Are you ready for justice?
2 days until still not being eliminated
post your favorite Z arcs, for me its
Android >= Majin > Saiyan > Namek
>in one page the manga gives him more character than the anime has in thirty episodes
>in one page the manga completely ruins Jiren
t. angry gokuck
>in a single panel, the entirety of Jiren's mystery and aloofness is removed
Is there anything he can't ruin?
You mean BUFF you complete retard.
Can't ruin what was already trash to begin with.
>they aren't mentioned in the spoilers, that means they're getting eliminated next episode
Name literally one good thing about Jiren's aloofness and mystery. He has had 0 character over the entirety of this arc.
Making him Superman isn't even what I'd call a good move, but at least it's something.
>already triggered
Kekflapedros are this pathetic.
He's got nothing on me!
There's still 4 months left in the tournament. They've clearly chosen to save his characterization for the later stages.
Why do fedoras love this shit character?
Reminder that Goku went from this...
>Name literally one good thing about Jiren's aloofness and mystery
Build-up. He's literally the short guy from the Simpsons' Italian Maffia vs Japanese Maffia. The best is being saved for the last.
reminds them of Trump
>projecting this hard
i mentioned nobody by name, squirt.
>mfw these soyboys are ALWAYS the fastest to run damage control this.
Fedoras love trump?
Everybody loves trmp
>morbidly obese
i thought it was PAINFULLY obvious.
The build up should have ended when he actually got screentime for three episodes. It makes no sense to feature him for long while avoiding characterizing him.
what did they mean by this?
you can't ruin shit
Is there a more cucked shonen rival than Vegeta?
>waifufag calling others soyboys
Obsessed, so sad
lifelong jobbers following a similar path. easy peezy.
Yamcha calvo when?
Remember Android 18 is beautiful and will show Ribrianne the true meaning of love.
>Toyochad thread
Nice. Full chapter when?
>get BTFO and put in your place
>double down
you've refuted nothing you obsessed retard.
I don't remember Dragon Ball being this good-looking!
Did I miss something?
I miss old Toriyamas thicc style
>the true meaning of slut
I can understand that you are mad right now, but it's ultimately your own fault. You shouldn't have grown so attached to a filler character.
It's from the movie Path to Power.
>literally adult Gohan's only cool scene
>constantly spammed by butthurt Gohanfags
It's sad really.
>Gohan is genetically set up to be the strongest in the universe
>still manages to be as much of a meme as Yamcha
Ready for dat ass
Please, keep posting your Jobhan pics all you want but don't use my favorite character to shitpost
Pretty sure that's from the movie "Path to Power". It was a retelling of the first part of DB that it came out in 1996. It looks better than anything Super ever shit out.
I've never saved any of that retarded shit.
I don't even watch dragon ball but I'm always in this thread because it is fast paced and I do absolutely nothing all day
you're absolutely seething with an incurable impotent rage because you know you can't refute anything, little man.
Me too.
Wakey wakey Brifags. Your time is coming
>one more week
>Caulifags btfo
>Kalefags btfo
>Vegitards btfo
>Ribriannefags btfo
>Best girl still going strong and getting eliminations.
I'm getting all my smuggies ready.
Don't worry CHADbros, leave Caulicucks to me.
It'll be funny as hell when he gets eliminated. All of Latin America will be drowned in salty Gohanfag tears.
>Best girl
2nd best*
Stop breaking the rules.
Why don't any of the forms above SSJ2/3 have lighting crackling through them?
That was cool as shit.
You are just mad because you're going to lose your imaginary waifu. Your anger is making you irrational.
>cuckhanspics so butt-blasted they resort to Goku posting
It looks better than anything in dbz or any of the other movies for that matter, what a retarded comment. That movie had a huge high tier art team.
I want her to literally step on my skull as she coldly chuckles while my head squishes like a grape beneath the soles of those boots.
>In order to use "Ultra Instinct", Vegeta mimics Goku and tries to act unconsciously! But he fails and is hit by Katopesla's attack!
find help
>projecting THIS hard
>caulifags banned
>now it's between gohanfags and the 18 avatarfag
Will this battle ever end?
If she fights Brianne while mentioning her deep love for Krillin it will redeem this arc, Ryu's episode, and will cause me to suck Toei's cock until the series is over.
>Katopesla attacks
>Vegeta stands there, doing nothing because "muh ultra instinct" and "muh acting unconciously"
>He gets knocked out of the ring because he didn't even try to defend himself
wait your turn you son of a bitch
>>Caulifags banned
Best timeline. As long as you filter the manlet shitter.
>Kefla vs Goku shitpost thread
Ok guys, let's have some fun.
I have a lot of free time, so post a reaction image and a DB character and I'll draw it doing the same reaction like pic related
How triggered would they be if 18 outlasts their boy?
You do realize she only knocked Jobku cold in that scene because he had already depleted himself out of stamina. Right?
Do you think el grande padre stands a chance
>caulifags banned
Think again.
I'm using my work IP right now.
Honestly what are the odds he stays in the entire tournament?
>goawayhan shitboys being THIS terrified of a superior character
why are you so scared of a GIRL?
Good thing something far worse is in store for her.
Draw Beerus and/or Champa doing a "nutted but she still succin" facde.
Could you do gohan for this one
9999% chances.
What's the page you nigger
Minimal. What are the odds he jobs and Piccolo has to save him?