I'm 3 episodes in and not digging it, is it worth continuing or should I move on?

I'm 3 episodes in and not digging it, is it worth continuing or should I move on?

3 episodes of what?
The entire series? Push forward.
Star Dust Crusaders? Again, push forward.

Anime is paced pretty slow either pick up the colored manga or just chug through

if you don't wanna then at least watch DIO's World

Read the manga

Read the fucking manga

>colored manga

I'll switch over to the manga, then. Thanks Sup Forums

You cluttered up the board with another shit thread because you're too dumb to make your own decisions? Get out.

same as you i watched 5 ep and i tried to understand the appeal and i lost interest

It's weird. I thought Part 2 was fantastic but Part 3 just doesn't grab me at all. I gave up after 6 episodes.

Part 3 is one of the slowest parts of Jojo it has a couple lows but alos a couple highs in there too.

Watch a few more episodes, dumbass

Part 3 was always utter shit and I adjusted my opinion on 4 after seeing the anime. The only really good jojo part after the first 2 is 7.

>Part 4 - Part 6 Bad
>Part 2 better than fucking anything

The only good thing about Part 1 was that it was short and had Dio. I wouldn't call it 'good'

It's at least better than 5 and 6
You forgot Jonathan and Speedwagon

You really should just decide that for yourself
Part 3 is kinda meh, it gets good at the end. If you can't stand it, read the manga and then rewatch the last couple of fights just for the voice acting. Part 4 is much better adapted and better in general


>thinking part 5 and 6 are good

Dont bother to read/watch part 4 is complete shit.

>thinking that JoJo has "bad parts"
Fuck off pleb.

Stop spreading lies.

>actually thinking that all parts are good

>actually thinking anything but Steel Ball Run is good

>actually thinking Steel Ball Run is good

>actually thinking anything in existence is good

SBR is overrated. The beginning is boring and it has the worst villain.

>hating on best President

>Thinking that steel ball run isnt the second coming of christ in manga form.

>this is the kind of fanbase valentine attracts

>literally this

Can we talk about kinokinolion here?

It's good

Well take care of it then faglord, are there any not shit scans in black and white of Vento Auero?

I actually need it

Why have all the Jojo threads lately been shitty bait threads?

I will spoonfeed you for this time: you can find them on Batoto.

For a guy who cheated on his wife Joseph sure has strong parental instincts.

I'm hopeful for the new chapter, user.
This hair clip business is very odd.

It is a shame we must have continual genocide in every chapter. Urban did nothing wrong, I bet the hairclip nothing too.

I stayed up 12 hours to marathon battle tendancy. I just watched the first episode of stardust crusaders and thought it was hilarious. How the fuck does it get bad? Also
>joeseph joestar best joestar

>the neckbreaking pacing of part 1, no room for letting stuff sink in
>the slug of part 3
>the terrible fucking inconsistent animation of part 4
>just 1 of the 4 arcs was actually watchable (part 2)
>people still recommend the anime


Joseph is a complex man. That's why he's the best Jojo

He's really simple though.

>Joseph best jojo
Back to you go

Memeing aside, why the hell is it taking so long for DP to animate part 5?

R&D on how King Crimson works.

Plebbut can deal with josephs manliness

All Jojofags need to go back to

Sup Forums is like reddit 2.0 bro. Only the less intellectual people browse the 4chins exclusively.

you misspelled Jonathan

From what i heard, they were spent from part 4 and needed to "recharge".
So no part 5 next year.