
Are these guys controlled opposition, Antifa tier retards, or the real deal?

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Other urls found in this thread:;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNGE5YzVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjUyOTVfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1521630350/RO=10/RU=

All these groups including antifa and the alt right are jewish psy ops.



What is it exactly?

Read siege, faggot

This richard spencer is also a CIA plant but not pewds

Considered by the MSM a “far right wing terrorist group”.;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNGE5YzVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjUyOTVfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1521630350/RO=10/RU=

Literally Jews. Same as all other mainstream movements.

nazis should fuck off and die

But the Muslims gangbanging your young girls can stay, bong? Surely we can take good ideas about duty, National security, and demographic homogeneity from their playbook at the least.

Glow in the dark honey pot. It's a trap, the feds that run it will radicalize you, arm you and push you to commit acts of terrorism which they can then use to push for gun control and internet censorship if you fall for it. Stay the fuck away from these nazi LARPing glow in the darks and useful idiots.

>Almost all "terror" plots are created by the FBI as part of its business model.

>What is the business of the FBI? Extracting tax. What does it need to do that? A stable threat. Prob? Real terrorists are sporadic & make FBI look weak. Solution? Make them.

>The FBI is giving guns to the mentally ill to attack people then leaping in to save the day, cameras rolling. What a bunch of jerks.
>From March 28 to March 30, 2010, nine people thought to be Hutaree members were arrested in police raids in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana (in Hammond), for their alleged involvement in a plot to kill various police officers and possibly civilians using illegal explosives and/or firearms.[11] An undercover agent played a role in the investigation that led to indictments. Grand jury testimony by a law enforcement officer referred to an "undercover FBI agent" who worked on the case; the FBI declined to comment, but infiltration is a common tactic for law-enforcement officials targeting domestic militia groups.[12] The FBI informant was later revealed to be Hal Turner.[13]

>The group was allegedly preparing for what they believed would be an apocalyptic battle with the forces of the Antichrist, whom they believed would be supported and defended by local, state, and federal law enforcement.[1]

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>All these groups including antifa and the alt right are jewish psy ops.

These Satanist larpers become Communists and Islamists at times. It's all a scam

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Joining them is a great way to get thrown into prison for being a terrorist.

Thanks user, wasn’t planning on joining them (or anyone for that matter) but was curious why their stuff never ends up here since there’s a Hitler literallydid nothing wrong thread every few hours

They don't end up here because most of us understand that joining a larp club won't solve anything. I probably agree with a lot of the tings their members believe, but I'm not going to join some group that works to undermine the government, because one that's not what I want, and even if I did want that it would be stupid to join a group that advocates for it. Also I hate Americans that larp as nazis.

Any one considering joining any of these LARPer honey pots should read as much as the can on COINTELPRO. The same shit is still going on today across the left and right, even a lot of the shilling on Sup Forums trying to radicalize people and push them to chimp out is done by glow in the dark feds.

>COINTELPRO (an acronym for COunter INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert, and at times illegal,[1][2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show that COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals that the FBI deemed subversive,[5] including anti-Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights movement or Black Power movement (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Panther Party), feminist organizations,[6] independence movements (such as Puerto Rican independence groups like the Young Lords), Black-owned bookstores, and a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left.

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These people are fucking feds

Read SIEGE By James Mason

this, you can see them semi-glow in the part where it says, "smash the system" we don't want to fucking smash it, just fix it.

They are for sure infiltrated but not a controlled op. They seem more insane than altright, I would not even consider them to be on "our side". They just want chaos so they can rape and kill like animals. But in the end, they are just a bunch of weirdos that circlejerk in discord.

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The thing you have to consider with AWD is they are not altright, they are just for chaos. No morals, no future, just satanic LARPers. Actual satanic LARPers.

bunch of tryhard fags that only use swastikas to be edgy and don't believe in shit


As western culture degrades even further don't be surprised to see more groups like this pop up. The youth is being raised without a healthy family or church to provide values and love. The blackpilled ones will embrace acceleration. Personally I can't wait for the fall. The world is sick and only holy apocalyptic fire will cleanse it.

that looks like sage cuckoldry. cringe.

Makes sense. It looks like the fucks want to just destroy everything moral and good without trying to fix a thing.

In light of the COINTELPRO info though, Do you think the notion of federal surveillance of this sort ethical if it makes for a more stable society and equally infiltrates radical right and left wing movements or does it serve to merely increase instability by radicalizing elements for the cynical reason of profiting?

They are too stupid to see how their actions hurt the Right, or they are working for the opposition. Neither would surprise me.

I do not think it increases or decreases stability, it has been shown that most people just accept such surveillance willingly in the west.
Even though such surveillance has only prevented a handful of incidents and gives the various agencies petabytes of personal data for millions of people, the majority just don't care.

CIA niggers are just beyond salvation when it comes to common sense

Dude looks hard-core as fuck.

88% would operate with

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>satanic vampire neo-nazis
I feel like Hitler wouldn't approve of satanism or vampirism.

Just like they did the militia movement back in the 90's. Every militia was swarming with feds and snitches trying to stir shit up/make shit up/blow shit up. They really are low IQ retards.

Honeypot. If you ever think you might want to do something more effective than voting, stay far away from these kinds of groups.

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>If you ever want to make a difference in the world, don't

>Just obey your jewish masters.

If you don't have any real connections, you weren't supposed to join to begin with.

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Aren't they suspects in like 6 murders?
I think they are the real deal if that how you want to roll.

6 million...just not yet.

Atomwaffen is pants on head retarded. Both the members and the name.

Wish there'd just be a white self improvement movement without all this bombing and LARP because I'm still creeped the fuck out having been in a call with a guy at one point who went on to murder his two roommates by shooting them in the head point blank.