Tell me how this series isnt trash now

Tell me how this series isnt trash now

who are they?

why he is so long

The giant and fairy kings backstory stuff was neat but lasted too long. I'm hoping the same doesn't happen with Ban's marvelous hellscape adventure. It's been mostly okay, nothing terrible but not really amazing either since Meliodas vs. Escanor

Chandler turns out to be badass. Meliodas is fully succumbed to his demon gene and even disband the SDS. Ban will finally do something after either jobbing hard or do nothing, assuming he won't job again.
It's okay so far. Just okay.

The demon arc is meant to give Mel a backstory then after that they will ditch demons forever and move to goddess or whatever else is left.


It became shit after the first arc
This guy is wasted on a "big three wannabe" series like this, the crazy stuff in Kongou Banchou was much better

I can't, it overstayed its welcome, i hope it ends soon.

> implying Meliodas isn't just pretending to be evil to keep Chandler under control

I havent read since hawk brought up the power level gag, worth reading past the hendrickson arc?

It's been pretty shit for a while but Ban Going To Hell arc might turn things around, it looks like something interesting is finally happening.

Depends on what did you like in the first saga. The pace slows down a little and side characters slowly lose spotlight after Jericho and Diane's memory wipe subplot is dragged too long. On the other hand, fights and paneling are still amazing, we have Escanor, who is the two best sins in one package, worldbuilding got deeper, sins get more focus, and some nice character developments for about everyone.

After the amazing performance by Chandler, I can't wait to see what Cusack can do. But I have feeling Estarossa takes him out before he can do anything amazing.

I wonder if Chris-chan will live to become an old pedo geezer like Chandler

Is this one piece?

It's the sequel, Seven Piece.

No, it's Dragon Ball.

He's a big guy

clearly it's jojo

Looks like Naruto to me.

Chandler has been a great character, though?

Escanor can be pretty damn epic sometimes.

i dunno man i think it' evangelion

Injured the fucking Demon Lord Meliodas who was almost at his peak? I know Escanor had to use all his years worth of stored energy on top being at his peak, but I wouldn't be surprised if he could wipe the entire Demon Clan sans Meliodas and Demon King alone.
Against those demon vets in the OP he could just think about Merlin like he did during the 2nd Festival arc or whatever it is called.

Is that nose hair on the guy on the right?