This is my waifu. Say something nice to her.
This is my waifu. Say something nice to her
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that's a boy user
Her name is Samantha.
She sounds like she's been smoking a pack a day since birth.
She's from medabots right
I've fapped to her at least twice in my life.
Thanks for reminding me about that Metabots breast expansion doujin.
>watching the dub when there's a sub
I like her hair.
How many times have you made this thread?
Why the fuck was her voice so shit in the English Dub for fuck sake. It sounded like someone was using their fingernails on chalkboard
Ok, give me a link. I"ll wait.
her name is Kikuhime
do you have to join nyaapantsu to see hidden torrents or something? I tried searching before and didn't find this, just found a couple of raws and a whole bunch of spanish subs.
It's not a hidden torrent, it shows up on top when you search for Medarot.
You searched using "Medabots" didn't you?
the first cour of medarot isn't very good
It didn't pick up until the Robos quit playing around and used Robo Emperor to rekt Rokusho's house.
there's stupid filler motw like the one about the gym teacher and the beach when there's barely anyone in the cast to play around with, screws disappear for episodes at a time.
all of the kids should have been introduced in the first three eps, the roborobos should have been the antagonists in the first episode rather than appearing in the introduction, then it's okay to start having random eps as is normal for a kids motw but now you actually have a varied cast instead of just ikki the girl and robot naruto. also, more screws, i'm not a kikuhime lover like the op who has made these threads for a few years but its a little bothersome how they're hardly present in the middle chunk of the first cour
These are my waifus. Say something nice about them.
Peppercat is a cutie!
Are you that guy who had been waifu her since you were little?
That's some waifu faithfulness you have there
It's morally acceptable wanting to have sexual relationships with a Medarot?
>missing out on niggabee
She confused me as a kid. I used to have daydreams about being bullied by her because she liked me.
>Are you that guy who had been waifu her since you were little?
Yeah, that's me alright.
Your waifu probably gave me some yankee/delinquent fetish but I keep finding better ones all over the damn place.
That's interesting, care to tell more details?