Why is modern art so shit?

why is modern art so shit?

is the west doomed?

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Because the art world is a clique and if you don't cater and suck off to the higher ups, you won't break through. They hold the ultimate monopoly on what gets advertised and/or displayed. They are heavily entrenched in this system and they would lose power if they were to give it up.

A good bit of it is but don't use modern art as an umbrella term for shit art that's new, because there's some really good modern art out there. Just say modern art that goes for a cheap message in the most shallow and uncreative way possible, pic unrelated in that regard.

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>west is doomed

untallented hacks wanted to feel special so they decided that anything can be called art

Eh, Turkey has an Islamist government, so exhibits like this actually take a degree of courage, compared to women in the West doing Handmaiden's Tale cosplay as a form of "serious" protest.

Also this. If Sup Forums had existed in the late 19th century Sup Forumstards would be bitching about Impressionism and shitting on Van Gogh.

Weimar degeneracy

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>and it's only current year

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>BRRRAAAAPP in stereo

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Once again you're looking at the wrong art

pro tip a lot of great artists dont have their works plastered in some pretentious museum

I know what you mean but the West is worse

>live in small comfy town full of hipipes and leftists
>work as manager at fancy banquet serving place
>Have a huge event one weekend, turns out to be an awards show for local artists
>all of the local art community shows up, plus some other local bigwigs
>awards start
>video plays on projector of one of the guys at the dinner
>he lays out a tarp
>camera zooms out
>it's a recording of a live art show
>guy is grabbing a huge bag of manure
>lays down and dumps out all of the manure on him
>literally lies in a pile of shit
>video starts to time lapse as he just lays there in an art gallery and people come and go, just watching him lay in a pile of fucking horseshit
>video goes back to normal time
>dude gets up out of the manure
>takes off all of his clothes
>hangs them up on the wall in front of the manure
>video stops
>lights stay low, spotlight focuses on the dude who was in the video, just sitting back drinking what I assume was a really gay drink
>room suddenly errupts in applause
>standing ovation from almost everyone in attendence
>wins "best performance art" award

I want off this ride. Make art beautiful again

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read hitlers table talk, the part where he talks about modern art (because he is an artist) he says jews were behind it because they wanted to sell these easy to make and hideous paintings at high prices

>(((performance art)))
Some things shouldn't exist.

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>Hitler and his inner circle hated modern art so much, they seized more than 16,000 works of so-called degenerate art from museums throughout Germany and organized an exhibition in 1937.

The exhibition featured 650 works of what the Nazis deemed "monstrosities of madness." The point was to shame the artists and convince all Germans that modern art was a perversion created by sick minds.

At the show's first exhibition in Munich, it attracted more than two million people, and over the next three years, it would travel to a dozen more cities. Safer says it was one of the most well-attended exhibitions in German history.

"At the center of it was anti-Semitism," Safer says, "because a lot of the collectors of that cutting-edge art were Jews who saw the value of this, if you like, brutal commentary on the era."


>why is modern art so shit?
Because its money laundering.

you know what they are missing?
countless hours of hard work

At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals," which she identifies as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen:

[From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.


>22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

>23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.


hasnt modern art always been shit??

>why is modern art so shit?
You already know the answer.

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Mueck's an unappreciated genius.

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Hitler had stated clearly in 'Mein Kampf' where his thoughts lay with regards to modern art as found in Dada and cubism: “This art is the sick production of crazy people.


modern art is progressive

all modern art is basically a tax loop hole, some rich kid shits on a canvas so his dad can sell it at an art show and get a 10 mill tax cut.

why do you think modern art is almost always displayed in public buildings.

Because the left controls modern art and they’re trying to be edgy by being as degenerate as possible.

Fair point, it just appears that a lot is just rehashed abstraction with little substance/

CIA nigger mind control

art is supposed to get people to think, but nowadays people don't think. thus art is fucked up due to making it with no thought or anything causes thought

too bad you didn't barricade the doors and burn the place down

Because like acedemia, media, and government Marxist thought has overtaken art

Marxism cannot allow hierarchies and must undue the oppressive values of better and worse therefore art cannot be good or bad it can use be Marxist and thus to be subversive is to be good.

There is no value other than to scoff, mock or deconstruct any value or tradition in a society in classic Marxist fashion.

There is no good art or bad art just art that breaks down some societal norm.

>(((tax loop hole)))
>Pay 100k to (((artist)))
>Donate to (((museam))) if they claim art has appreCIAted to 10M
>Get paid to subvert goyim

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I...I, uh, ahem. Screenshot worthy.

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Not all art is made to be provocative and thought-provoking, I'd say art is more so recognised as beauty and eloquence, hence the term "work of art". The real problem with art these days is that the image of beauty is slowly but surely being tarnished and destroyed. One only needs to look at marketing campaigns (e.g. pic related) where they forego attractive people in favour of plain, or even ugly, alternatives. Traditional beauty has been under attack for a while, imo, especially with the whole "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" mumbo jumbo, allowing literally anyone to pump out "art".

Also, art is being increasingly linked to politics, as the typical artist types are your run of the mill soy chai latte drinkers that hate drumpf.

All in all, destroy beauty; destroy art.

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art = beauty + message

modernism = beauty is subjective therefore shit smeared on a canvas can be beautiful

That is some California mystery meat right there

So it's the ultimate "fuck the system"? By shitting on a canvas and selling it for millions that you can write off in taxes, you're effectively telling the government to fuck itself? Then as a continued "fuck you" your "art" gets strung up in the same governments building that you just took for millions in write offs using only a pile of shit. wtf, i love artists now

look at that girl closely. it's elliot rogers'ew form

rogers' NEW form, i meant

I would, Van Gogh is shit

Jews have low visual spacial iq so they make art that has to have long winded essays to appeal to their strengths of talmudic bs.

fuck impressionism and van gogh

i think people really need to stop looking up to female celebrities. they're already old and used up at an early age -- and most of them aren't even attractive anymore. males still look okay for some reason, but it's probably because they're just male. girls need to stop emulating this shit. it turns girls from cute to some sort of greasy product once they start emulating hollywood whores

manet started it. attack him. people were fucking pissed at the fact that his perspective in "luncheon" was wrong among other things and he did it all on purpose. i'd also give the blame more to dadaists and marcel duchamp because that's when people started thinking anything can be art


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Over priced modern/postmodern art is also used by the CIA to launder vast sums of money.

THAT'LL show those misogynists!

This is the ultimate brap post.

With the inversion of morality comes the inversion of beauty.

The best chapter of "This Time the World" by George Lincoln Rockwell talks about his time in art school.

>My artistic education was launched in the schizophrenic dichotomy of values characteristic of our exploding civilization. Half of my instructors were genuine artists and craftsmen who taught me valuable lessons. The other half were gross charlatans teaching 'modern art'. As had happened in sociology at Brown, I became aware that the teachers of 'modern art' were all pushing a pattern of ideas and techniques, and as I had discovered with sociology, the basic pattern of these 'wise men of Boeotia' was the enshrinement of mediocrity, chaos, disorder and fraud.

>It was impossible to get your mind wrapped firmly around any principle or idea in the classes of the 'modern' disciples. The only aim seemed to be being different at all costs! Out of the window with drawing, color, sensitivity, drama, idea — even art itself. But be shockingly different! That was the stroke of genius! It was the philosophy of the jaded roue, the surfeited pervert. All the 'old' values were reactionary, no good! On to something new, something exciting, something wild, and then wilder still! Never mind if what you do is ugly, so long as it is shockingly different!

>For the first time in my career and purely by instinct, without understanding the ideas involved as I have expressed them above, I began to call this kind of art' "Communism". I knew Communism was something foreign and supposed to be bad and ugly. This kind of monstrous 'art' was all these things.

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no. Those faggots go for schock value. There are fine some fine art but it just never hits the headlines...

unless it's le funny meme xd