Chapter is out on mangaONE app. Dumping raws with rough translation (without the omake though because I don't have any tickets to see it).
Mob Psycho 100 : chp. 100.16
>In order to
>emulate you…
>I’ve been secretly hitting the gym, too!!!
>Listen to me for a moment.
>That’s no good…
>I can’t listen to that person.
>I’ve finally managed to become free.
Shouldn't that be "???" or "Shigeo"? Cause "Mob" was suppressed/erased.
>Soon I’ll be able to meet her…
>Hey, Mob.
>There’s something I’ve never been able to say to you…
You're right. I wasn't exactly sure what to use but I'll use Shigeo from now on, seems more appropriate.
>Something I wanna tell you now…
>Before you meet up with Tsubomi-chan.
>It can’t be…
>That person has this much power…?
>You seem to be doing fine.
Holy shit.
>Looks like I ended up not disappearing because you kept waiting for me within your heart…
>It’s all thanks to your “power of believing”.
>And this rampage… I was pulled towards this maelstrom of power and managed to come back. (not 100% sure it's that)
>In my opinion, this power is truly God’s blessing.
>Let’s listen to what Reigen has to say.
Oh my...
I forgot a little something. On the second panel, Dimple says "Shigeo".
Of course faith eventually brought him back. Dimple thrives on belief.
Reigen (I think)
>So, I unexpectedly met Dimple.
>You made it in time.
>Hey… We can’t afford to take it easy!
>Cause I can barely just maintain my own existence!!!
>Yeah. Looks like it. I owe you!
>I’m sorry you had to save me, but could you please leave for a moment!?
>What do you think you can do on your own!??
>Fine, then. Don’t fight!
Oh shit.
>I… You know, I…!!!
And that's it.
T-this is a ruse! Dimple's gone for good! This can't be!
Thanks for the dump and translation, user.
Honestly I somehow wasn't expecting this already. I thought Mob might be granting Reigan his power again order to fight with himself.
That cant happen right now because this is Mob's power currently at the wheel.
Thanks for the translation, user
I thought Mob might make a comback and split his power against his otherself through Reigan.
Are we need the end of Mob Psycho? I feel like it
This is everything I could have hoped for and more, fuck yes Dimple is BACK and teamed up with best boy
? It's was shown day one that Dimple thrives of the beliefs of people, remember LOL
what does reigen want to confess
Tsubomi is his daughter
Second best boy and best boy are back, how does it feel user
that he has been using him, but started to feel like Mob is his family
Really curious to hear what he wants to tell him. inb4 i love you
Feels pretty fucking good, man.
but that makes mob and her brother and sister
I could understand if Dimple was never dead but from what he said he did die and came back because of asspull.
On the one hand, I want it to be something serious and heartfelt, but knowing ONE, and how Reigen acts in situations like this, I almost think it'll be some kind of gag. Almost.
dimple has come back from the dead so many times it's practically a running joke
He did die, his consciousness was devoured by Lord Psycho Helmet. It was by Mob's faith and power that he came back, and he's still only precariously clinging to existence as he is. As long as there are believers that believe in Dimple, he'll eventually come back.
>mob kills him
>teru kills him
>dude that kidnapped evil spirits (forget his name)
>psycho helmet kills him
did i forget anyone?
matsuo didn't eat him, just tried to make him a pet
I'm not even mad
One's art has gotten pretty good what the hell
prediction: he fires him to take off responsibility or some stupid reasoning like that
ONE was never a try hard
can't wait for season 4 adaptation
Somebody translated the omake.
That would be nice if it did happen, I think Mob could use someone unequivocally telling him that he's loved. no homo
fatherly love is definitely there, but you'd think mob would know that
>I can't believe Ekubo is fucking dead
>I can't believe Ekubo is fucking alive
Dammit, ONE, you bastard...
fucking finally
When was the last time homo stuff happened in a mainstream manga
Not hapenning
we need real canon homo, no pedo tho, please
dimple's here now
>>In order to
>>emulate you…
>>I’ve been secretly hitting the gym, too!!!
i cant tell if hes lying or not. on one hand cute but on the other that man's back is going to snap in half any second now
major cliff hanger and almost no predictions?
i wanna say it'll be him confessing to some fathery love or apologizing for using him, but shit's getting heavy and ONE's just as liable to make a huge gag here
I personally gave up on trying to predict what ONE will do a long time ago. I do hope whatever Reigen has to say is something heartfelt and touching.
I agree, every time I try to guess what happens next, ONE tricks me
because everyone's thinking he'll actually confess, he'll actually die or be interrupted. maybe even ??? will talk to him
On one side — I am happy, on the other — sad, I honestly don't how to feel about this, so I just continue to enjoy this ride.
This page has entered my hall of fame of favorite single pages, right up there with 1000% Reigen.
Also holy shit, it actually happened. I always figured that Dimple was gonna possess Reigen at some point but since it looked like he was dead I thought I was wrong.
Reigen isn't going to die because
1. ONE said MP100 would have a happy ending
2. If Reigen dies he can't pretend that he was responsible for the catastrophe and go to jail/get questioned/punished in Mob's place. Which everyone would believe because the public thinks that Reigen is a psychic, not Mob.
Is this series pretty good?
Like OPM good or just something else entirely?
Both, it's just as good (if not better) but it's a very different series than OPM.
ONE copying himself is unsurprising considering he has to work on two different manga weekly.
Thhanks a bunch user
I spoiled myself with this, but shit, this is pretty good. I only watched the anime recently, I kinda wanna get into the Manga
Is it just as feelsie with Mob and his friends?
Did One drop OPM for this? He hasn't updated in a long time.
>Reigen is Mob's surrogate father
Fuck off, Tumblr.
OPM Is a hobby he can update anytime. Mob is his actual manga he has deadlines to meet.
It's great. IMO the manga only has a bit of a drop in quality during one arc, and even that one has a great climax. Read from the beginning since the anime mixes the timeline in a few spots, and characterizations are a little bit different.
It's more like he dropped it to work on serialized OPM, for which he draws the storyboards Murata works with.
The manga is great
It is, I consider it even better than OPM, at least in some ways.
They are quite alike, but if OPM is a comedy with some serious moments, Mob is the opposite.
jesus fucking christ don't you have any feelings at all user
also @ the people wanting to read mp100, please do, it's better than opm, and the art style grows on you
funny, heartfelt, coming of age with a splash of pacifism that goes places i really appreciate
has user just never had any sort of second or even first surrogate father figure in their life?
is it that painful of a thought, user?
I'm not going to lie, but I really don't want Reigen to be the one to solve Mob's personal problem. It just rubs me the wrong way.
Would you rather Tsubomi do it? Reigen has always been the leading positive force in Mob's life, and if Mob himself is out of commission then it falls to him.
I want to hug this man