So are we getting new To Love-ru series or not?

So are we getting new To Love-ru series or not?

The formula was getting really stale and all, but this could so easily be fixed by just leaving Earth for some space adventures.

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Wait a year or two

>Space adventures
Rito getting kidnapped for a proper shounen series with papa deviluke when?

I miss my monthly dose of super interesting

A real shame.

>but this could so easily be fixed by just leaving Earth for some space adventures
Or finally starting to make Rito less of a faggot, since just going from his current self to the harem king would easily produce five years worth of manga material.

Captcha: king calle

Waiting is hard

>harem king

Literally nobody wants that. Harem fanservice series that turn MC into manly alpha flop hard.

And you already had chapters with manly alpha Rito and all girls hated that shit.


>Series about a harem and harem adventures
>conclusion to the series that they've been building up to
>No one wants that!!!
You're a bit silly user.

Literally nobody gives a fuck about Rito. TLR is popular because of the girls. Hell, it would be better to make space spin-off about girls with Rito as side character.

Not an argument. It’s a harem series, that means harem end. No one gives a fuck about your problems with the MC.

Mikan series when

>Literally nobody wants that.

>Magical girl Mikan
>She gets a bunch of 'lesbian' sidekicks because that's popular right?
>By the end of the series they've fallen for Rito too
I'd probably laugh.

You are not getting a harem end and you know it.

Haruna's opposition to a true harem ending is already being broken down. The TLRD ending is proof of that, after she sees Rito crying his ass out. If Haruna accepts a harem ending, this manga ends in a harem. She's too kind to not let Lala get down with Rito's cock with her.
SasuRito is a thing in Japan. No one gives a fuck about your "muh alpha muh manly Rito" complaints in the main Japanese market for TLR.
They consider Rito the vehicle, the very apparatus, by which females get naked, lewd, and sexy. And that is the important thing about TLR. Only outside Japan is Rito looked down upon.

>And that is the important thing about TLR

Girls can get lewd and naked without Rito around. Darkness ended because people were tired of Rito tripping face first into vaginas.

>people still don't realize japanese audience hate shows that take place outside of japan or japanese-inspired locations

>japanese people hate Dragon Ball, One Piece or Gundam

This is so wrong it's not even funny.

You got any sources for that opinion user?

>They consider Rito the vehicle, the very apparatus, by which females get naked, lewd, and sexy

You mean you consider. Because plenty of best and famous fanservice scenes in TLR had no Rito around. Darkness fanservice got so boring he had to resolve to the entire vagina reflections thing to keep people interested.

>Harem fanservice series that turn MC into manly alpha flop hard.

Glad to see Lala is perfect even down there. And mikado is pretty tight for a cake

>people were tired of Rito tripping face first into vaginas.
Right. That's why people are missing TLR right now.
>talking shit when he probably can't even read Japanese and read Japanese posts in Japanese sites

>Because plenty of best and famous fanservice scenes in TLR had no Rito around.
There were a vote for the best scenes in TLR in one of the vote books. The Top 10 scenes, only one did not include Rito (Momo and Momioka foreplay in the bath). All others had Rito.

The one voted best scene was Rito being hugged by naked women after the cleaning machine made by Lala went crazy in the women's locker room.


>Hell, it would be better to make space spin-off about girls with Rito as side character.
Darkness was basically this, but without the space part

Lala can't stop developing into best girl.
I didn't like her at first, but she really grew up in all sorts of ways after the first chapter.

Rito ejected into Lala's butt and he clearly liked it.

Because of moralfag editors, not because the audience doesn't want it.
If that happens at all, that is.

I miss Momo


Why did Mikan stop that?

Definitely miss fapping to a new TLR.

Is Mea a roastie?


I miss Nemesis. We had barely scratched the surface with her and then the manga ended.

Does Yabuki even keep them consistent? Yui's changes like three times.

Are these cards new? Never seen them before.

Kinda makes you wonder. Have these two tribbed before?

That one is the best page of the entire series

>Yui's changes like three times


Depends on the spreading intensity.

I still don't forgive them they didnt go for a harem end. I feel like most of his readers wouldve been okay with that


You'll get another + an announcement from Yabuki in about two weeks, so hold out.

>not because the audience doesn't want it

It's both actually. Harem endings are generally hated.

There were chapters where Rito acted like this and they were hated. Both by most fans and by girls in the series.

People are retarded.

>Wait for two years
>let's continue the story
>whoops, all our fans are grown up now
>it can't be helped, we'll have to make it Seinen this time.

That's because it was usually one of those "olol he got brainwashed into a lecherous asshole by yet another one of Lala's devices" chapters. If it were a natural progression into a more suave version with some swag, I'd bet people would be more open to it.

Glad to know haruna is used goods

>I feel like most of his readers wouldve been okay with that
Harem plan.

Best glasses ever!

Fucking Gypsies.

They wouldn't. Especially not the fat nip otaku making the majority of the fanbase.

No, Harem endings that are executed shit, just made to end a series without resolution and/or has a little build up and development are hated, just provide both and harem end will be loved.
In my experience, the best harem end I've read was Umi no misaki one, all girls are developed, MC showed attraction to all of them and the girls are actually friends with each other so them agreeing to share to one guy is actually not surprising at all.

True harem endings are generally well-liked. "Harem" endings are different and most series don't have true harem endings.

Is this worth reading/watchin if I just fapped 5 min ago?

Going for a harem ending right now makes no sense.
Yui still isn't ready. Nana isn't ready. Haruna is not quite ready yet. Run isn't ready. Rin isn't ready either. In order for the story to have a believable harem ending, they need to fall even harder for Rito.
At the time TLRD ended, that situation wasn't there yet.

why are westerners so obsessed with having harem leads be alpha chads?

>watching the new TLR OVA
>Rito was licking Lala's tail repeatedly
He's a secret perv right?

But where's Risa?






They set up a lot on the tail end of Darkness for Nemesis so I really hope Part 3 is called Nemesis.


Still my favorite shot in the entire series

Source: My ass

Well, if it got greenlit in the first place...

>Literally nobody wants that
Get out.

Will this ever get animated?

I'm amazed that this hasn't been animated yet.

The space must suck ass since all the aliens clearly prefer to hang out on the Earth.

yabuki's next work gets announced in like 2 weeks. but he said it most likely won't be tlr (though he still wants to make more tlr)

This if how I immagine the paradise.

Why does Momo make such great yuri rape material?

I don't know. I like her dick sucking confident self better. Momo being dominated by another person just seems weird.

Why are some people unable to think outside of extremes and believe that the only alternative to eternal cardboard cutout beta faggot is a manwhore that fucks every girl he meets?

Not having that threesome bath with Mikan, Momo and Rito was a crime against humanity.

I hope it continues, Yui hasn't come to terms with how shameless she is.