting on it. It was shit before the Fujos blew it up for being “ACTUALLY GAY”. It’s just boring. Characters are under-presented and underdeveloped. Ice skating scenes look too damn stupid to take seriously. The ‘Sex appeal’ is disturbing, and not just if you’re a straight man. The romance comes out of fucking nowhere, or is at the very least rushed.
>people afraid of being attacked by the LGBT community?
Japan gives no fucks about the LGBT community.
It was good. And i am not gay.
This shit was even too gay for fujos?
Blew it up is a positive
>people afraid of being attacked by the LGBT community?
Literally nobody gives a shit about this
It was actually a good show, if anything people are strongly biased against it because of the homo. Either they hate it because it's gay, or pretend that people only like it because it's gay. There is plenty of gay anime out there, it just isn't anywhere near as well done. It's good by romcom and sports genre standards and is obviously a passion project by people who sincerely love skating. It has flaws (pacing, screentime distribution, the last episode, animation), but fans acknowledge those far more than the haters since they actually watched it.
I didn't watch it because I am not gay
Same. The numales trying to convince me to watch this are hilarious though.
>Literally nobody gives a shit about this
What about what happened to The Anime Man? youtube.com
It is absolutely worth watching. Genuinely good and fun show (unlike say Free, which is just boring fujo bait), despite being genuinely gay.
The former.
It was garbage
Literal trash. Only fujos and gays watch this, that's why they're so loud about it and pushing it under everyones nose like it's some masterpiece.
People only defend it because "muh groundbreaking" even though homo shows and sports anime have both been a thing for decades. I'm not saying that it's a horrible anime, but it definitely doesn't deserve the hype it got in the West either. The people who enjoy it a lot are always either fujos or people trying to kiss lgbt ass.
I am a BL aficionado but not a fujo, I watch/read all kind of anime/manga, and although I think YOI is definitely overrated and wrongly connected to LGBT (seriously, it's only a West thing and I wish they would stop), it still doesn't deserve to be brutally criticized. Just give a fucking solid reason why you didn't like it, not >MUH FUJOS AND HOMOS LIKE IT SO IT'S GARBAGE
the episodes before they started the tornament were good, and i wouldn't say the romance came out of nowhere, but yeah it was pretty bad.
When fujos and homos push something under your nose it's a reason enough to consider it as garbage.
>it still doesn't deserve to be brutally criticized
Where do you think you are? Sup Forums shits on all shows, you're a retard if you get mad about opinions here.
Love Live! is full of yurifags, go check any thread. But his doesn't prevent me from liking the show. I simply ignore that part of the fanbase.
It's a different story of you think it's garbage because you watched it and decided that it's not a show for you.
It was a pretty decent show if you view it as a normal sports anime. Of course you must have a gut that can handle copious amounts of homoeroticism and the self-discipline to avoid the threads. Otherwise, it had good music, VAs, visuals and interesting animation to say the least.
A lot of people say this is good and realistic because the MCs don't make a big deal about their supposed homo relationship. But when I saw it there was no relationship whatsoever, maybe that's the reason a lot of people thought it was treated so casually, because there was actually none. Aside from the supposed kiss or apparent engagement ring, there wasn't much buildup at all to their romantic involvement, if there was any at all. Maybe I'm not familiar with faggots, but any normal relationship has more casual physical contact in the form of hand holding, cuddling or kissing, and of course, sex. None of this is actually in the show to point towards an actual Yuri/Victor relationship, yet people believe the engagement rings were serious. To me it seemed like a friendship with fujobait moments more than anything.
It's just some autists insisting that their relationship is "canon" and calling anyone who disagrees homophobic.
The same can be said for the rest.
When normalfags, shounenfags and hetfags push something under your nose it's a reason enough to consider it as garbage and overrated shit.
2gay4me, It's trash
You are retarded.
>hand holding, cuddling or kissing, and of course, sex.
What you said only sex is not shown. And when it is shown in anime if it is not ecchi or seinen?
If they are already reluctant to show this in het relationships...
To Tumblr you go
I'm not the one saying their relationship is realistic. And no casual hand holding cuddling and kissing isn't show either.
>Telling other that you're "triggered"
Oh I'm laffin
There are anime with boy/girl relationships where you don't see casual cuddling or kissing, and that doesn't make the relationship not valid if the two characters act in a way that makes it obvious that they are attracted to each other.
I'm gay and I think this show is genuine garbage. It has nothing to do with being "progressive" or appealing to gay people, it's just one of the most bland and boring shows I've ever seen. A load of shit.
As I said, I'm not the one calling YoI relationship realistic. I know pretty much 99% of anime couples are not realistic either.
I'm gay and I loved this show desu
It's not even BL to begin with, the genre is sports.
Lgbt sjw landwhales need to die.
The vast majority and since immemorial times.
From years ago almost all shounen (with romantic content) Ranma 1/2, Yaiba, Conan, Slayers... And I'm not going to put the sports ones, because apart Touch or Shoot the fisical contact was nonexistent.
And nowadays here you have Hyouka, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Masamune kun no revenge, Kimi no na wa...
And nobody argues about the nature of their relationship are romantic or not. It's plain homophobia here.
Have you not seen the anime is not it?
Stop arguing about something you haven't seen.
I watched five episodes and downloaded the soundtrack, it was okay but I wasn't interested enough in the MC and his romance story to keep watching. The secondary characters besides Phichit and the Russians weren't that interesting either, and the ensemble cast is supposed to be important for sports anime.
Great soundtrack though, I listen to it a lot.
Not bad but meh. Only popular because of the gay.
SJW and fujos trying to blow it up as best thing ever are retarded but so are the ones saying it's pure shit.
It started off strong but got super rushed by the end. The only thing that really kept me was the hype the threads were bringing. Not sure how the community is now but when it was airing I was having a fucking blast in the threads. Thanks for the good memories you fags. I do want a second season soon, however.
Lot of blasted asses in this thread. KEK cry more over something targeted at women and not you making mad bank and still being popular a year later.
>no dubs
The magic has worn off--no, I demanded the dubs, thus I didn't get them. Forgive me, Georgi. You're still best boy anyway.
>those Japanese blogs that were wondering why gaijins love Georgi so much
Good times.
>those threads with unusually high levels of dubs and the posts they were attached to being correct
Never forget that we memed BikeFairy into existence. God fucking bless.
Fuck off. I like YoI but it's not a flawless show, and people are allowed to criticize about shows they dislike. That's what most of Sup Forums is all about anyway.
The characters were too bland for me to care about in the long run. I know bland characters are usually popular, but I still don't get the appeal. It was a fun watch, but none of the characters are a favorite.
N-Not even Georgi?
Not interested in yaoi but I watched it to see what the hype was all about
Its decent as long as you're not bothered by homosexuality but not really the best of 2016
It was mostly target towards the “ONLY GAYS, AND SJW LIEK ITZ REEEEEEE” posters.
I saw the whole thing recently, so I wasn't around for the immediate feedback of each episode. That was probably for the best.
I thought it was pretty nice. The animation was lovely, and looking into the anime director's previous works, it was nice to see someone so passionate about ice-skating to be directing an original series about the sport. If you're afraid of Boy's Love genre, you're obviously not going to be comfortable with those scenes. I thought the boys were all cute as hell, though. There's some straight couples, too.
>I don't know what is fujoshi
You have to go back.
It's pretty bad. Characters were rush introduced for the final parts. Main characters weren't given enough attention. Its romance all has clear interpretations that aren't romantic, to the point I thought there was no romance and was just being baited until fans insisted otherwise.
The beginning is pretty good, it just falls apart later.
Going through an old YOI thread, saw this, thoroughly kek'd. It's about JJ's song,
from the episode where he says "ladies first"
to Yurio and Dedushka has the cute moments with Yurio in the beginning.
YOI's target audience are straight Japanese girls, no one in Japan gives a shit about LGBTQIDGAF.
Fucking THIS.
Get this into your skulls, lads.
>afraid of being attacked by the LGBT community
Who the fuck would be afraid of a bunch of angry fags
A bunch of fags.
>I am a BL aficionado but not a fujo
Dumb fuck if you like to see two boys love eachother or fuck you're a fujo dumb retard
Fuck off, Tumblr
I got interested because all of the the "ACTUALLY GAY" spam that was going on at the time but what I found was not a single speck of actual romance and a whole lot of fujo bait
As a sports anime,I still wouldn't say it's bad tough ,it had quite a lot of enjoyable moments.But as a "romance" anime, it's a complete joke
The male equivalent of fujoshi is called fudanshi.
Thanks for boiling down their arguments so deliciously like that. I'm so happy to see heteronormal Sup Forumstards criticized like this. :3
This, I'm tired of Western landwhales saying YoI is so "progressive" and "made for the LGBT community" when it's just advanced fujobait written for straight women in Japan
It's a bit different. Fujoshi are supposed to almost exclusively read/watch BL series and like only male/male pairings.
I'm not up-to-date on the newest series, I don't read or watch EVERY fujo-oriented manga or anime, and I have no problem with het romance.
No. It doesn't matter if you like other things too, if you're into male homo you're still a fucking fujo. Or a fudanshi.
>Fujoshi are supposed to almost exclusively read/watch BL series and like only male/male pairings.
No. I enjoy straight and a few yuri pairings as well. BL is just my favorite but I enjoy others just fine. You'll even see these other pairings and sexy girls in BL stories.
You realize you're in an heteronormal, white site right? YoI threads aren't your safespace.
>There are people who actually think this
You "Japan isn an apolitcal land" people are hilarious
Don't you dare put a label on me. If I say I'm a "fujoshi" everyone would assume I only like that genre and that I want to see males groping each others. That's how stupid labels work.
>As a sports anime,I still wouldn't say it's bad tough ,it had quite a lot of enjoyable moments.But as a "romance" anime, it's a complete joke
Well yeah, if you buy your head into the sad and pretend there is no romance, of course it's going to be a joke, duh.
>creator wants to score more popularity points by pandering to western fujos
gee how original
I don't get why it's so hard to understand that BL and fujos have been around for as long as anime itself has, and even before that, but Sup Forums is just now getting up in arms about them. We even got a along for a short time in the past with GAR threads. I blame all you newfags and tumblrfucks.
You like fags in your Chinese cartoons? You're a fujo. Deal with it.
Isn't this the same woman who once said gay guys shouldn't be allowed to hold hands outside of Tokyo's gay district? What a champion for LGBT rights.
That's not what the post is saying, it's say that you are implying author's intention, when you don't know the author and what kind of believes they hold.
You project your own "Japan is a apolitical land where people hold no beliefs" on Japanese people, which it's retarded.
You dont have to say it, but if you enjoy homo (and you're a girl) you're a fujo. Regardless if you enjoy fujoshit frequently or not the fact that you do enjoy homo makes you a fujo.
That, or you're a fundanshi or plain and simple a fag.
You're anonymous, so who cares if you say you're a fujoshi?
>In 2009
>Source in 2ch who hates YoI
>Not on her timeline
You can do better.
Who would you even say that to out loud? Also fellow fujos and fudans wouldn't asume. Join us brother.
Not her, but that's retarded. If enjoy an homo couple that has basis in canon and don't actively seek yaoi stuff you are not a fujoshi.
Fujoshi spend their days looking and seeking yaoi doujin and shipping any couple they see.
>don't actively seek yaoi stuff
She literally said she's a "BL aficionado."
You don't know many fujos do you? There are certainly fujos who are like this (Usually teens who just started getting into it and hate other women) but it's not the end all be all or else I and several others would not be one.
>Fujoshi (腐女子, lit. "rotten girl") is a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.
>The label encompasses fans of the boys love genre itself, as well as the related manga, anime, and video game properties that have appeared as the market for such works has developed.
user said they were a BL aficionado, aficionado being quite a big fan. They fit right in with the definition of fujo.
>if you bury your head into the sand and pretend there is no romance, of course it's going to be a joke, duh.
Please tell me you're kidding. The writers clearly went out of their way to keep the joke you call "relationship" entirely platonic, and to make sure an obvious non-romantic interpretation was possible.
Sorry, but I can't just make up an autistic headcanon and fool myself into firmly believing it actually happened, like most YoI fags seem to do.
Kek. If you like it you're a fujo, as simple as that.
This thread needs more men.
Boys are fine too.
miracles of the universe.
How is that comment political? If anything, she's completely shying away from the political side of things by ignoring the discrimination LGBT people face on a daily basis and instead choosing to create an ideal world where everything is fine and dandy.
This is such a tumblr comment.
>How is that comment political?
That post implied "Japan" gives no shit about LGBT, in that post she clearly says she doesn't approve homophobia.
> LGBT people face on a daily basis and instead choosing to create an ideal world where everything is fine and dandy.
There is nothing particularly wrong with this, it's not like fictions about homos suffering are lacking, if anything YoI was successful and refreshing because it lacked of the usual homo shortcoming.
Regardless the point is that "japan" is not a single entity and you can't assume author's intent.
>Please tell me you're kidding.
Please tell me you are. You need mental gymnastics to deny the homo in YoI.
>Sorry, but I can't just make up an autistic headcanon and fool myself into firmly believing it actually happened, like most YoI fags seem to do.
>Still going with the "muh delusional fujo" and "muh headcanon" even now.
Hilarious. Can't wait for S2 and the movie to blow you out (again).
As a fujo I also enjoy straight pairings.