Hey you just stole my brother's soul and put him in a permanent comatose state

>Hey you just stole my brother's soul and put him in a permanent comatose state
>I could beat the shit out of you until you release him again
>But instead I'm gonna challenge to you a children's card games

I could never take this show seriously


Jojo pulled the same shit several times.

Kaiba is the ultimate autist. He's expected to act the way he does.

I mean wasn't Pegasus able to steal anyone's soul at any given time or did I miss something?

Post the Kaiba image.

>tries to beat him up
>gets trapped into a second card

when they lose the card game.


I can't remember a time when there wasn't some justification

The best part of this image is learning that is actually a line he has in Duel Links and that little girl is a real character in it

>kaiba is so autistic that he creates a space elevator just so he can travel back in time and get his rematch against atem.
is kaiba /ourguy/ ?


Millenium magic doesn't work on Kaiba and Yugi unless they agree to a shadow game.

Pegasus was able to steal Yugi's grandpa soul and he didn't lose any games, Yugi himself was the one who lost.

he's good looking and semi successful so I'd say no

source on kaiba

Post the greentext of Kaiba's autistic achievements

Can't remember which episode but he was shown to be immune to Marik's mind control because of his ancient past as an Egyptian priest.

If you watch the show and not the 4kids dub you would know he had guards with fucking guns

Why didnt kaiba just bought pegasus' company? Or used mercenaries/hitmans?

why is he still wearing clothes? If I sealed hot shotas in card I would make sure they were naked for my viewing pleasure.

he's only a b- at best

I like my shotas chunky.

If you had seen the anime (which you didnt) you would know that Kaiba was in a shitty position then because Pegasus bough all of his assets and basically owned like 90% of his company and could easily financially cripple Kaiba at any point

The D'Arby fights that inspired this series involved taking a soul and a an ora arm hostage so

>D'Arby fights inspired this series
Wait, hold up. Seriously?

I could never take this show seriously

Pegasus has a magical egyptian artifact that can shoot lasers, read minds and steal souls. Also, he has armed (in the original) guards.

>beat the shit out of him
>when Kaiba is on Pegasus's island alone

He says it in the original series, too.

Is that why he stayed a huge fuckass even after being mindbroken?

Being the owner and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company at age 16 is only semi-succesful?

Because Pegasus is actually one of the few straight characters in Yu-Gi-Oh

Nah he's less asshole than the start. Current Kaiba doesn't seems like the kind to hire Jason Voorhees to kill Japanese teenages in a theme park

>tries to attack him
>gets shot
>tries to outmoney him via hitman/etc.
>gets outmoney'd

He probably would if there was a new, super special ultra rare blue eyes card that only that one kid had and Kaiba didn't.

>gets outmoney'd
Reminds me of that one episode where Kaiba took over his dad's enterprise as a little boy.