Boku no Hero

Spoilers soon
Overhaul got fucked

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This is lady lips

link to nip scans?

Check this thread bitch

yeah it's not there

>shiggy has the bullets now

Was Sandman the only hero guarding them? Really? Are you gonna tell me that they didn't bother properly guarding a weapon that could potentially fuck them up if it gets stolen?

Jesus Christ just when you thought the writing in this manga couldn't get worse.

>Get fucked by O MY REWIND
>Some b-tier villain gloats about his victory despite him being such a chickenshit he didn't dare come after you until you were completely helpless
>Get removed from the story because the author accidentally made you too strong

Poor OH.

>Shigaraki: The effort you've spent!! It's all mine now!!
>Shigaraki: From now on, just live without your fingers!! Let's do our best!!
>Spinner: Hurry up or they'll gonna come soon!! Get in!!
>Background: Robbers — !
>Chisaki: *throb... throb...*
>Shigaraki: It's our turn next.

That's a different page here Shiggy says that he's doing it because he hates Overhaul's smug look. Compress agrees.

How new r u? Fuck off.

Why doesn't he just break the shackles and escape? His hands are obviously in range of them.

Damn siggy is going metal as fuck

>waaaa why are the guys trying to be in control rushing to kill others that want the same before they get too strong/have a moment of weakness
OH MY REWIND mistake was thinking like an muh honor yakusa, just to be proved there isno more place for them in the world by the set up future biggest villian

same anti-quirk handcuffs they used before on every arrest

Why work when others can do the job for and give you all the credit and results.

Looking at Compress's face, I just realized that aside from Kurogiri, everyone in the VA is a literal child, either mentally or physically.

>My Villain Academia
Hm, wonder why

He just looks young, he's literally the brains of VA. And arguably the least retarded member, aside from Jobbogiri.

We still don't know how Kurogiri looks.

Does he have a face? I thought he was like that class b kid who has a speech bubble as a head, only in Kurogiri's case it's black mist.

His real body is hidden behind the mist. That was the reason why Bakugou managed to subdue him .

Yeah, i know the thing with his torso being normal, but does Kurogiri have normal hands and a face? When Dabi and Toga attacked Shiggy he spread out his mist hands to protect him. It's like he is half normal human body and half of the fluid villain from the first chapter.

>calls last chapter "The End"
>continues with this fucking shit instead of giving us what we want

I bet he thinks we will forget about the massive plot hole how hundreds if not thousands of people saw Deku powered up like All Might and beating up a massive monster that threatened to destroy their city block.

How's that a plothole?

Duh, they're the league of sasukes.

>what we want
Speak for yourself faggot. That fight lasted barely 5 minutes above ground. Hardly anyone probably saw it.

That would be a hilarious manga.

Barely anyone saw that you faggot

>actually trying to shill this pathetic excuse
Overhaul destroyed the walls on countless homes so they had a clear view of Deku.


Compress looks like he is around 28
Twice looks like he is around 35

I have no idea how this would make them children.

replying twice doesn't make you any less wrong

>in b4 he says "no one could possible see them up so high"
>in the next page, Twice and Toga can clearly see Deku from the street

now you're gonna say that none of the civilians could possibly look up at the sky to see where all that loud fighting noise is coming from, because that's totally the natural thing to do

>before the whole chapter was released
>>fucking Hori why is there no one w/ a quirk to guard the convoy
How about wait for the next chapter?

Hori is a faggot hack. What else did you expect?

>Have his arm popped off
>Give no fucks

Metal as fuck

Why are you putting words in my mount?

The last chapter ended w/ Shiggy trying to do something so of course this chapter's focus would go to what his plan is.

I’m only one of those replies. The fight was quick as fuck and not near long enough and there’s no reason for the average citizen to jump to the “All Might” conclusion. You’re trying to make it sound like they saw AM vs AFO part two.

I'm sorry if it came across that way. I was just trying to say that not everything needs immediate display and jump to cocnlusions immediately.

oh fuck, White Beard is going to job again

This was literally just as intense, the only difference is that there were no cameras and monologues

four hundred and sixty three people have seen Deku smash the fuck out of that monster up in the air, not counting all the policewomen and police officers also

>We survived the dressrosa/fulbringer/ninja war/Central arc of BnH


jumping to conclusions immediately is bad*

>Shiggydiggy bullies helpless Overmeme for no reason

I wonder if Shigi can throw his hands.

>Tfw this operation is now a part failure thanks to Shiggy fucking people up at the end

That’s escort villain part failed

of course he can?!

>you suck Tomura
>let me show you how it's done
I'd laugh too if I wasn't so disappointed at OH.


But are they still effective then? Every time he uses his quirk, it's either his own hands, or while holding one of those detached ones.

the detached one are not his

Eh, Fullbringers and Dressrosa can't even compare with this arc. They were terrible.

Ok, so you are shitposting. Just wanted to make sure.

>tfw instead of Deku, what everyone actually saw was Ochaco restraining Overhaul at the end

Uravity the new symbol of peace

They did that whole attack to secure the Anti Quirk bullets and rescue Eri. With so many injured, the League having the bullets and only Eri saved this is a pyrrhic victory at best for the heroes and a flawless victory for the league. (Simple victory if counting in Magnes loss before the attack happened.)

It was nowhere near as intense and unlike that fight we didn’t have proof of there being camera crews around and showing it everywhere.

>restraining some random guy no one's ever seen
>Deku literally smashing some giant monster that destroyed a bunch of people's homes

if Deku won't get famous for doing this, I'm dropping this series forever

>It was nowhere near as intense and unlike that fight we didn’t have proof of there being camera crews around and showing it everywhere.
>the only difference is that there were no cameras and monologues

>shonen protagonist getting recognition from the public
go away

This is suppsoed to be not like any other shone

Hey look Sup Forums was wrong yet again

Deku was in pain at the end when Overhauls giga hand showed up and he ran out of power before Ochaco restrained him

Who the fuck said that?

What were those assholes wrong about again?

Wrong about what? We've already seen this picture days ago


They were asking why wasn't there a hero with the escort the previous chapter to take the villains. This chapter reveals that there was one with them.

The bnhafags who think that this manga isn't generic.

Typical Sup Forums

Shigaraki is the only one wwho can save this manga, let him shine ;_;

Horikoshi is a hack, what do you expect?

It was still very dumb because there was only one hero on the escort

So yeah, still shitty writing

If it wasn't generic you'd criticize it for being pretentious and dumb.

>One hero
>Zero cops

You would think that since cops are more numerous we would have atleast 3 cars with them in the escort and the Hero

But nope, the escort of a gang leader is just one guy


It's two cars, a van and a pro.

>Zero cops
We've now gotten to the point where people are speedreading through raws

The van was where OH was and it seems like there were only him and the driver there

>calling some side character who instantly dies in the same chapter he's introduced in a "hero"

It’s like he’s not even trying to be subtle with his samefagging

Thats the car the hero was at you fucking aborption

>b-but the driver was a cop

If you want to be such huge faggot alright
One Hero
One Cop

Might aswell be a fucking jackie chan movie

user always delivers

Why is it that cops with guns never get the job done even though many quirk users don't have the ability to defend against bullets.

When was the last time a random cop with a gun managed to take down a bad guy?

That's korean, not nip

>They transported the bad guy along with the dequirking bullets
Aside from the shitty security this was dumb as fuck.

Better wait for Monday then if you really prefer japanese.

Shiggy looks badass as fuck here
this guy is no jobber, he went full in

>3 guys to escort a gang leader and a lethal biological weapons
>And only one of them was able to fight because he was not driving

Hori truly just said fuck it this arc huh

When is bikini beach fanservice arc?

That's actually how it often happens IRL. Sorry to break your conceptions about the world.

Next one more likely
We had an action arc so now its a SoL arc
And vacations are close


>Outright bending reality to defend shitty writing

Okay user, thats how it works

When you'll grow up you'll learn even more scary things.

Like how to be a Walmart cashier like you?
yikes thats a very scary life prospect

Is overhaul truly kill?

>even overhaul flinches in response to Shiggy's decaying touch

how much does it hurt

I want a body switch episode as well. Anyone here know of the most likely combinations?

We can only hope

Overhaul hates to be touched by anyone.