Why are Jews so over-represented in anything that requires mental prowess...

Why are Jews so over-represented in anything that requires mental prowess? Is it a big "conspiracy" or are they the master race?

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they are clever, but they play with a stacked deck, and they will mark down white males, because they fear us.

>why are god's chosen people doing so well????
really activates the almonds

Money and discrimination.
The Jewish IQ thing is a lie

Attached: The Smart Jew Myth.jpg (1600x2126, 369K)

how many worked for NASA

if you control for jewish IQ they are still extremely overrepresented.

so there is something besides IQ that leads to their status and positions.

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>if I make enough of these gay threads, I can stay ahead of the revelation that Israel's average IQ isn't exactly superior
Imagine living in such fear. Desperate to fight the evil internet nazis, but too afraid to actually believe the things that motivate you, because deep inside you know they're false. At least you compromised yourself for what you thought was a good reason.

Man, i just did the math on this, checking the demographics of israel, and it seems to be correct. The average IQ of askenazi jews should be 100.

Where did the 115 figure come from?

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They are not smart, they just promote one another.

They pretend to be white when it suits them, and they then ditch their 'whiteness' when it's time to backstab whites. They play the holocaust card when they are called on their bs. They are not particularly creative or inventive, just cliquey and manipulative.

nah its just nepotism, they promote it heavily for themselves and decry white when they do it

Jews are gods chosen and are smart?

High IQs and nepotism. Why do faggots use memeflags?

There is no Jewish cabal or conspiracy. Eastern European Jews are very smart. They're not working together to take over the world. They succeed because they're intelligent.

You sound like the stupid black people who rant about whiteys conspiracy to keep the black man down. The truth is, whites don't need to do anything to keep the blackas down. They're incapable of getting up and surpassing white people.

It's the same for the gentiles vs. the Jews. The Jews are just that much smarter.

Because a far higher percentage of Jews get quality education. They value education much more than other races. Jews are going to quality private schools while most whites are going to public schools which are glorified day care centers. The teachers are busy trying to herd cats and hardly have time to teach.

I must hand it to the Jews. They know how to ensure their kids have a bright future.

It's mostly not a conspiracy. They have higher average IQs, and by the nature of bell curves, it's obvious that they would dominate at the very top.

That being said, of course, given their domination at any point in time (which really only solidified in the 1930s in the US), it shouldn't be surprising that they would be biased towards their own, like literally everyone else is, and to the extent that happens, we can all agree it's wrong.

>because a far higher percentage of Jews get quality education
because they have higher IQs

Yes, yes we're the master race. The sooner you understand it the better, stupid goyim.
t. Economics major

mate, the difference between jews and white IQ is the same as the difference between white and black IQ

The way you look at niggers, that's how they're looking at you

If Jews aren't smart, why do they manipulate whites so easily?

Nobel Prize is only awarded to science research that promotes peace and/or doesn't make money.

It's beauty pageant for scientists where the big dick scientists who made money don't get shit.

You won't get a noble prize for discovering cool shit that can kill people faster.

Edward Teller and Robert Oppenheimer didn't get shit for splitting the atom via nuke. None of the fuckers in the Manhattan project got a Nobel prize.

Motherfuckers involved in the Moon landing and space program didn't get shit.

Werner Von Braun didn't win a Nobel Prize.

The fuckers who invented personal computers didn't get shit.

There is no Nobel Prize in engineering.

>nobel prize in (((economics)))
imajun muh shawk

Economics is not a Nobel prize. It's a Nobel MEMORIAL prize and was added in 1969.

It's called nepotism.

Jew IQ is nothing special.

Attached: IQbyreligion.jpg (500x481, 34K)

Find out who is rewarding those prizes and you will find out why there are so many winners from a certain group

this, we can't underestimate or downplay the skill of our enemy

You forgot to mention vindictive. If you best or outdo a Jew at their own game they'll use every legal and social means to fuck with you.

>descend from ancient summerians
>descend from ancient egyptians
>descend from ancient Greeks/Roman women
>descend from Khazar milkers
>abiding by clan rules for 5000 years
Why are you surprised about us being Master race again?

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Why is it always a Nazi-memeflag shilling for Jews, Israel, diversity/multiculturalism, race-mixing, degeneracy, etc etc...

No wait...

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At least you were stupid enough not to change the memeflag you shillpost with.

LOL Oppenheimer and Teller were both Jews

There are prizes in engineering, I wonder what the breakdown is there

A lot of it is nepotism. You wont find too many Jews in any organization, who don't have at least several relatives within that organization. That doesn't just include jews though. White leftist do the same thing.

50% of chess grand-masters are Jews. Is this also nepotism?

back when they were gods chosen ppl things were hard for them but then they killed jesus and became satans ppl. god rules the heavens and satan rules the earth easy as that.

JIDF, you should probably stop using Nazi memeflags, nobody buys what you're "selling"....

giving yourself awards and declaring that you yourself are better than everyone end when anyone dares to question it you just point to the award you gave yourself
>its one of the most easily noticeable Jewish trick

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Our manhood ritual is literally proving you know how to read.

Compare this with most white goyim, where it's either go kill a moose, "get your dick wet", or kill a hobo, or maybe buy a car with savings or some shit in the most optimistic case, obviously the Jew culture lends itself more towards the "mental prowess" stuff.

First of all jews are not white. Second the fact that there are 58,658 muslims that identify as white is rustling

Gilad atzmon breaks it down pretty well.
Basically the Jewish elite in Europe soaked up all the iq from the broader Jewish population through arranged marriages for hundreds of years.