>dude just like, write a rock song but replace the singer with orchestral instruments, plebs will think it's epic!
Dude just like, write a rock song but replace the singer with orchestral instruments, plebs will think it's epic!
Other urls found in this thread:
>dude, I need a loud, piercing instrument right now to show that the scene is really epic.
>we got you covered
>dude, I need a soft, pretty instrumental melody to express the beauty of our character interaction
>say no more
>dude, our ebin rock song with orchestral instruments is almost complete but we still need an epic/pretty horn instrument to carry the singer's melody in this thinly-veiled rock song
>i got you covered, musical hacks
>dude this scene is really scary and shows the villain being villainous, we need an instrument to express how evil and scary this is
>we've got you covered, can also be used for sliding comically embarrassing moments
ok I'm done but you get the point, sick of "ebin" anime soundtracks with all the same cliches
That is soundtracks in generals where the director/composer is scared of experimenting and instead just play it safe. Movies and games are just as bad when it comes to this.
i guess so but japan is usually like a decade behind in music so it feels like the contemporary classical fad just hit japan with attack on titan and now every shonen has that same soundtrack.
wow that's disgusting. I always knew it was some lazy rehashed shit, but they quite literally just copy the temp score note for note.
No it isn't
Linked Horizon just plays symphonic metal, it's not some revolutionary thing, but it sure as fuck does not go unnoticed
Besides SnK has a lot of awesome music that's very memorable
Take the armored and colossal titan reveal in S2 or barricades
hmm that was a pretty interesting video, thanks boy
Have you listened to the new BladeRunner soundtrack?
some games do music pretty nicely
>perfect music, perfect everything
how did they pull it off?
Give me one anime with horror surf music and I'm done for the year
sorry it's all just an endless mush of epic french horn/trumpet/violin melodies it all meshes together and sounds the same to me, attack on titan soundtrack will forever be my main pleb filter when it comes to soundtracks. That's how I know you're 14 when you praise it.
Yeah it was fucking amazing in IMAX you fucking pleb
I don't watch movies but I'm absolutely positive it was not as good as you think it is.
>jazz music
oh and who could forget the epic choir
every fucking soundtrack has an epic 300 choir now
>born without a soul
>it's all just an endless mush of epic french horn/trumpet/violin melodies
To me it sounds like you can't comprehend multi-layered music. Can't listen to anything with more than five instruments?
I used to write classical music you tool, and I mean real classical music with actual complexity, not a fucking rock song pretending to be contemporary because they added electronic sounds and replaced the singer with French horns and violins, typical fucking comment I knew someone who try to say something like that, whole reason I’m so put off by it is because of how lazy and shallow this style of music Is. I wrote 40-piece orchestral pieces with real classical structure, this shit doesn’t even compare to the complexity of that, literally the 4 chord song
>dude just like, write a rock song. it's epic!
Nice to know you have no idea what you're talking about
How can anime even compete?
>posts a song that proves my point by showing how easily you can replace that vocal melody with instruments. If you actually listen to their whole ost, which I have, you'd realize that they're repeating the exact same melodies over and over again in different styles, and that these melodies are completely interchangeable instrument-wise. As a person who used to compose music using finale, FL studio, etc. you can tell these songs were written in a program, not on a sheet of music paper.
only the first sentence was meant to be greentext my bad. Again, thanks for posting that generic pop rock trash that proves my point.
*blocks your path*
Zimmer is trash
I blame this asshole for making every movie soundtrack sound exactly the fucking same, and for typecasting the trombone as "that instrument that sounds like a fart when you play it loud enough." It was hard enough finding fun parts in highschool as a trombone player...
I'm actually angry that you would even suggest such a thing.
Sawano songs are always better when you dont understand the engrish. Actually seeing what the lyrics are supposed to be ruins the enjoyment.
I know, I just posted him as bait.
Oh, boy, I thought I was angry when someone said jazz music was somehow a negative component of the BeBop soundtrack, but now I see someone saying Zimmer is remotely comparable to Morricone.
I'm sweating a little, and I have an erection borne purely of hatred.
You were complaining about classical music but if it's not classical you say it could become classical, and if it does it's shit
That's fallacious reasoning
Besides I personally prefer symphonic metal or just rock songs simply because it's a breath of fresh air compared to only using classical instruments all the time
I like Zimmer
What I don't like is his popularity and everyone desperately trying to become him
Over saturation and shitty clones aren't things he's responsible for
I understand people disliking him because of that but he's not bad himself
that's some good criticism. Everything kinda has Destiny 2's music in hollywood, and everything has Shokogeki no titan's music in anime.
Also one of the reasons why I feel Nier Automata works so well, Yoko Taro has a weird policy of asking his composer to deliberately do different music for each game, so replicant sounds nothing like automata, which sounds nothing like any of the drakengards that sound nothing like each other.
And that's why you cry everytime during the credits as you blow the shit out of fucking studio sony's fucking director.
Yoko Kanno a best.
Macross Plus' music is probably the closest kanno goes to "generic hollywood string and wind score", except you've got information high, voices, Idol Talk (which has a recording from an english sex chat line in the mix ffs - youtube.com
>You were complaining about classical music
wrong, lrn2reading comprehension. I enjoy classical music, listen to it every day. Contemporary classical however-aka movie and tv show soundtracks-is a completely different beast.
Whereas a classical piece has dynamic range, changes dramatically, and is written like a journey in itself to be enjoyed by itself, contemporary is written to be noise in the background and as a shallow attempt at replicating the emotions that the director wants.
>but if it's not classical you say it could become classical
you really missed the point entirely didn't you?
There are 3 genres in discussion here:
1)Classical; i.e. beethoven
2)Pop Rock; i.e. 3)and the fusion of the two: Contemporary Classical; i.e. the Attack on Titan soundtrack, which in my opinion is an inferior mutt of two superior genres, inferior in every way to what each does best, it molds the most shallow elements of both into pure shallow garbage. My point was that if you take that pop song you just posted, and replace the vocals with an instrument, you get the same song as every other song on that soundtrack, because even their pseudo-"orchestral" tracks are just a rock beat with orchestral instruments playing the melody, which is extremely lazy.
symphonic metal was fun when I was a teenager and wanted to imagine myself having a power fantasy from listening to music, now I see it for the shallow, linear, uninspired trash that it really is.
with imitations that surpass the original:
god I love this soundtrack. Blue always makes me cry, and that chord change in the middle of that extended note is beautiful, the note stays the same but the chord dramatically changes the emotion, that's the sort of subtle beauty that makes a song work well.
I expressed myself wrong
I mean you were complaining about misuse of classical music and specifically classical music in modern soundtracks, so I don't know if it really counts as classical even or it's just orchestral, I'm not an expert myself
That said why do you think mixing modern influences ruins orchestral or classical?
I don't think it necessarily happens, and if it does its because it's used badly
For example I like this
And why is symphonic metal bad?
It's power metal with orchestral sounds, and power metal usually has that same feeling of a journey that you seem to like about classical music
>I mean you were complaining about misuse of classical music and specifically classical music in modern soundtracks
Nope, there is no classical music in modern soundtracks. Modern soundtracks are contemporary, which I've already explained is a different genre entirely.
>has the same feeling of journey
done worse. Here's my point in as simple of terms as I can present: I enjoy power metal for everything that it does well. I enjoy classical for everything that it does well. However, a mix between the two is going to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. It will neither replicate the subtle, human beauty of classical, nor will it fully capture the pure, raw emotion of power metal, it will sound like a cheap studio-invention attempting to impose emotions on you in a cheap, corporate fashion. The classical aspects ruin the power metal aspects and the power metal aspects ruin the classical aspects.
My opinion anyway, like what you want I dont really care (well I do care in that your generic pleb opinion is the opinion of the general population and so they'll probably keep making soundtracks like this because of people like you)
I meant this song btw
part I'm talking about is from 2:00 onward, she holds the same note and when the chord changes beneath it you feel the weight of it all, it makes you long for that chord change, makes your heart reach out and want to grab hold. If your chord changes start feeling like generic placeholders and structure you lose the little magic touches like this that really elevate the genre
I see why you don't like the mix, but in some cases it enhances the experience, mostly because the orchestral parts are the to "boost" the metal music, or at least I don't feel the contradiction
And I doubt my opinion really is that of the majority, metal really isn't that popular and neither symphonic metal
The mainstream popularity belongs to Marvel's soundtracks, and Zimmer's music, so full orchestral
And again I admit to not being cultured in music, but I can still notice repeating motives during music
Like in the SnK OPs, where they keep repeating the same Guren no Yumiya motif in all of them despite being different songs, or soundtracks in general being just different arrangements of the same few songs stretched out for a few hours
Why is OP such a faggot?
I can understand your feelings. I dont hate all symphonic metal, like I said I used to like it a lot more but I've grown jaded from how common it is in soundtracks nowadays. Symphonic metal isn't popular in the west but it is very popular in anime. So many soundtracks do this, one punch man being the other big one.
>Marvel's soundtracks, and Zimmer's music, so full orchestral
see those soundtracks aren't actually "full orchestral." This is a full orchestral soundtrack: youtube.com
behold, the grandfather of John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and all the other contemporary movie composers. They all copied my main man Dvorak. Contemporary classical is much different than traditional classical because traditional is a full show in itself, contemporary is just background to the main entertainment. Classical music is so good that you can just listen to it without anything else and it's still amazing. Contemporary needs visual cues, either real or in your imagination, it creates a power fantasy in your mind and a story, it's background sounds. Real classical isn't background sounds, it's right in your face and it wants you to hear every tiny detail. It is meant to be heard, and it has love put into every note because of it. It's not some lazy generic bullshit crafted in FL Studio as a copy of some temp soundtrack.
> repeating the same Guren no Yumiya motif in all of them despite being different songs, or soundtracks in general being just different arrangements of the same few songs stretched out for a few hours
exactly, now you're seeing how these people are rock and pop musicians attempting to use instruments from classical to elevate their basic bitch writing. It gets old. Same thing with choirs, always a choir in the background humming the chord changes to make it sound more echo'y and vast.
I can see why you say this, symphonic metal still is only used in shonen anime, and even if you dislike it, it's still better than western soundtracks, which are basically elevator music
But I still prefer soundtracks with modern instruments with orchestral ones, compared to just orchestral
For example
And if a song uses just orchestral instruments, how can it not be orchestral? Williams and Zimmer do that don't they?
And yes, this Dvorak piece, I love it, and it's also in a lot of stuff
fuck you
It’s less about the instrumentation and more about the style. Doesn’t matter if you have all the right parts, if it doesn’t quack it’s not a duck. You can take orchestral instruments and write a rock song with them, which is what this whole genre basically is. I’m trying to distinguish the difference between that Dvorak track and your typical marvel soundtrack. The marvel soundtracks are repetitive, generic, and require a “beat” and a safe 4-chord pop song progression, whereas the Dvorak piece I just gave you stands on its own with pure melodic prowess, doesn’t need a generic rock beat to cover up a lack of harmony or creativity, it is interesting enough on its own, that’s the difference. Take away the rock beat in the background propelling these songs forward and you have a guy playing a pop song jingle, compared to say the clarinet solo you just heard in Dvorak.
You can say whatever you want, but it works
Also, what you consider a good soundtrack then?
In anime? A pop song that doesn't try to be anything more than a pop song, and as a result it's a damn good pop song
(I not a fan of the anime but the ost is good)
Or a rock song that doesn't try to be anything more than a rock song, and when it does use a choir and other orchestral influence, it does so with respect to classical and actually makes the arrangement interesting. This is symphonic metal where the melody is actually a classical-ish melody and not a pop song. All the dramatic scales the singer does, the highs and lows and switching so quickly between them, this is how you do it
Good to know that you have no clue what you are talking about.
fuck I forgot the second link:
wouldn't be a Sup Forums thread without some guy an hour later pointing out generic semantics crap and acting like we should all ignore the topic to talk about the dictionary instead.
>Or This
>Or This
>Or This
>Or This
>Or This
>And, last but most certainly not least, this
this guy gets it
>contemporary classical
>attack on titan
just because you kids have new specific words for every difference to make a million different genres out of it doesn't mean all these songs aren't basically pop/rock songs with contemporary classical instrumentation.
Not the same guy but how do you feel about Aria's OST?
Also kinda offtopic, but I'm curious how you feel about Liszt and Chopin's Piano Concertos?
I'm trying to get back into classical music but I'm just a piano pleb so I have my biases. I'd like some recommendations.
>inb4 >> /wsr/
>generic semantics crap
>contemporary classical
Just admit you're 12 and move on m8.
no need to involve yourself in the conversation, making snide semantics remarks the deflect from the topic is definitely your forte. You keeping doing that, and I'll keep ignoring you
>not posting the best OP
When it comes to classical music I'm a normie and pretty much agree with pic related.
Wagner's good too.
I'm a germanfag btw.
it's pretty much all great user, that's the thing about classical. You've got hundreds of years of composers to work with, and they're all damn good, you can't go wrong.
I'm confused, are you angry that instruments work the way they do? Are you just trying that hard to be an edgy contrarian?
You know who else didn't like jazz music? Hitler.
He's complaining about musical cliches
I'm commentating more on the generic and predictable nature of scoring, how most scores just emulate whatever emotion the director wants and so it's incredibly shallow from the ground up and doesn't allow the composers to actually experiment and create new sounds. All these instruments have been typecasted and they're never used for anything else.
There's literally nothing wrong with You say run
whatever you need to inspire yourself to work out in the morning user
What are your thoughts on Nichijou's OST?
Example: youtube.com
Perfect, like the rest of the show.
You had me as soon as I heard the waltz structure
Wow, the first interesting thread i lurked in Sup Forums in months
You say run is just His world without vocals
>the first thing he brings up is muh westernshit
Insecure much?
those string melodies literally sound like some basic bitch shit you'd hear out of a music program's generic playback, take away the rock beat and it's just some pop song bs that hammers the same note too much. This whole genre, whatever you want to call it, is derivative as fuck and lacks the melodic sophistication of real classical music.
*I'm referring to you say run btw
the fugg, I dont remenber this opening
Delet this
dlete yr life
Evangelion, Bebop, Monogatari and Champloo have the best OST. Prove me wrong.
>most scores just emulate whatever emotion the director wants
What the fuck is your issue with this?
nice video
Best composer to work on an anime is Kanno Yoshihiro, for Tenshi no Tamago.
Rozen Maiden exists.
I guess it's They're all safe and predictable that video, youtu.be
The difference is that Marvel's bland music has been called out on every occasion while the OSTs for SnK (though among Sawano purists its just a rehash of Unicorn and marked the beginning of his downward spiral of mediocrity) and MHA have been praised by critics. OP is just a contrarian and the fucking fact that he picked Cruel Angel Thesis means he shouldn't be taken seriously.
I think what OP is trying to say is not that its "wrong" but playing safe will result on a medicore (at most) work and it will be not memorable
Not trying to be an ass but were i can find your work?
>work and it will be not memorable
Then why are they so popular when nobody gives a shit about the Aria OST
Ive seen both live and zimmer was a bit of an ass cause the break was too short. Ennio was great, the concert was delayed by 1 year because he fell down some stairs and injured his back and hip but he still did it. He wasnt standing, leaned on a crutch while having these gaint sized books from which he orchestrated the songs from, when it was all over and he went off stage he ran back with another 2 books like a real boss. These were about a2/a1 sized. Zimmer was a bit more messy and soundwise he didn't have the best guy allong on his tour.
If you are not into septicflesh please kill yourself
The cream puf is such an amazing avant garde pop album
I think posting OPs as examples of good OSTs is kind of cheating
The purpose of an OP is to get you excited and set the mood for the entire show, and when you focus an entire 1.30 min to the song you'll easily get good results
All of these are fucking awesome despite me not liking all of these shows
Are we posting OSTs now
where is that one poster that was complaining that timpanis are "forced epic" sounding?