When did you start to hate niggers Sup Forums?

When did you start to hate niggers Sup Forums?

Attached: Niggers.jpg (740x444, 92K)

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the first time I laid eyes on one

When the jews told me to.


oh good. still got your flag on. I figured your shift would be over by now. pulling a double?

about the sixth time a nigger started a conversation me by saying, "ima kill you white boy."

Nah just trolling for the (You)s.
Hate them all you want, the only problem for me is that we have to live in the same country. If they were dumb and violent in africa nobody would care.

Never, because I don't see how the colour of one's skin can be affiliated with hatred

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I don't the nigger never called me "cis white man"

I mean, yeah, obviously.

More or less when I joined the Navy many moons ago.

Living with/working with/teaching them for a few years. Beforehand I bought full scale into the "we wuz oppressed" narrative. Now I am convinced that they are still far, far behind us and that they only have themselves to blame for 95% of their problems. I guess it's not really hate at them personally but more at the fact that we're stuck with them/they're stuck with us in a system not made with them in mind.

skin color is just an indicator. Whenever I have to deal with a black person I mentally prepare myself to endure at least one occasion of their head spinning stupidity. Like, so stupid they make stupid whites look smart.

You racist

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This is the future of American
And that's a good thing

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What even is that thing?

When I had to share an apartment with one in college. Until then, ironically, I thought color was just skin deep.

Natural aversion. I dislike people that look different from me and look down upon them.


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Never hate, never prejudge. Always give someone a fair chance to be less than disappointing. They never do.

I don't lose much sleep over nog's niggin.

>you're looking at it, pussy ass cracka



When they started to hate me.

Ben Shapiro got a black woman pregnant.

When I had to live near them. Same with wagonburners.

when i get sick and tired of finding out that most crimes are comited by them i know not all blacks are bad i know that but most of them at least they are fucking back and deserve get back to the cotton field no joke


who says i hate them? I dont see them, i dont interract with them and my only experience with them was bunch of 3 niggresses (one was very good looking, would colonize) visiting Zagreb and politely asking me for directions towards city center.

So no, i dont really hate niggers, why would i


I watched a movie called zulu when i was like 5. I saw a tiny army of white britons blast away a huge army of zulu. Made me feel proud to be white and a nigger hater... for awhile... now im more "meh" whatever. Niggers are just fellow sentient beings looking to make the best of their existance. Perhapd many of them dont do well at it(commit crimes rather than get an honest job) but whatever. Theres a few decent niggers out there. Like morgan freeman for example. Plus theres alot of hot nigresses out there and i am madly attracted to big breasted large ass nigress women.

When I realised they hate me

When my eyes formed as a fetus

I've only spoken to 1 african person ever and he was a university professor 5 years ago


When the white leftists said my race should disappear for their safety.

the fucking mutts.

It took a few months of working in tourism to hate niggers with passion. No one group is worse than niggers.


Public High School.

When one killed my aunt.

the outcome of this!

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I don't. Never seen one and also I never leave my house.

grade school
>wearing full body leather suits in the Wakandan sun....
jesus niggers really are dumb af

>Public High School.

June 25th 1984, noonish

Happy Rusev day!!

I've always hated them.

Gawd damn dude, i didn't even realise that they have ones whose wanna spread uncomfortable truth

nice nips in your pic OP

when i was 5 years old and some nigger tried to mug somebody at disneyland in paris.

When they mugged me.

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First day of elementary school.

All first-years get assigned to a senior student mentor for the first week. My assigned mentor was this 5-ft blue-black Kenyan and I remember being fucking terrified of him to the point where I ran and hid from him and cried whenever he found me.

When I had to work with one, he's either incredibly lazy or brain dead.

When I moved to Oslo for uni and had to share student accommodation with a bunch of "refugees". I guess there were a few blacks at my high school, but I never had any contact with them. Before I was 18 or 19 the only black guy I knew about irl was an African pastor who is married to the local (female) priest. He is a nice guy though, but should have stayed in Africa.

>(female) priest

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