this was fucking trash
This was fucking trash
you are fucking trash
nah your mom has a night off on thursdays
In other news water is wet
The season ended just as it started to get good.
>a newfag retard who doesn't even know how to use the catalog has shit taste
Color me surprised.
Good job in having a unique, snowflake opinion mates
>500 replies guaranteed
Well done, OP.
Shut up, loli-torture loving furfag
no u
wtf i hate made in abyss now
This is your pedo god
yes obviously, it's pretty much the most liked anime of this whole year so I bet everyone who likes it is just one samefag
or just check the ip count didn't move
I know you're lying since I'm not that other guy. You're probably samefagging yourself since barely anyone on this board hates this show
Dubs thread? Check 'em
I like it when something gets too popular and Sup Forums decides to go full contrarian, it's fun
newfag doesn't know about Sup Forums x
wtf was that?
That's, like, just, your opinion, man
you have 0 taste, use catalog please
I like how you think Sup Forums is just one person.
Let me guess. OP's "best" anime would be shounen, harem rom-com and isekais.
Typical faggot.
The best part is the oscillation, where so many people start subscribing to the contrarian option it becomes hard to tell which is actually which.
I still have no idea if Rebellion is any good.
Ever heard about the highest common denominator? If most of Sup Forums is acting like special snowflake faggots then that's the personality that comes through in the whole.
>If most of Sup Forums
Are you keeping track of what percentage of the board likes or dislikes MiA? Can you give me some statistics?
No, you can't you fucking retard. Popular shows attract shitposting, that doesn't mean you have to generalize the entire board to absurd degrees as if it was an actual hivemind.
That's lowest common denominator, and I'm not use if that's even what you're talking about in this context.
If OP hates it, it must be AOTY.
I expected far more suffering, Mitty's arc was cool and all but it came way too late in the anime.
Does it get darker after that?
I'll start the manga one of these days
kill yourself faggot
>way too late in the anime
>12 episodes
>9 episodes is too late
fuck off and die faggot
It's a well-known feature of group psychology. People will espouse obviously retarded ideas if they think it's in agreement with the group, and polarization on an issue increases with group size.
It was meh.
The blonde loli was the worst MC in years.
this but angrier
Not even close.
>9 episodes is too late
Well, yeah, that's 75% in. It'd be like a 2 hour movie that only gets good in the last 30 minutes.
Mitty first appareance is just at the end of the 11episode retard, so 2 eps of suffering is not enough
It WAS good, but now with dead manga it isn't good anymore.
I wrote a poem for Made in Abyss, I hope she likes it.
Meaty is ugly
Bunny is furry
Loli pee is not sexy
Anime is sucky
What's with all the swelling around his lower face, was he eating hornets or something?
Ow the edge
>That filename.
It was the best anime in the last 4 years, now fight me.
What 2013 anime was better?
it's called fat where I live you damn third worlder
I was talking about MIA you fucking pleb.
>Loli pee is not sexy
wrong, faggot
No shit, so what 2013 anime was better?
Overrated garbage
attack on titan. it was awesome.
Tamako Market and Kill la Kill.
I wouldn't call it trash.
But if I wanted to watch bunch of crazy sociopaths being celebrated like heroes I would turn on TV News.
That font is fucking trash. What were they thinking. It's not some kiddie show.
>Kill la Kill.
>It's not some kiddie show.
i watched it with my 8 year old cousin. i thought it was a kiddy show and a good oportunity to introduce her into anime.
>I still have no idea if Rebellion is any good
It's very good, but it deserves every piece of criticism it gets
Well you were wrong, but it IS a good opportunity to introduce her into anime.
>Tamako Market
It was weird having that appear on screen during the last two episodes.
What did she think of it?
we left off at episode 2 because my aunt came to pick her up. but we will continue when i get time alone with her again. i'll post more about this when she watches more. i watched more after she left and then realized it wasn't a kiddy anime.
You know that you now have to make her watch ALL OF IT.
Post reaction pics of your sisters when Ep 13
Ganbare user. At least you didn't watch something like Me!Me!Me! with her, unlike me and my imouto.
My favorite anime since SSY.
OP is a pleb
>with your imouto
jesus christ user. what was her reaction?
She really, really enjoyed it. I had to tell her for 10 minutes straight to never, ever talk about it with anyone.
What was Me!Me!Me! again?
>user can't into google.
i'll spoonfeed you, it's a music video with trippy imagery starring a guy hallucinating about a demon girl that includes lewd scenes.
Google it, newfag.
I like how your opinion is complete shit.
I remember it being a video, couldn't remember why it was nsfw
But the NSFW parts were the only memorable thing about it.
>couldn't remember why it was nsfw
dancing women in skimpy swimsuits, naked demon crawling on the wall and puking on a guy's mouth while giggling.
i'm suprised you don't remember it being lewd.
I was under the effects of alcohol