ITT: Coding

ITT: Coding.

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Is this BASIC or just something that looks similar?

Best thread on Sup Forums right now.

rotation with what i assume is euler angles? what is this amateur hour?

Try this:

open window 1200,800
label epilepsy
backcolour ran(255),ran(255),ran(255)
clear window
goto epilepsy

Looks like some kind of manual matrix rotation

It's confirmed by an expertâ„¢.


But can it code a good anime?

Nobody ever has nor will achieve that feat.

>lmao no anime is good xD
Fuck off already, where do you newfags come from?

You know damn well where these retards originate, user.

How hard is it to learn real programming languages? I only know qbasic desu

I don't know exactly how to put it, but when I had to study fortran, it was a nightmare. It wasn't hard in itself, the commands are easy and logical, I simply couldn't see how to translate what I had to do in computer's language.

If you've got the mind for it, easy but if you dont then you're kinda fucked.

Learning any language is easy.
But to be good at it, you need to practise and experiment a lot. Know the ins and outs, edge cases, limits, yada yada.