Holy shit my heart... why didn't anybody warn me about the feels. I honestly feel more for these characters than anyone else in actual life. I feel broken.
How do I recover?
>liking medicore drama
Just end it all.
Happiness is just one 10 story drop away.
>Your meme in April
Do you want to commit double suicide with me?
What, and then share waifus in the afterlife?
No way, I'm going alone.
It was all fake.
They manipulated you with nice music and cute character designs to hide the bad writing and romance cliches.
Now go watch 3-gatsu no Lion instead and cry real tears.
Best girl won
The ghost of kaori hanging over him forever ensures nobody won. The ''what if'' would cloud his every relationship.
I don't give a shit about her.
His stupid trauma was ridiculous. His apprentice was cute though.
>melodrama shit
The characters were shit and I didn't even empathize with them.
Good bait
just read aku no hana to flush your system
I only watched it because of the Piano.
It was shit, I watched it for music and got awful melodrama instead. Arima's PTSD was way to excessive and there were numerous points where he was over it and then they re-visited it again and again so it just dragged on and on. Also Kaori was fucking annoying, all she did was wave her death flag around and nothing else.
>watch drama show
>hurrr too much drama!
I know anime watchers are dumb in general but fuck
Nobody hates it because it has drama. The problem is that the drama is Okada-tier
If you unironically dislike your lie in april you don't have the right to call yourself an anime fan.
Go back to watching yu-gi-oh, faggots.
What's some actual good drama?
So people hate because of the drama
You're not even trying anymore fellow r*dditor
Well, your parents feel that way every time they see you. And you can always fix it by killing yourself.
I still got unfinished business, of non-isis, non-shooting, non-backlog nature.
Watch better anime
teen thread
Do you want to commit double suicide with me?